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Who will you vote for in November? Who will you vote for in November?
View Poll Results: Who will you vote for?
34 17.09%
105 52.76%
10 5.03%
Ron Paul write-in
17 8.54%
Other Candidate
2 1.01%
I will not or cannot vote
31 15.58%

06-04-2008 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by ianisakson
mccain for no other reason than obama has like 0 political accomplishments besides getting people to believe he's done stuff.

Worse logic ever...

McCain got locked in a box, big deal

I can't vote but I would vote for Obama as he is the most socially libertarian and most anti-war and could represent a real change for the better. The less power the religious right, cultural conservatives and neo-conservatives have the better.
06-04-2008 , 09:41 AM
At least a little part of me is hoping Obama wins so he can **** it up so unbelievably bad that a true conservative can run in 2012 and clean house.

But obviously, he's an inexperienced socialist hack, so I don't think he'll win the general.

There are a LOT of months between now and voting day. Obama has suffered almost ZERO scrutiny aside from his racist church, and unless the republican party just sits on their thumbs for the next 5 months, Obama will be torn to shreds by election day.

The guy is made out of tissue paper.
06-04-2008 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by zasterguava
I can't vote but I would vote for Obama as he is the most socially libertarian.





Wait, this is a level, right?

I have to ban myself from this thread, otherwise I'll continue reading it today and will be forced to cry over the ignorance of my fellow countrymen. =/

Anyone who thinks Obama will GRANT any sort of rights or liberty is just so amazingly ignorant as to be borderline insane. Unless you mean the right to infanticide, then I suppose you're right.

But aside from that, anything that doesnt fit in with the liberal/socialist/environmentalist agenda is directly in his crosshairs for obliteration.

And considering their agenda is all of us living in caves off fruits and berries, that's going to be quite a bit....
06-04-2008 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by Inso0
At least a little part of me is hoping Obama wins so he can **** it up so unbelievably bad that a true conservative can run in 2012 and clean house.

But obviously, he's an inexperienced socialist hack, so I don't think he'll win the general.

There are a LOT of months between now and voting day. Obama has suffered almost ZERO scrutiny aside from his racist church, and unless the republican party just sits on their thumbs for the next 5 months, Obama will be torn to shreds by election day.

The guy is made out of tissue paper.

It's worse than that for Obama, he's black remember? The real racism didn't surface from all those who lied in the polling thus far.

He will be dismissed on election day very quietly.
06-04-2008 , 10:06 AM
President Barack Obama
06-04-2008 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by OneTimeDealer!!
Obama is such an incompetent twit. He will be a horrid president if elected. 95% of people voting for him can't even tell you why, except " he's not George Bush ". He is in way over his head, and has no experience and is not qualified. LoL at " change ".
Yep.....he will be Jimmy Carter2.
I found the press coverage of the nomination process between Hillary and B.Hussein Obama to be fascinating on many levels. I'm use to a bias press in favor of the Dems....but I did not expect to see the press turn on Hillary. Furthermore, the press went over-the-top in kissing Obama's ass. I've never seen the mainstream press be so biased as they were towards Obama....

Lets face it, if the Rev Wright story came out before the Iowa caucuses....B.Hussein would have NEVER gone this far. Much less be the Democrat nominee. But the mainstream press gave B.Hussein a pass and it took the alternative media (talk radio and Fox News) to bring B.Hussein's past to light.....several months too late. It was the Rev Wright story which allowed Hillary to make a slight comeback these last couple of months.

I heard a political analyst last night say that if the Dems had used the Repub rules for nominating a candidate (including the winner take all rules in some states) then it would be........Hillary leading the Dem party against McCain.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm glad Hillary's presidential ambitions are almost dead. In fact I hope Obama gets elected president. McCain will be a very bad president. Obama will be an even worse president. We effectively have two Dems running now. One is pro-War and the other is a would be appeaser. I would rather Obama and the Dem party get the blame for the next 4 years......

McCain is a populist nitwit with no political principles other than to be loved by the media. I think this man is a reformed crook (Keating scandal), a phony war hero, and a man who has done great damage to the Repub party that I once loved. Bob Barr will get my vote. My perfect scenario is B.Hussein becomes president Barr gets 5%+ of the popular vote and the Repub party wakes up and overthrows the Country-Club-Blue-Blood-Rockefeller wing of the Repub party. In the last 20 years; Bush41, McCain, Tom DeLay, and Bush43 have damaged the Repub party in ways I could never have imagined...... I think the Repub party has to hit rock-bottom before they can crawl out of this hole....
06-04-2008 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by OneTimeDealer!!
Obama is such an incompetent twit. He will be a horrid president if elected. 95% of people voting for him can't even tell you why, except " he's not George Bush ". He is in way over his head, and has no experience and is not qualified. LoL at " change ".
Agree but.... Carter begat Reagan and I want another Reagan, not McLame. Since Obama=Carter II, he will begat, maybe, Reagan II. I'll gamble.

