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WTF is Veterans Today Network? WTF is Veterans Today Network?

04-19-2015 , 07:18 AM

WTF is Veterans Today Network? Wikipedia has nothing on them their site is plain boastful BS decorated with 2 late Nam vets, one of them dead for 9 years. The content makes RT and Infowars look respectable compared 2 them. Their chief columnist Finian Cunningham is often invited to Iranian and Russian propaganda media, hence his "anti-fascism" and hatred of Jews, IMO. Here is their TOP 50 READ ARTICLES THIS WEEK, enjoy the conspirological madness:

Faking the Boston bombing: How it was done
Caught: Germany Bought Israel’s Nukes
America, Khazarian Mafia Vassal State and Israeli occupied territory (Up...
The Epic Fail of Wikileaks and Assange
False flag fails: A new paradigm shift?
9/11 was ‘mother of all false flag attacks’
Russia bashers eat crow as Putin wins Time Magazine poll
Monsters among us – Evil with a nice face (Part III) (Updated)
The “Khazarian Mafia” Plotting Another 9/11?
Sandy Hook Hoax: How we know it didn’t happen
The Real Exodus: End of Israel
Strange Bedfellows: The Nazi – Israel Nuclear Partnership
Pedophile “Lord Janner” and the Golden Brick Road of Hypocrisy
Jade Helm: Another Neocon Hoax
How Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor was concealed from the U.S. – Ha’aretz
Putin lifts ban on delivery of S-300 missile systems to Iran
Pravda: Putin Threatens to Release Satellite Evidence of 9/11
Pillars of American “Democracy:” Cloak-and-Dagger Smoking Gun Evidence
Your Radiation This Week
US to develop 6th generation fighters to outrun Russian, Chinese Jets
Jade Helm 15: Prelude to False Flag and Martial Law?
The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (Updated)
Hitler’s Mein Kampf to Return to Germany?
NEO – Saudi Arabia’s Aggression in Yemen has Backfired
Israel moves to cover-up its alliance with al-Qaeda in Syria

Will the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide Entice Obama to Fina...
Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax
Asteroid Warning: Govt Preps Underground Bases
NEO – Kiev Commits Energy Hari Kiri
Ed Miliband And The Jews
Hebdo Cockroaches: The War between Kevin Barrett and the “Charlie&...
Israel’s deliveries of weapons to Ukraine to increase death toll –...
S Arabia’s claim on Iranian troops in Yemen a joke: Analyst
Israeli investigative journalist: Bibi a suspect in Charlie Hebdo massacre
Pillars of American “Democracy:” Cloak and Dagger Case Studies
AEGIS Fail in Black SEA, Ruskies Burn Down USS Donald “Duck”
Judaism Is Pushing Us Towards a War With Iran
Who Sold Iran to the “Khazarian Mafia” in 1872?
Your Radiation, This Week
NEO – Russian-Iranian Creation of New Regional Security Systems
NEO – Why America Is Being Targeted
Lord Janner will not face child sex abuse charges, CPS says
Hillary Jumps In With All Her Baggage
European Organization for Security and Information: Israel and US create...
Israel nuked America on 9-11-01! – Shout it from the rooftops (Par...
The 9/11 Passenger Paradox: What happened to Flight 93?
9/11: Video of Missile Hitting Pentagon Leaked
Boston Marathon Bombings’
Breakaway SNP strikes fear into Westminster parties
U.S., Russia, China, All Torture Prisoners

04-19-2015 , 11:20 AM
splc to the rescue
04-19-2015 , 02:07 PM
04-19-2015 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Anais
I did not expect the SPLC to have so many white nationalist types in their comments section.
04-19-2015 , 03:02 PM
Faking the Boston bombing: How it was done
By Jim Fetzer on April 15, 2015.
A "Cut Suit", a prosthetic human body worn by a person like a skin-tight gown, includes fake skin and organs and a reservoir of fake blood…
04-20-2015 , 03:55 AM
Looks like FOXNEWS & MSNBC has some serious competition!
