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Who Will Be The 2016 Republican Nominee? (It's Donald Trump) Who Will Be The 2016 Republican Nominee? (It's Donald Trump)

01-07-2016 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Other than immigration and the wall and keeping Muslims out, which Trump policy is clearly superior to that of any other candidate?
Yeah once you boil it down the theme seems to be that whether or not Trump supporters are ignorant or racist is not the primary issue. The main issue is that there are a lot of them, and they are angry. So you better stop being mean to them, or they're going to get even angrier.

Note I'm mostly talking about the True Believers going to rallies. Not the internet fanboys who swoon over Trump's game, and probably won't even vote.
01-08-2016 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by RazzSpazz
Yes, Trump attracts some bad dudes. Point conceded 100%. I just don't see how or why that will be a deal breaker for the average voter. Politicians and celebrities get support from all different sorts. That's just how it goes. Most people (correctly) still voted for Obama after finding out about the weak/barely-exsistant relationship between Bill Ayers and Obama.
Dude, what? Trump is the guy spouting racist garbage. Lol "attracts bad dudes," I wonder why. Of course there are racists, among other despicable people, who will vote for Hilary, and did vote for Obama. They don't exactly go around courting that vote. It's a bit different.
01-08-2016 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
You see how personal these people take it? They don't approach this **** like, political science. They approach it as an insult that is beyond the pale of reasonable discourse.

But INCREDIBLY, Razz, what part of that contradicted the "only..." clause? Over and over again, the accusation of being a bigot is seen as self-evidently false for... no reasons beyond the hurt feelings of the poster.
It contradicted the only clause because the general theme, characterized again and again throughout the news, is that Trump gets his support from the unsavory types listed. Constant reminders of how he gets more support from voters without college degrees and less from ones with them, how they make racist slurs at political rallies, etc. If you support Trump, you must be one of "those people".

But in that article, we have statements from some average Joes that indicate they tolerate and appreciate the varying aspects of the Trump and Bernie campaigns. Exactly the opposite of bigoted. And more of an accurate depiction of the reality, which is that many regular, non-racist/sexist/bigoted/misogynist Americans just seem to like Trump.
01-08-2016 , 12:24 AM
And more of an accurate depiction of the reality, which is that many regular, non-racist/sexist/bigoted/misogynist Americans just seem to like Trump.
There's no evidence for this, though. There's some where disconnect here where your anger at the perceived ivory tower libtards looking down on you translates to some reason for us to think we're wrong. We know you're angry. We know you hate us.

Some people with poorly thought out anti-establishment views supporting both Bernie and Trump is not contradicting anything. Racism and socialism aren't opposites.
01-08-2016 , 12:27 AM
Peggy Noonan: "Trump is winning because of policy."*

*Banning Muslims is sensible

Even by beltway idiot standards this woman is an imbecile.
01-08-2016 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Racism and socialism aren't opposites.
Yeah, I mean, what does supporting Bernie Sanders have to do with anti-racism? Is it LIKELY that a given supporter is a yuuge racist? No, but it's very far from impossible. Racism isn't even some unique phenomena to working-class people. Wealthy Democrats can be racist, a lot of them are quite obviously so. But, again, when Hilary is out on the stump, she isn't out there actively advocating the oppression of minorities. You know, like Trump.
01-08-2016 , 12:40 AM
i think "football star" might be a bit of an exaggeration. he played one year at some tiny college. but i guess he probably was a starter on his high school team but idk
01-08-2016 , 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf

This is healthy.

Look at how he's shaking things up!

I bet that dude in the goatee is totally psyched about ending corruption and it's 100% fallacious to call him racist.
Those Trump supporters were mean. What a mob. Two quiet civil dissenters, one holding a sign that simply said "America is already great", get their signs ripped and torn from their hands and kicked out of the event by security to chants of "USA!"...Wtf? What a miserable lot.
01-08-2016 , 12:45 AM

01-08-2016 , 12:49 AM
It's like, supporting Bernie Sanders tells you very little about someone's racial views. I guess he's Jewish, so probably not a lot of anti-semites, but he's also a prominent opponent of big banks, so maybe there is something there for those guys.

So the variable 1 on Bernie.Sanders.Support isn't a good method of predicting anything.

But when we add the variable 1 on Make.America.Great.Again into that equation, well, now we've got something. We can draw some conclusions. Non-racists are repulsed by Trump's rhetoric!
01-08-2016 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
If I call someone a n***** and you still want to vote for me for president, that makes you a racist - even if you don't actively use the N-word yourself.

The stuff Trump said about Mexicans, and his plan to keep even American Muslim citizens from re-entering the country for some indeterminate amount of time, is only slightly less bad. But they're still very racist statements. Which means the vast majority of Trump supporters still support racism, whether they actively practice it or not.

*I say vast majority because it's possible someone barely watches the news and was an Apprentice fan or something - who honestly isn't aware of the racist stuff. It's not likely, so there can't be a lot of them. But there are probably some. Of course no one participating in this thread can claim that level of ignorance.
If there is a quote of Trump calling someone a n*****, please post a link.

Also, Bill Clinton, still loved and supported by Hilary, has said some pretty undoubtedly racist things over the years (carry those bags and make that coffee Obama!) too. Not to mention, the incredibly high odds he has sexually assaulted or raped at least one woman at some point during his career, and a lower, but still non-zero chance that Hilary was made aware of it. Almost everyone certainly knows about these things. So are Clinton supporters implicitly supporting racists and/or rapists too?
01-08-2016 , 12:52 AM
Trump said that even Muslim Americans who are overseas should not be allowed back into the country. He used deliberately loaded language to paint Mexicans coming across the border as rapists (he knows that, but he assumes some are good people).

