Originally Posted by krmont22
Better off not voting at all or voting 3rd party. If you don't want Obama, don't vote for him. Elections aren't supposed to be you settling for someone or choosing whoever you hate the least. Vote for someone you actually want to see in office. Don't not vote because "someone can't win." That is exactly what the establishment wants you to think. Like 25pct of the voting population votes. I ask tons of people why they dont, and they always say "because it doesn't matter." Imagine if another 25pct came out and voted for one guy. He instantly wins.
This is pretty much impossible since the same scumbags that control the government also control the media. Anyone who had even a remote chance of uniting the non-voters would get demonized and **** all over non-stop via TV/internet/newspapers/magazines until they faded from view. (Or not even covered to begin with if it's at all feasible)
If by some miracle this didn't work, then there would be some sort of technicality that would prevent the independent candidate from appearing on the ballot in a handful of key states.
that looks like it won't work, then it's a sniper's bullet to the head at a campaign rally.
The people that have entrenched themselves in power in this country aren't going give it up merely because the people want something different.