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Why America's Capitalistic System is Destined to Collapse Why America's Capitalistic System is Destined to Collapse

02-16-2009 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by Taso
That's also a bizarro definition of isolationist.

When are you claiming the US was isolationist? At all times before 1970?
The only thing that makes any sense to me is that he is getting the US mixed up with China.
02-16-2009 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
In bizarroland... the US was never completely isolationist, nor was it more powerful or vibrant in comparison to the rest of the world when it was less active in worldwide affairs. In fact, the opposite is true.
That statement is simply untrue.

America was far ahead of the rest of the world in the 50's - 60's and early 70's! It was when Nixon allowed US Gold to go on a world standard, opening the so called "free market" that the current economy began. The US has had lots of booms and busts since gold was "free floated" by Nixon in the 70's

Better study US productivity in the 50's (television came to the main stream) 60's housing, cars (the era of personal freedom due to so much leisure time created by our technology) early 70's (the beginning of the end)

The US was in great shape until the mid 70's when we maxed our own markets and decided to open our productivity to the rest of the world.

We took our labor force and tried to compete with the rest of the world. We lost. US business outsourced their jobs and now today, the US economy is paying a big price. (at least that is what it appears like today, until/unless the US invents (new products) its way out of this recession)

A world war will set a new world order. Do you want to fight one?
02-16-2009 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Just about every statement in this post is verifiably false. First off, the gold standard you are referencing was when the US set their standard to $35/oz, but the standard was only in use from after wwII to nixon. Throughout the US's history, it didn't use the gold standard for just about all of the 1800s.

Furthermore, the post-war gold standard was a tool for the American government to increase their economic influence throughout the world, not less, because so many other countries pegged their currency to the US dollar instead of gold.

Finally, the claim that the US was better off in the 70s compared to the 80s, 90s, this decade or even today is simply laughable and not worthy of a serious debate.

You are lost! I'll take the 50's - 60's - early 70's over this world today.

You answered your own statement above , (twice) with the facts, you just ignored your statement - "Furthermore, the post-war gold standard was a tool for the American government to increase their economic influence throughout the world, not less, because so many other countries pegged their currency to the US dollar instead of gold".

What do you think that statement means. The US was not owned by China or borrowing against the future, nor did we outsource our own peoples jobs, nor did we put the dollar above our own country. The US was about improving our culture, not the world.

You appear lost! Good luck finding your way back to what you think is the real US or real world. Like I said, a world war will decide the new world order. Or maybe you should move to China. They own most of the US now.
02-16-2009 , 02:19 AM
Well alrighttty then. Konichewa.
02-16-2009 , 02:20 AM
cliffsnotes plz?
02-16-2009 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by Taso
Again, I'm totally confused - I thought you favored free market capitalism? Yet now it seems you want labor and wage regulations, not only for the US, but world wide, which is about the opposite.

I think part of the problem here is you have yet to describe what system you want, and as such every thing you say seems to be a contradiction of what you've previously said in this thread.
I am not for price/wage fixing - I think the world needs to realize we all need each other and that a decent standard of living (working wage) on this planet for all, is to all our benefits.

The idea the US work force can compete wage wise with third world countries
will only assist to continue to prolong the downturn in the US economy and this recession/contraction/depression whatever name you wish to give this current economic down turn, will continue.

If the economy gets bad enough = war has always been the answer in the past.
02-16-2009 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
cliffsnotes plz?
protectionism good, he's a libertarian (lol), US was isolationist until 71 and the US was better compared to the rest of the world in the 60s/70s compared to today.

its a target rich environment, have fun pvn. my head has just exploded...
02-16-2009 , 03:23 AM
Originally Posted by Taso
That's also a bizarro definition of isolationist.

When are you claiming the US was isolationist? At all times before 1970?
Originally Posted by Talkeetna Mike
From the end of World War II until the 70's - the US controlled the world and productivity. Trade agreements were made against the US to stop the influx of our products in foreign lands,(because the US could produce more/cheaper). The US had the best technology and productivity at that time. A large portion of the world was rebuilding from World War II and the US was way ahead of the rest of the world with our technology.
So from 1945-1970 the US was isolationist.

Just to clarify:

The period in which the US joined the United Nations, lent money around the world, participated in the Cold War with the Soviet Union, had military operations in dozens of nations, and diplomatic relations with dozens of others, led the UN in the Korean War, bombed/invaded Vietnam, waged various campaigns in Berlin....This is when the US was isolationist?

