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Will Trump Serve a Full Term? Will Trump Serve a Full Term?
View Poll Results: Well?
116 48.13%
125 51.87%

01-11-2017 , 05:56 PM
Unless he dies, he'll serve at least 2 terms.
01-11-2017 , 06:10 PM
he serves 1.57 terms. he has to go past the halfway mark of the second term so that Pence is eligible for two full terms after completing the partial term.
01-11-2017 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by awval999
I agree.

I can easily see him saying, look at all these jobs we brought back. Unemployment at 4%. ISIL destroyed. The DOW is at, I don't know, let's say 25,000, an ALL TIME HIGH.

And just ride out into the sunset.
Yes, and since gathering statistics that prove Republicans are liars will soon be outlawed, we'll have to take his word for it that any of those things are true.
01-11-2017 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by awval999
I know this is the 2+2 political forums is pretty much the equivalent to a dailykos blog now, but come the hell on.

You and I both know that handing over the nuclear codes is high treason. He would be impeached, convicted and executed for that.
Truly, you have a dizzying intellect. Why are you wasting your time on the Internet when the newspaper comic sections are full of impossibilities--since you obviously have no concept of hyperbole, analogy, or figure of speech. Why, they have animals that talk!!!!1! Did you know the libraries are infested with books about spiders that spell, and kids riding broomsticks as some sort of game? Get on it, Captain Literal!

I would say "you and I both know that when someone says 'X could happen and some people would still Y,' the X is exaggerated for effect," but apparently we both don't know it.
01-11-2017 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by BMOL33
He won't seek re-election IMO, but I'd be surprised if the GOP does not win again in 2020 anyway. I mean if Corey Booker is who we have to look forward to we may as well just sit at home and not vote, because that guy has a trail about 500 miles long of dirt that will bury him by June 1 2020.
No idea why you're automatically assuming it'd be Booker, and no idea what huge trail of dirt you're talking about regarding him anyway.

If Trump drops out and Pence is the nominee, I can't imagine him winning. He has none of the things Trumps does that motivated angry righties to come out of the woodwork, and his social stances are odious.
01-11-2017 , 09:27 PM
John Wilkes Booth

Lee Harvey Oswald

Congestive Heart Failure
01-11-2017 , 09:45 PM
POTUS must be one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. 4 presidents assassinated, 3 were shot and survived, 5 other very close calls and various foiled plots.
01-11-2017 , 10:07 PM
thanks riverman you ass for cursing us with at least two terms of Trump. Why couldn't yuo let someone else make this thread?
01-12-2017 , 01:44 AM
The best thing for the country is that he serves 1 full term and loses in a Democratic landslide in 2020.
01-13-2017 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by grizy
He's most likely getting two terms.
If he manages to use his twitter account to terrorize Republicans into doing populist things he definitely will be. He can also use the Democrats as a cudgel to force the Republicans to get things done.

The only real silver lining from this mess is that Trump has infinitely more opportunity to get things done than we've seen since Reagan. He has loyalists in the GOP who are afraid of him and will sing from his hymnal... And he has the entire Democratic party who are always open for business if you're willing to deal with them.

That puts people like Mitch in a much tougher spot than they have been under Obama. Remember these guys ONLY care about being reelected and they ONLY fear primary opponents. It's much easier for them to just follow orders to keep their jobs. I don't think they're going to miraculously grow scruples. These are the same people who couldn't be bothered to pass Zika funding because that would make their political opponents look good. (And who stalled the country legislatively for the better part of a decade for purely political reasons)

After the last 16 years (I was 15 in 2000 so this literally my entire adult life) I'm for absolutely anything getting done. We have a lot of major problems that need legislative fixes. At this point I don't care who gets the credit, I just want someone to do something. Democrats should maybe grow up and get gud at politics. They ran bad candidates in 2000 & 2004 and it didn't work out. They ran a good candidate in 2008/2016 and they won. Their incompetence at the game of politics is the #1 problem they have to address. You can have demographics on your side, be right about most of the policy issues, and still lose every branch of government apparently. I'm not interested in hearing how Hillary got robbed... Hillary had a LOT going for her, much more than her opponent, and she still lost. That loss is 100% the responsibility of HRC and the Democratic Party. I donated to her campaign in 2016 and I went out to vote in KY at 6am. Today I'm considering becoming a Republican for purely pragmatic reasons.
01-13-2017 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by hornbug
he serves 1.57 terms. he has to go past the halfway mark of the second term so that Pence is eligible for two full terms after completing the partial term.
It won't be Pence. It will be Ivanka.
01-13-2017 , 08:20 AM
Yes, one term.
01-13-2017 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by 2OutsNoProb
No idea why you're automatically assuming it'd be Booker, and no idea what huge trail of dirt you're talking about regarding him anyway.

