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Who Will Be The 2016 Republican Nominee? (It's Donald Trump) Who Will Be The 2016 Republican Nominee? (It's Donald Trump)

09-23-2015 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
I like the article.

Seems to me like the fundamental issue is that the GOP has effectively lost party discipline. seattle and ikes et al will not like to hear this and of course I'm a partisan guy so I guess my opinion is jaundiced but it seems to be like the base voters are insisting on policies or engaging in rhetoric (like immigration, rolling back the welfare state, aggressive foreign policy, gay marriage, women's rights) that are moving farther away from the median voter.

The parallels to Vietnam Era Democratic Party that had their New Deal coalition effectively broken in 1968 and then nominated McGovern instead of Muskie in 1972 seems apt. Frankly even after the Carter win in 1976, you had the same circumstances (e.g., northern liberals versus the withering-away of the southern Democratic and conservative wing) waging an internecine battle with Kennedy's campaign against the incumbent Carter in 1980. You could argue the Democrats never effectively regained party discipline until 1992 when the liberal wing of the party effectively ceded the field to centrism and the New Democrat/Clinton wing. You could even argue the Democrats are still engaged in the battle but it's pretty clear (despite right-wing bombast) that Obama fell pretty sharply into line with moderate goals and centrist policies and the activist left remains effectively powerless since the New Deal coalition died. Obama's magic trick was building a coalition taht sold to the activist left the hope of something different; he delivered the same basic goods as moderate Democrats have for a generation now. The activist left can swell the crowds for Sanders speaking events to standing room only but we're all going to do the walk of shame back to Clinton in the end.

Since Nixon, the GOP built their coalition on the backs of angry white voter sentiment. Those voters are dying off. The sentiment is still going strong but over an ever-dwindling percentage of the population. Efforts to expand the coalition are running into the huge amounts of the base who want nothing at all to do with that. Trump is a signal the base GOP voter still wants white resentment issues front and center of the GOP platform. The border wall is to Trump what school busing was to the 1970s Nixon GOP. Welfare is still seen as singularly for lazy black cheats. Etc. Frankly the party elites are more forward thinking than the base, and can at least do rudimentary math about the party's predicament, but the base doesn't want to hear it. The chaos that has ensued is predictable.

The GOP seems OK at enforcing ideological purity -- or least least, the voters have foisted on them a pretty good sense of ideological identity. But the GOP's ability to effectively get power, set an agenda, and build a stable coalition seems to be at a modern historical low. They can obstruct the Democrats just fine, but can't enact their own will. You get the sense the party understands what the base wants (e.g., satisfy our racial animus, give us stuff but not others, especially black and Mexicans) but know they have no effective way to deliver it while still rolling back the tax rates ad nausea. The base is restless after 40 years of rhetoric and yet they are still angry, surrounded by more blacks and Mexicans, and have been rewarded with the #GOPcareerpathsformiddleAmerica: the opportunity to greet each other at Walmart for a living. Like any good scam, it can't last forever, something's gotta give.

This is a really good analogy post, especially the bolded.
09-23-2015 , 03:25 PM
Jeb! Simply does not seem smart
09-23-2015 , 03:34 PM
Shocker.. a late show on network tv has softball questions. Were people really expecting something closer to The Colbert Report on CBS?
09-23-2015 , 03:49 PM
Colbert did pretty well with Cruz, asking him about Reagan's amnesty bill and tax increases.
09-23-2015 , 03:50 PM
The Donald apparently embargoing Fox again. Wonder hownlong this one lasts.
09-23-2015 , 03:59 PM
I think you misunderstand the Trump phoenomenon if you think a "hardball" question will do anything. Like, if Colbert drills him about the human rights crisis in Thailand or Chinese currency manipulation, Trump will announce that he'll hire the very best people to look into it and he will make a much better deal than Barack Obama could. You can't zing a guy who's effortlessly disconnected from substance.
09-23-2015 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by BigPoppa
Colbert did pretty well with Cruz, asking him about Reagan's amnesty bill and tax increases.
And as a good host he scolded his audience for booing his guest.

There will be a ton of CC Colbert fans who can't leave that character behind, youtube is where they should go for reminiscing. The interviews are good, and the format should get better as he builds his new style.
09-23-2015 , 04:01 PM
had a fun experiment the other night where we read, in writing (as opposed to hieroglyphics), some answers to questions by TRUMP.

Really is amazing how little he manages to say. Makes it look like an art form compared to your standard politician.