...WTF are you saying?!??!

Originally Posted by ikestoys
he's a libertarian
Technically, I said that, though I don't think he has said I was incorrect - I'm just totally confused, I have no idea what he is, some sort of contradictory mass of cells.

Honestly I feel like there may be some sort of language gap or something, because isolationism clearly doesn't mean what he thinks it means, and neither does capitalism.
02-16-2009 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
protectionism good, he's a libertarian (lol), US was isolationist until 71 and the US was better compared to the rest of the world in the 60s/70s compared to today.

its a target rich environment, have fun pvn. my head has just exploded...
That's what I thought, just skimming. Seems too easy, perhaps he's a drone from some other message board, the first scout before an upcoming invasion.

Anyway, I'm packing for a trip this afternoon. If there's anything left when I get back maybe I'll hit it for some sloppy seconds.
02-16-2009 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
cliffsnotes plz?
Thomas Friedman posts here when he's drunk as username Talkeetna Mike
02-16-2009 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by Talkeetna Mike
Good (great) example - the robots should be built in the US, creating more jobs, replacing/retraining the work force. US jobs outsourced combined with unfair trade agreements, combined with robots, replaced much of the US work force
Ok, so say we make the robots here. It's still a net loss in jobs (less man hours are used to make a robot than the number of man hours they displace). I just used robots as an example. Greater efficiencies and technology across all areas destroys jobs all the time. Figuring out a way for 1 person to do the job of 2 inherently causes 1 person to lose their job.

What about all those milkman jobs from the 70s that are now gone, never to return. All the farming jobs that have been destroyed with advancement in farm equipment. All of these create a net loss in jobs for the US. All of these have contributed to the great increase in our quality of life as well.

The protectionism you are advocating is no different than trying to limit technology advances that have caused the US to "lose" many more jobs that were ever outsourced.
02-16-2009 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by obsidian
Ok, so say we make the robots here. It's still a net loss in jobs (less man hours are used to make a robot than the number of man hours they displace). I just used robots as an example. Greater efficiencies and technology across all areas destroys jobs all the time. Figuring out a way for 1 person to do the job of 2 inherently causes 1 person to lose their job.

What about all those milkman jobs from the 70s that are now gone, never to return. All the farming jobs that have been destroyed with advancement in farm equipment. All of these create a net loss in jobs for the US. All of these have contributed to the great increase in our quality of life as well.

The protectionism you are advocating is no different than trying to limit technology advances that have caused the US to "lose" many more jobs that were ever outsourced.

The US economy, (whether it is some form of perverted Capitalism or Socialism) is currently in a contraction and there is no end in sight. Technology or War is the answer. War is what has always been used by the human race when times such as these arrive.

When enough citizens lose their means to an end (jobs) and government gets so big the humans that are functioning in some sort of "free enterprise" system (perverted and taxed as this system is) can no longer pay for all the humans who could not find jobs in the perverted free enterprise system and now work for the government (like Californicate or the current US), then the government system will collapse (like now in Californicate) as it is starting to do in the Federal US Government. (can't be paid for-which California has already proved does not work)

As stated in OP - America's Capitalistic System (as perverted/diluted as it is) is destined to collapse and is doing so right now as we all breath. (hence the big government deficits - including Californicates or the Feds)

What type of system will emerge in the new US? or will it be war?

To try to classify/judge/pin my views to one type of your opinion/view of what fits your imagery of words, is impossible. Capitalism, Libertarian, Socialist, Communist, words with perverted meanings.

The United States is a conglomerate of these systems now and now in a mess. (dragging the world along)

"So from 1945-1970 the US was basically a isolationist nation". Yes. Very simple yes, and we in the US created/lived on our own gold standard, which the rest of the world had to yield to, due to our superiority.

This is when/what the US did as it left its isolationist position to help create the current situation in the US (and world)

"The period in which the US joined the United Nations, lent money around the world, participated in the Cold War with the Soviet Union, had military operations in dozens of nations, and diplomatic relations with dozens of others, led the UN in the Korean War, bombed/invaded Vietnam, waged various campaigns in Berlin....This is when the US was isolationist?"

Yes, we protected our own society after World War II. As we got involved with the rest of the world, through the above mentioned actions, our society paid a price.

After World War II, and during the Gold Standard, the US came to the conclusion we could not sit by and allow the rest of the world to functon, as we had just fought 2 World Wars trying to protect our interest.

The US invades countries all the time (whether covert or not) to protect further the US interest.