If Trump drops out and Pence is the nominee, I can't imagine him winning. He has none of the things Trumps does that motivated angry righties to come out of the woodwork, and his social stances are odious.
Yeah, Pence would not win IMO. He's a bit too Al Gore like when it comes to presence, he comes off very rigid and somewhat unlikeable. I'm not sure it will be Booker, I would just list him as one of the three front runners. I think being unmarried hurts him significantly although that could change in the next 3 years. He had numerous under the table things going on during his time in Newark. If you google Chris Christie/Booker most of it is there.
01-13-2017 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by well named
I took yes to mean "at least a full term", not exactly a full term. C'est la vie.
Exactly -- a president that serves two terms also served a full term. Voted yes.
01-13-2017 , 05:24 PM
theres zero chance he resigns, only way he leaves before the term is up is impeachment/conviction
01-13-2017 , 10:57 PM
No way he wins reelection. If he does he loses the popular vote by an even bigger margin. In 4 more years more republicans will be dead and more young people will be eligible to vote.

I could see him quiting if times get tough because we all know that he is a quitter and has no mental toughness.
01-13-2017 , 11:38 PM
assassinations of us presidents isn't exactly a rare event.

taking into consideration how much easier it is to get long range accurate weaponry now vs even 10 years ago and how strong and polarized attitudes are towards him and you've gotta figure it's way more likely than the cumulative average to date.
01-14-2017 , 01:06 AM
Just a reminder, trump is the least popular president elect in history. I'm hoping he doesn't get a popularity boost from being incompetent enough to let a major terror attack happen on US soil the way bush did, but time will tell.
01-14-2017 , 01:17 AM
In 4 more years more republicans will be dead and more young people will be eligible to vote.
This is very flawed thinking. People were saying that after 2000 and now look where we are.
01-14-2017 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
Just a reminder, trump is the least popular president elect in history. I'm hoping he doesn't get a popularity boost from being incompetent enough to let a major terror attack happen on US soil the way bush did, but time will tell.
idk if bush actually read the "bin laden determined to strike inside US" briefing that he got 6 months prior to 9/11", but we can be certain trump wouldn't have
01-14-2017 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by problemeliminator
This is very flawed thinking. People were saying that after 2000 and now look where we are.
Go look at demographics. It isn't flawed thinking.
01-14-2017 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by awval999
I agree.

I can easily see him saying, look at all these jobs we brought back. Unemployment at 4%. ISIL destroyed. The DOW is at, I don't know, let's say 25,000, an ALL TIME HIGH.

And just ride out into the sunset.
I seem to also recall you also seeing Trump wafflecrushing Hillary at the debates so you'll excuse me if I don't necessarily buy into your prognostications here.
01-14-2017 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
idk if bush actually read the "bin laden determined to strike inside US" briefing that he got 6 months prior to 9/11", but we can be certain trump wouldn't have
Not just that, but trump is so at odds with the intelligence community that he seems to want to go back to how things were pre-9/11, where departments weren't sharing info and coordinating. That's dangerous and will cost American lives.
01-14-2017 , 05:18 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
theres zero chance he resigns, only way he leaves before the term is up is impeachment/conviction
If one term is prison term, it counts btw.
01-14-2017 , 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by Paul D
Go look at demographics. It isn't flawed thinking.
Dude don't tell me to look at the demographics. Every not-challenged poster on this site is well aware of the "inevitable democrat majority due to demographics" argument.
Start with this.

There was a really in depth report commissioned by the Dems that also rubbished the idea, but I'm having trouble finding it.