If you can't see why this is almost as bad as using the N-word than you are being hopelessly obtuse.

Clinton cheated. He never raped anyone. "Extremely high odds"? WTF? And then Hillary was made aware of it? How high are you right now?

Maybe you're just too baked to understand why what Trump said was extremely offensive and racist.
01-08-2016 , 01:00 AM
Only real question is whether he scored that high off D-Money, Smoothie, or Shifty.
01-08-2016 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Trump said that even Muslim Americans who are overseas should not be allowed back into the country. He used deliberately loaded language to paint Mexicans coming across the border as rapists (he knows that, but he assumes some are good people).

If you can't see why this is almost as bad as using the N-word than you are being hopelessly obtuse.

Clinton cheated. He never raped anyone. "Extremely high odds"? WTF? And then Hillary was made aware of it? How high are you right now?

Maybe you're just too baked to understand why what Trump said was extremely offensive and racist.
He saw Primary Colors. That is where he is getting his Clinton info lol
01-08-2016 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by anatta
i think "football star" might be a bit of an exaggeration. he played one year at some tiny college. but i guess he probably was a starter on his high school team but idk

He had a college football scholarship. no one else running has ever been hit. except maybe jeb if hes in to that.
01-08-2016 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Trump said that even Muslim Americans who are overseas should not be allowed back into the country. He used deliberately loaded language to paint Mexicans coming across the border as rapists (he knows that, but he assumes some are good people).

If you can't see why this is almost as bad as using the N-word than you are being hopelessly obtuse.

Clinton cheated. He never raped anyone. "Extremely high odds"? WTF? And then Hillary was made aware of it? How high are you right now?

Maybe you're just too baked to understand why what Trump said was extremely offensive and racist.
Haha, not baked, but I am happily devouring freshly-baked, giant chocolate chip cookies right now

Ignoring everything regarding Bill's history (I personally don't care one bit that he cheated) for a moment, consider that many women do not report a sexual assault or rape for varying reasons. If they do report it, it's easier when their attacker is unknown or disliked. But it's extremely difficult to do so when your attacker is a well-liked, powerful and respected person in the community. And Bill Clinton has a list of accusers, settlements and known encounters spanning decades that were recently covered in the Washington Post. So call me skeptical. /derail
01-08-2016 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Trump said that even Muslim Americans who are overseas should not be allowed back into the country. He used deliberately loaded language to paint Mexicans coming across the border as rapists (he knows that, but he assumes some are good people).

If you can't see why this is almost as bad as using the N-word than you are being hopelessly obtuse.

Clinton cheated. He never raped anyone. "Extremely high odds"? WTF? And then Hillary was made aware of it? How high are you right now?

Maybe you're just too baked to understand why what Trump said was extremely offensive and racist.
Juanita Broaddrick insists she was raped by Bill Clinton in the late '70's. Check out the wiki and her January 6th 2016 tweet.
01-08-2016 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by anatta
Rubio teed off on the coverage of his fashion choice at a rally in New Hampshire on Thursday, calling it a troubling example of “where we are as a country."

“Let me get this right. ISIS is cutting people’s heads off, setting people on fire in cages, Saudi Arabia and Iran on the verge of a war, the Chinese are landing airplanes on islands that they built and say belong to them and what are international waters and in some ways territorial waters, our economy is flat-lined, the stock market is falling apart, but boy are we getting a lot of coverage about a pair of boots,” he said Thursday, grinning. “This is craziness. Have people lost their minds?” ,
That's so pathetic. This is not the climate for appealing to mature, reasoned discourse. This is the time to come out blasting that they're CUBAN HEELS and Rubio is CUBAN and his poor dead grammy made him promise he wouldn't forget his HERITAGE and that's AMERICA BABY. It doesn't work, exactly, but it's a better response than "Oh yeah, real mature you guys, study periods are for homework you know."
01-08-2016 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
If I call someone a n***** and you still want to vote for me for president, that makes you a racist - even if you don't actively use the N word yourself
Actually it doesn't. I vote for Obama who's a Christian supposedly, but I'm not a Christian.

Sent from my SM-G925W8 using 2+2 Forums
01-08-2016 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by kickabuck
Juanita Broaddrick insists she was raped by Bill Clinton in the late '70's. Check out the wiki and her January 6th 2016 tweet.
Ok the rape sounds plausible. But telling your wife about it right after the fact so she can cryptically thank the victim for not saying anything? That doesn't seem remotely likely. Much more likely seems either Juanita hearing something that wasn't there - or the rape story isn't real.
01-08-2016 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by Alex Wice
Actually it doesn't. I vote for Obama who's a Christian supposedly, but I'm not a Christian.

Sent from my SM-G925W8 using 2+2 Forums
Wow you really don't understand how empathy for an out-group works at all do you?
01-08-2016 , 01:46 AM
Alex, I voted for Trudeau who likes the Canadiens. I barely even like hockey!

That is about as relevant and as good of an analogy as you made.

There's a difference between voting someone who has made slurs or racial epitaphs about your race and voting for someone who has different religious values.
01-08-2016 , 02:10 AM
Alex helps make this thread fun.
01-08-2016 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
There's no evidence for this, though. There's some where disconnect here where your anger at the perceived ivory tower libtards looking down on you translates to some reason for us to think we're wrong.
lol <3

Originally Posted by suzzer99
Trump said that even Muslim Americans who are overseas should not be allowed back into the country.
lol <3

Clinton cheated. He never raped anyone.
lol <3
01-08-2016 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
Alex helps make this thread fun.
Face-palming at people who don't understand how analogies work is fun?