Nixon took the US off our own gold standard and since then, look what has happened.

Our current American System works no better for its citizens than any other system in the world and is in the midst of a major change (or scare). Hence the Obama administrations election and attempts at change. (which I don't think will work)

If this society has no obligation to each other or the world (capitalism= all about me), and life is simply survival of the fittest - World War (extermination) is the answer to our economic problems.

And as I have stated several times, that is a distinct possibility and has always been used as a solution in the past by the human race.

Communist, Socialist, Capitalist, Libertarian, a bunch of words, these systems in their true meaning, do not exsist on the planet earth. The ******s who post in Politics on this site are so busy classifying, you can not see you are a part of the whole, and the whole is a conglomerate of views/political systems.

My solution:

I think the world needs to realize we all need each other and that a decent standard of living (working wage) on this planet for all, is to all our benefits.
The US has never recognized this view.

Other nations believe this and function like this (like the Scandinavians).

Are we as a planet/nation headed in that direction? maybe/maybe not.

War may be in the near future. (means a draft, jobs, and rebuilding - the only way capitalism really functions)

Get ready children.

Last edited by Talkeetna Mike; 02-16-2009 at 01:13 PM. Reason: typo
02-16-2009 , 01:21 PM
Wow, way to entirely dodge responding to the issue of technology destroying jobs vs outsourcing destroying them.

Also, your view that everyone in the world needing a decent standard of living directly contradicts your view against outsourcing.
02-16-2009 , 01:30 PM
This is like the ramblings of a freshman Govt and Politics major on his/her crappy blog.
02-16-2009 , 01:32 PM
My solution:

I think the world needs to realize we all need each other and that a decent standard of living (working wage) on this planet for all, is to all our benefits.
The US has never recognized this view.
So when are you planning on selling your PC and giving the proceeds to an african family? I hope it's soon.
02-16-2009 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
cliffsnotes plz?
02-16-2009 , 01:49 PM
Jesus someone please rehijack this thread so we can get back on track here.
02-16-2009 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by mjkidd
Jesus someone please rehijack this thread so we can get back on track here.
you first .. its monday beer store is open... gimme some tips
02-16-2009 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine
So when are you planning on selling your PC and giving the proceeds to an african family? I hope it's soon.
I live in Alaska. We live in Alaska as survivalist. End of the road is true. -25 to -50 in the winter. People here will feed each other (moose stew) rather than shoot each other when the system collapses. We fish, hunt, barter.

We help each other. Alaska (Talkeetna) is different.
02-16-2009 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Talkeetna Mike
People here will feed each other (moose stew) rather than shoot each other when the system collapses. We fish, hunt, barter.

We help each other. Alaska (Talkeetna) is different.
muscial documentary on this subject
02-16-2009 , 02:05 PM
Hijacking this thread is just showing how ******ed politics are on this site and proving my point about America. As stated earlier. If you don't like the thread, don't respond. By hi-jacking you just prove my point on how self-centered America is and life is all about me, and what I want, not us. ******s, I am surrounded by self centered ******s.

Alaska is better! we do this here: My solution:

I think the world needs to realize we all need each other and that a decent standard of living (working wage) on this planet for all, is to all our benefits.
The US has never recognized this view.
02-16-2009 , 02:07 PM
Talkeetna, the fact that you're still claiming that America was isolationist from 1945-1970's is saying something about you, not 'politics on this site'. And it's proving your point that we need serious education reform in this country.
02-16-2009 , 02:10 PM
Alaska is a part of the United States, drooler
02-16-2009 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Talkeetna Mike

I think the world needs to realize we all need each other and that a decent standard of living (working wage) on this planet for all, is to all our benefits.

Good plan IMO
02-16-2009 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Taso
Talkeetna, the fact that you're still claiming that America was isolationist from 1945-1970's is saying something about you, not 'politics on this site'. And it's proving your point that we need serious education reform in this country.
You answered your own statement above , with the facts, you just ignored your statement - "Furthermore, the post-war gold standard was a tool for the American government to increase their economic influence throughout the world, not less, because so many other countries pegged their currency to the US dollar instead of gold".

What do you think that statement means. The US was not owned by China or borrowing against the future, nor did we outsource our own peoples jobs, nor did we put the dollar above our own country. The US was about improving our culture, not the world.

You appear lost! Good luck finding your way back to what you think is the real US or real world. Like I said, a world war will decide the new world order. Or maybe you should move to China. They own most of the US now.

******s, I am surrounded by ******s.