An Obama admistration will be just what America needs to be reminded why unthinking leftists are unfit to hold power. He's such a lightweight.
06-04-2008 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Inso0

Wait, this is a level, right?

I have to ban myself from this thread, otherwise I'll continue reading it today and will be forced to cry over the ignorance of my fellow countrymen. =/

Anyone who thinks Obama will GRANT any sort of rights or liberty is just so amazingly ignorant as to be borderline insane. Unless you mean the right to infanticide, then I suppose you're right.

But aside from that, anything that doesnt fit in with the liberal/socialist/environmentalist agenda is directly in his crosshairs for obliteration.

And considering their agenda is all of us living in caves off fruits and berries, that's going to be quite a bit....
Perhaps Obama will decriminalize marijuana.....
That would be one of the few silver linings of his presidency......

But you are correct the Dems are no civil libertarians. They about using Big Govt to creat social change.
06-04-2008 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by carko3
I really like Hamas, so I'm voting Obama!
And Castro! Likely getting the Bin Laden endorsement too, just like Kerry.
06-04-2008 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by nineinchal
It's worse than that for Obama, he's black remember? The real racism didn't surface from all those who lied in the polling thus far.

He will be dismissed on election day very quietly.

Obama is going to trounce McCain. Obama is going to make the contrast so stark that it will be impossible for the people to elect McCain.
McCain is outclassed. McCain cannot express his views and vision to the people as clearly as Obama can and on top of that even when McCain is able to get his ideas and vision across its an ugly thing.

As an Obama supporter I am not worried about McCain at all. If all the people who wont vote for black man vote for McCain, Obama is going to bring out so many new voters to offset that.

In short, Obama cannot dare lose to the likes of John McCain.
06-04-2008 , 10:25 AM

I would be more concerned about McCain's choice of SCOTUS justices than you seem to be. He says he'll appoint conservative justices, yes. But I don't think that necessarily means "strict constitutionalist" like you do. It may also mean "socially conservative," where they'd be happy to push the social agenda of the far right no matter what the Constitution says: anti-gay, anti-abortion, pro-warrantless wiretapping, pro-PATRIOT act, anti-gambling, etc. The socially conservative agenda has been very damaging to our country these last eight years, (and in violation of the Constitution, imo), and I'm not about to let that continue. If I knew McCain was going to appoint strict constitutionalists, I wouldn't have as much concern about his presidency. Instead, he may just pick his justices based on who'll overturn Roe v. Wade, and we end up with a court who's happy to increase the power of the government in our lives.
06-04-2008 , 10:27 AM
I think that this election hinges entirely on the GOP's ability to trash Obama's character. There simply isn't anything McCain can say or do to win this election on his own and that's that. He needs Obama to lose it.
06-04-2008 , 10:34 AM

I am not a huge Obama fan, but I do like the message of change. I would like some changes, and am willing to give him a chance to see what happens. If little is changed though I will be pissed.
06-04-2008 , 10:41 AM
A voice from Europe -

I am not going to talk about political accomplishments; I am not close enough to the stage to do so. But one thing I would like to mention.

No other president before has given the USA such a bad name as the lesser Bush. Either his PR specialists suck horribly, or he really doesn't give a damn about what other nations and peoples think of the USA.

A lot of people here in Europe believe that with McCain, this would not change.

It is odd. Of course the USA are second to none at the moment. But Europe combined is easily ahead of the USA in every field except the military. The average US citizen seems not to know that.
06-04-2008 , 10:42 AM
Theoretically, Obama. Realistically, more sleep.
06-04-2008 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by nineinchal
Another person who has not paid attention to the Primary Season at all.
06-04-2008 , 10:49 AM
Another thing we Europeans do not understand - how can you still talk about Communism and Socialism as if they are something bad?
20 years after the fall of the USSR you are the last people in the world who still don't understand that the system of China and the USSR has never been Communism, but a perverted version of it (it was a party dictatorship in reality).
And Socialism is a completely different thing from what you think it is.
06-04-2008 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by nineinchal
Another 20 something who watches too much American Idol...

I am too intelligent (imho) to watch american idol, i dont watch such things.. dont watch t.v really. no reality shows etc. i am a reader and most importantly and independent thinker.

Like Obama said, just because someone has been in Washington a long time (McCain) does not mean they are more qualified to be president or will be a better president.

Its time for a new person with a new vision to lead the country. Thats just where we are in American history and I am very very fortunate to be able to participate in it. Doing the same things in the same old ways is just not popular right now, especially when you have someone as dynamic as Obama offering an alternative.

