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Wisconsin Governor deploys "nuclear option" and takes on public unions. Wisconsin Governor deploys "nuclear option" and takes on public unions.

08-26-2011 , 12:34 PM
No, you didn't just get the order wrong. You got the actual facts of what was going on wrong, yet again. The sheriff handed it to multiple agency's that would investigate at the same time, the DA who got it handed it off because it was his case in front of the court that caused the argument. They aren't handing it off because 'of some crazy lib judge' as you asserted. While her story may have been bogus that doesn't warrant changing all the other facts around the issue just so you can come in here and post another 'omg how low will the dems go?????' line.

Its getting incredibly tiresome to come in here and correct all of your lies.
08-26-2011 , 01:08 PM
Do you get this stuff right off HuffPo comment section or something?

Use your head.

Any of the investigating bodies along the way could have put an end to this weeks ago. They wanted to let Prosser stew in controversy as long as possible since everyone knew nothing could come of it.

Do you really think that all of these democrats along the way refused the chance to possibly charge a controversial republican in a case that would get him tossed off the bench if there was ANY chance that he actually did it? Are you this blind to politics?

That they didn't even investigate it for fear of being accused of having some conflict of interest?

The guy who nailed Prosser would have been a democratic LEGEND in Wisconsin after the whole Prosser/Kloppenburg defeat to the dems.
08-26-2011 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Do you get this stuff right off HuffPo comment section or something?

Use your head.

Any of the investigating bodies along the way could have put an end to this weeks ago. They wanted to let Prosser stew in controversy as long as possible since everyone knew nothing could come of it.

Do you really think that all of these democrats along the way refused the chance to possibly charge a controversial republican in a case that would get him tossed off the bench if there was ANY chance that he actually did it? Are you this blind to politics?

That they didn't even investigate it for fear of being accused of having some conflict of interest?

The guy who nailed Prosser would have been a democratic LEGEND in Wisconsin after the whole Prosser/Kloppenburg defeat to the dems.
No. Rather than create some what ifs and conspiracy theory bull**** I read the news articles on what actually happened. Its odd that you accuse me of getting my information from HuffPo comment section when you're the one that comes into this thread and posts some extreme partisan nonsense, or **** you just make up, constantly.
08-26-2011 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Oh Wisconsin democrats, how much worse can it possibly get for you?
They could lose two Senators in recall elections?
08-26-2011 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
No. Rather than create some what ifs and conspiracy theory bull**** I read the news articles on what actually happened. Its odd that you accuse me of getting my information from HuffPo comment section when you're the one that comes into this thread and posts some extreme partisan nonsense, or **** you just make up, constantly.
Thankfully, there are people in the real world who are a little less willing to just blindly accept what the media spoon-feeds them. Because stories have never been spun by the media to put them in the best possible light for one side, right?

Safe way to live, Joe. But is it really living?

Ask a few questions every once in a while.
08-26-2011 , 05:15 PM
Like I said, I don't spend my time coming up with bull**** conspiracy type theories to help justify my world view.

If I didn't ask questions about anything I read I wouldn't have used 90% of my posts in this thread correcting your lies.
08-26-2011 , 05:22 PM
To show how the same set of facts can be viewed depending on one's pov:
08-26-2011 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by Hamish McBagpipe
They could lose two Senators in recall elections?
Whut? Was that a Bazinga?

Last edited by Whut?; 08-26-2011 at 06:26 PM.
08-26-2011 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by swinginglory
To show how the same set of facts can be viewed depending on one's pov:
Analyzing the facts and coming out with a different opinion or interpretation is one thing, making up or changing the underlying facts is entirely different though.
08-26-2011 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Analyzing the facts you've been given and coming out with a different opinion or interpretation is one thing, using some logic and creative thinking based on the situation to deduce the ones you haven't been given is entirely different though.

You'd be a terrible investigative journalist. You're just not cynical enough.
08-26-2011 , 09:22 PM
I didn't know investigative journalism depended on the ability to just make **** up.
08-27-2011 , 12:24 AM
It's called reading between the lines.
08-27-2011 , 12:27 AM
lololol was it "reading between the lines" when you changed the news article headline to make it appear that a school district had extended a contract with teachers when it was merely a proposal? I guess making things up that fit your narrative is the new definition of investigation.
08-27-2011 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
I didn't know investigative journalism depended on the ability to just make **** up.
Dan Rather sez hai
11-16-2011 , 05:23 PM
This is not a photoshop.

This was actually on for about an hour before being taken down.


11-16-2011 , 05:28 PM
That's probably a serious event. I doubt it's designed to foment a circle-jerk amongst conservatives.
11-16-2011 , 05:34 PM
odd post from RedState...
Remember, folks: Yes on Recall means Yes on Higher Property Taxes. Because the Left resents it when you take your tax money away from them. And that remains true, even if the cemetery thing isn’t.
don't see where it was ddetermined that the cemetary things isn't true. It takes no great leap of faith to suggest that the republicans made it up.
11-16-2011 , 05:41 PM
Anyone can create an event on that website.
11-16-2011 , 05:42 PM
Man, I hope they can recall Walker.
11-16-2011 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
This is not a photoshop.

This was actually on for about an hour before being taken down.


I'm glad this was posted. I think this is a good way to see how right wing propaganda gets spread. I searched this out. Its all over right wing blogs. All of them basically posting the original source over and over (all link back to either Red State or Free Republic.) Everywhere its posted you have a gaggle of mike_clark types having anti-democrat circle jerks whooping in their delight.

Yet... none of them question just how implausible this is. I mean... they're honest belief is that the Dem. political machine is so stupid that they would organize an event like this and post it on their website. And that they would copy the names of 10,000 dead people and not get caught?

Coincidence that this story mirrors the right wing current ranting on voter fraud despite the actual very low evidence that it even happens?

While almost certain a prank or complete fabrication by someone on the right you can be sure this will spread far and wide and be more 'ammo' that the left is fixing elections.

If its proven false (as it may be by the note I posted above) that info will oddly not be as vigorously dissimenated.

I offer that this (and your average chain letters) is how so much ignorance and misinformation is shared by this voting block.
11-16-2011 , 05:46 PM
Yeah, I don't think you really need to "determine that it isn't true."

Interesting sense of humor somebody with posting privileges has though.

It would take 5 minutes for them to find out who posted it though. I think it was probably a misguided attempt at being funny. If it turns out it was a red spy, I will donate $20 to the recall effort.
11-16-2011 , 05:51 PM

Literally anyone can make an event on that site. I don't think you even need to create an account.

If you want to create an event where you have people for a shooting session in the woods outside of Milwaukee where you shoot at signs that say things like "taxes," "welfare," and "the ACLU," you could probably get it posted, have it stay up for an hour, and have it be completely untraceable to you.
11-16-2011 , 05:53 PM
You need an account to create events. I tried before posting the image.

You need to donate money to get an account.

Edit: To clarify, when you click "go to step 2" in the event creation page, you have to log in.
11-16-2011 , 05:58 PM
OK, I didn't bother because I don't know WI zip codes off the top of my head. Still, they do say "anyone can create an event," and I'd be pretty surprised if only donors can get an account. They let you subscribe to their email newsletter for free right? That's probably all they need. Barring that, $5 seems like a cheap price to pay for someone who wants to make himself famous on the internets.
11-16-2011 , 06:04 PM
Seems to be a $25 minimum for event related things, but your point is obviously understood.

Around 100 people signed up for the event though before it got pulled. I doubt those 100 people also paid $25 to fake signup for it.
