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Who will run against Trump in 2020? Who will run against Trump in 2020?

10-29-2018 , 12:13 PM
I did some research and found that Beto is not Ted Cruz so please vote for him.
10-29-2018 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by TrollyWantACracker
You did not. You actually provided implicit confirmation of my own suspicions. Of course I would be happy if he beat Cruz, what the ****, that guy is awful. I am specifically responding to claims that he should be the standard bearer of the left, the dem candidate in 2020 and that he is a "once in a generation" political talent, all of which I suspect are bull****. Saying I have to support him because he is a "tall and handsome" white dude who manages to not be Ted ****ing Cruz is legitimately offensive.

Being a tall, handsome, rich white guy is bad both qualitatively and electorally. You might find it appealing. Most people do not. You would have to have some very specific reason to support a white dude for the top office in today's climate. Nobody seems to be in a big hurry to provide one in this case. I just wonder why that is. Of course you are under no obligation to respond, who said you were?
conveniently ignored "supports UHC"
10-29-2018 , 12:28 PM
The media the corporate power the free market technological innovation rich liberals will not save us. By all means root for him against Cruz. But don't fall in love.
10-29-2018 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
The media the corporate power the free market technological innovation rich liberals will not save us. By all means root for him against Cruz. But don't fall in love.
and like, obviously this. but he's an excellent candidate who is doing this largely without the help and support of the DNC. i dont know what more you want, practically speaking.
10-29-2018 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
If you want to make earnest posts then log on to your earnest post account. I assume everything posted from this account is meant as a joke.
Sorry, I got locked out of the dids account when after I forgot my password.
10-29-2018 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
conveniently ignored "supports UHC"
I didn't ignore it, I just (obviously) don't find that support offensive. I also don't find it particularly novel. Who doesn't support UHC? Joe Lieberman?
10-29-2018 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by TrollyWantACracker
Who doesn't support UHC?
Like half of Democrats. Probably more, actually.
10-29-2018 , 02:05 PM
Which one of those dems are planning to run for president? Hell, if Clinton runs again she will get back to supporting UHC.
10-29-2018 , 02:16 PM
Beto is extremely likable, and that is like 90% of the game in a presidential election.

If you look at Beto and don't understand the hype, you are a terrible judge of candidate quality and your opinion can be safely ignored.
10-29-2018 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by TrollyWantACracker
I legit cannot tell if you guys are just ****ing with me sometimes.
10-29-2018 , 02:31 PM
I mean, hell, Beto got Texans engaged with him. That's got to count for something outside Austin.
10-29-2018 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by TrollyWantACracker
I didn't ignore it, I just (obviously) don't find that support offensive. I also don't find it particularly novel. Who doesn't support UHC? Joe Lieberman?
pretty recently tons of dems were eager to **** all over bernie's medicare for all proposal, and since party messaging has remained awful as ever while popularity for UHC has surged, i have no ****ing idea where they stand on it now.
10-29-2018 , 06:47 PM
Beto had a very good write up in the English press. Only the Evening Standard but it was a long piece so he is getting some reach.

Sounded like a decent egg to me, if not particualrly radical. (although I take the ES with a pinch of salt)
11-07-2018 , 04:24 AM
Biden and/or Beto?

I wince at mentions of Warren. Can't see her winning nationally.
11-07-2018 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I did some research and found that Beto is not Ted Cruz so please vote for him.
You are AIDSing on Beto and not taking seriously the consequences of not winning the next presidential election is four more years of Trump.

I like the suggestion of o’rourke ending up as vp on the ticket. But lol being against a strongly qualified candidate with great intangibles because he is a white male. That is loopy.

Also you know like 30% of America is super racist and sexist.

I think we don’t actually give Obama the credit he deserves in his ability to get elected twice. We have already seen that it was a much, much, much bigger feat than assumed at the time and while he was in office.

If you want to argue against o’rourke in his merits fine but choosing to be against him because he is a white guy is crazy.
11-07-2018 , 06:13 AM
My gut right now is that Beto will win the nomination because Beto will win the most primaries.

It's a super simplistic take by design, but given that he's going to be the most charismatic candidate by a mile, he should stand out in a crowded field. We know he can fundraise enough on his own, and he'll be visiting every county in Iowa, etc, and he's got broad appeal.

We've already litigated the whole inexperience thing, and Obama and Trump both won. Beto has less than Obama (slightly) and more than Trump.

He's the best in the game right now at selling progressive policy to moderates/conservatives, and since it's still progressive he motivates the base.

Gillum might run too, but I think his lack of national AND statewide office will hurt him. He should pick a good Florida Congressional district for 2020.

I think the best bet right now on who emerges from the primary and how the ticket looks is Beto/Harris 2020.
11-07-2018 , 08:02 AM
Everyone thought Kander would be running in 2020 too right after he had a close loss in a Senate race.

I guess it’s closer in time to 2020 and what happened with Kander is truly sad, but still lots of time for Beto enthusiasm to cool off or for him to decide not to even run.
11-07-2018 , 09:47 AM
I think that a main takeaway from the midterms, at least among the pundits, will be that the midwestern states are very winnable for a candidate who runs well in the midwest. In other words, I think the pundits will see the midterms as good tidings for Biden.
11-07-2018 , 09:51 AM
**** every single one of you who still has joe biden's name in your mouth
11-07-2018 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
You are AIDSing on Beto...
Y’all know the Trolly Want a Cracker guy isn’t me, right?
11-07-2018 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I think that a main takeaway from the midterms, at least among the pundits, will be that the midwestern states are very winnable for a candidate who runs well in the midwest. In other words, I think the pundits will see the midterms as good tidings for Biden.
**** all those 80 year olds. Time for the Dems to move on. That said, we need someone who can do more than inspire progressives. Beto didn't do any reach out to others. A left wing progressive with no tenancy to any centrist positions on issues with lose to Trump.
11-07-2018 , 10:38 AM
Bernie would crush, imo. Maybe not in running up the score but he would put a stranglehold on the key Midwest states that flipped back blue these midterms to seal a win.
11-07-2018 , 10:41 AM
Beto does have great experience where it counts, losing races to incredibly unlikable republican incumbents. I say run him.
11-07-2018 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by BigRedChief
**** all those 80 year olds. Time for the Dems to move on. That said, we need someone who can do more than inspire progressives. Beto didn't do any reach out to others. A left wing progressive with no tenancy to any centrist positions on issues with lose to Trump.
I am not expressing a personal preference for Biden over all other candidates. I'm opining on what the midterm results mean for Biden-- or more precisely, what the pundits will interpret them to mean for Biden.
11-07-2018 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by BigRedChief
**** all those 80 year olds. Time for the Dems to move on. That said, we need someone who can do more than inspire progressives. Beto didn't do any reach out to others. A left wing progressive with no tenancy to any centrist positions on issues with lose to Trump.
ok first of all you're wrong as **** because he spent a ton of time on the campaign trail emphasizing that he wants to work with all texans, and campaigned in literally every single one of the 250+ counties in this state. laughably wrong to say he "didn't do any reach out to others". GFY

re: "centrist positions", you might want to read up on what he has to say about things like agriculture/land use/veterans affairs/etc, it's pretty run of the mill non-radical stuff