The climate that Bush and the republicans created allowed Barack Obama to rise to the position he is in. So, the last 8 years have not been a total waste.

In regards to politics, I am always reminded of an interview that Eddie Murphy did once and they asked him about who he was voting for he said blah blah blah.. but the last thing he said was "either way you know you are going to have a foot up your a** and we know that George Bush (sr.) has a size 13 DD.

I, and millions of americans believe that Obama's feet are smaller than McCain's.
06-04-2008 , 10:54 AM
I see the debate already:

Valid point #1
Valid point #2
inspirational speach
valid point #3

06-04-2008 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by Ashy Knuckles
I am too intelligent (imho) to watch american idol, i dont watch such things.. dont watch t.v really. no reality shows etc. i am a reader and most importantly and independent thinker.

Like Obama said, just because someone has been in Washington a long time (McCain) does not mean they are more qualified to be president or will be a better president.

Its time for a new person with a new vision to lead the country. Thats just where we are in American history and I am very very fortunate to be able to participate in it. Doing the same things in the same old ways is just not popular right now, especially when you have someone as dynamic as Obama offering an alternative.

The climate that Bush and the republicans created allowed Barack Obama to rise to the position he is in. So, the last 8 years have not been a total waste.

In regards to politics, I am always reminded of an interview that Eddie Murphy did once and they asked him about who he was voting for he said blah blah blah.. but the last thing he said was "either way you know you are going to have a foot up your a** and we know that George Bush (sr.) has a size 13 DD.

I, and millions of americans believe that Obama's feet are smaller than McCain's.
06-04-2008 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie

I would be more concerned about McCain's choice of SCOTUS justices than you seem to be. He says he'll appoint conservative justices, yes. But I don't think that necessarily means "strict constitutionalist" like you do. It may also mean "socially conservative," where they'd be happy to push the social agenda of the far right no matter what the Constitution says: anti-gay, anti-abortion, pro-warrantless wiretapping, pro-PATRIOT act, anti-gambling, etc. The socially conservative agenda has been very damaging to our country these last eight years, (and in violation of the Constitution, imo), and I'm not about to let that continue. If I knew McCain was going to appoint strict constitutionalists, I wouldn't have as much concern about his presidency. Instead, he may just pick his justices based on who'll overturn Roe v. Wade, and we end up with a court who's happy to increase the power of the government in our lives.
I agree. In fact, I think the best bet to get strict constitutionalists would be Obama. Frankly, I think they're both bad bets in this regard, but I would give him the edge.
06-04-2008 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by BartJ385
Another thing we Europeans do not understand - how can you still talk about Communism and Socialism as if they are something bad?
20 years after the fall of the USSR you are the last people in the world who still don't understand that the system of China and the USSR has never been Communism, but a perverted version of it (it was a party dictatorship in reality).
And Socialism is a completely different thing from what you think it is.
Do they believe in not hijacking threads in Europe?

- seriously, make a different thread about this, I'd love to watch what follows.
06-04-2008 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by BartJ385
Another thing we Europeans do not understand - how can you still talk about Communism and Socialism as if they are something bad?
20 years after the fall of the USSR you are the last people in the world who still don't understand that the system of China and the USSR has never been Communism, but a perverted version of it (it was a party dictatorship in reality).
And Socialism is a completely different thing from what you think it is.
And next you're going to tell me that you don't wear lederhosen on a daily basis?
06-04-2008 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie

I would be more concerned about McCain's choice of SCOTUS justices than you seem to be. He says he'll appoint conservative justices, yes. But I don't think that necessarily means "strict constitutionalist" like you do. It may also mean "socially conservative," where they'd be happy to push the social agenda of the far right no matter what the Constitution says: anti-gay, anti-abortion, pro-warrantless wiretapping, pro-PATRIOT act, anti-gambling, etc. The socially conservative agenda has been very damaging to our country these last eight years, (and in violation of the Constitution, imo), and I'm not about to let that continue. If I knew McCain was going to appoint strict constitutionalists, I wouldn't have as much concern about his presidency. Instead, he may just pick his justices based on who'll overturn Roe v. Wade, and we end up with a court who's happy to increase the power of the government in our lives.
I don't necessarily disagree with any of this. However, as I've stated here before, I consider gun rights to be essential to the retention of freedom, and these judges that you mention, the ones that will overturn Roe V. Wade (which I'm for, anyways) are also going to be very pro gun rights. Let's also not overlook that these are justices that we are talking about, they do not lack the ability to judge laws based on their constitutionality rather than whether they agree with them or not. (too many theys/thems in that sentence)
06-04-2008 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Zagga
I see the debate already:


inspirational speach (by the way, it's "speech")

"What, my turn? Oh, I thought you were going to actually say something of consequence instead of repeat the same say-nothing lines you've gotten by with for the past year.
