Originally Posted by Brian J
You do realize that the very real threat of imminent death might have had something to do with this right?
Yeah and?
Originally Posted by Brian J
Not exactly a widely available thing you know for obvious reasons. I don't believe water boarding is torture but here you go:
1) KSM freely admitted his role in 9/11 to al-Jazeera. No new info there.
2) There has yet to be any basis for the supposed "second wave of attacks" he was involved in.
3) KSM was very well documented as prone to exaggeration and self-aggrandizement
even by the 9/11 Commission Report. There is question as to what extent any of his confessions can be trusted as he has even admitted to giving false information to stop the torture.
And yes, waterboarding is most certainly a form of torture.
Originally Posted by ctyri
You must not have grown up with siblings. Torture can be effective.
Sure, I have siblings. And I already said torture is effective for the purpose of intimidation. This is far different than gathering reliable intelligence. With torture, you can pretty much get a person to admit anything
Doesn't mean there aren't much more effective means that don't compromise one's principles, nor does it imply that often it produces rubbish (like any interrogation method), but implying that torture never produced a piece of useful information through history is silly. Go tickle your little brother until he gives in.
It makes little sense to use torture as a method of extracting reliable intelligence when there are far more effective ways to get reliable intelligence, unless of course you are using the torture as a form of intimidation for political purposes. In that respect it is effective.