Of course, people claim Hillary is worse, but that's just partisan nonsense.
09-23-2015 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
Bootstraps, crappy beer, and bazookas.
America crushes the rest of the world wrt beer quality and availability. Another example of USA #1
09-23-2015 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack
America crushes the rest of the world wrt beer quality and availability. Another example of USA #1
I agree. I'm a lover of great beer and also a homebrewer.

We also crush the world in ****ty beer production and consumption. USA #1 all around when it comes to beer.
09-23-2015 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
I agree. I'm a lover of great beer and also a homebrewer.

We also crush the world in ****ty beer production and consumption. USA #1 all around when it comes to beer.
I don't know, I've been shocked when in other countries which produce excellent beer, only to see people drinking Budweiser in local pubs. Like going to Paris and ordering a Royale with Cheese.
09-23-2015 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by nyc999
I don't know, I've been shocked when in other countries which produce excellent beer, only to see people drinking Budweiser in local pubs. Like going to Paris and ordering a Royale with Cheese.
I spent a few weeks in The Netherlands and the Dutch people I stayed with were big on Budweiser.
09-23-2015 , 05:40 PM
I went to a McDonald's in Italy once. On the drive there, we made a bunch of Royale with Cheese jokes. Then, right in the window bigger'n life, there was a sign exclaiming "IL QUARTER POUNDER."

I felt pretty gypped.
09-23-2015 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by nyc999
I don't know, I've been shocked when in other countries which produce excellent beer, only to see people drinking Budweiser in local pubs. Like going to Paris and ordering a Royale with Cheese.
I don't even really have anything against drinking crappy macro beer. Some people just prefer a cold beer that doesn't taste like much.

What do they drink for beer in China? Wiki says China leads the world in beer consumption and I'm going to assume it's mostly light pilsner styles. USA #2 I guess.
09-23-2015 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
I spent a few weeks in The Netherlands and the Dutch people I stayed with were big on Budweiser.
One of my buddies married a girl from Paris and his inlaws (who still live in France) drink Jack Daniels almost every night. I was a bit surprised by that.
09-23-2015 , 05:43 PM
You really know you're somewhere special when you ask the waitress what beers they have and she just says, "All of 'em." Apparently meaning Bud, Bud Light, Miller, and Coors.
09-23-2015 , 05:46 PM
And Blue Moon if you want something fancy!
09-23-2015 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by Noze
You really know you're somewhere special when you ask the waitress what beers they have and she just says, "All of 'em." Apparently meaning Bud, Bud Light, Miller, and Coors.
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
And Blue Moon if you want something fancy!
Check out America's great CRAFT beer selection:

09-23-2015 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
One of my buddies married a girl from Paris and his inlaws (who still live in France) drink Jack Daniels almost every night. I was a bit surprised by that.
My wife's family had a French exchange student when she was in HS. He would constantly complain about American food while eating almost nothing but peanut butter on white bread.

To be fair, my wife's mother is a really really bad cook. Like there are raw spots on the thanksgiving turkey bad.
09-23-2015 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Ice_W0lf
Shocker.. a late show on network tv has softball questions. Were people really expecting something closer to The Colbert Report on CBS?
There is a difference between the colbert character and hardball questions there to trip people up and just letting a presidential candidate, one of the leading candidates no less, just talking point a blatantly ridiculous thing.

If colbert asking him how the wall helps stop the majority of illegal migrants who entered legally is a hardball and over the line what is the ****ing point of even having him as a guest. Just get Clooney back on to talk about nothing and play some more trump clips.
09-23-2015 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by PigeonPatrol
And as a good host he scolded his audience for booing his guest.

There will be a ton of CC Colbert fans who can't leave that character behind, youtube is where they should go for reminiscing. The interviews are good, and the format should get better as he builds his new style.
I liked how he controlled the audience and reading what he did with the Uber guy was cool too.

This has nothing to do with the character. Its all about colbert the guy. Maybe he is happy to cash in, sell out and cycle Leno quality material for a decade before he retires, doesn't mean I don't get to be disappointed when he does that.

Also ftr I didn't even watch colbert often, I wasn't even close to a fan of his decade long fake conservative character.
09-23-2015 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by nyc999
I don't know, I've been shocked when in other countries which produce excellent beer, only to see people drinking Budweiser in local pubs. Like going to Paris and ordering a Royale with Cheese.
the only Budweiser that should be consumed in Europe.
09-23-2015 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
I don't even really have anything against drinking crappy macro beer. Some people just prefer a cold beer that doesn't taste like much.

What do they drink for beer in China? Wiki says China leads the world in beer consumption and I'm going to assume it's mostly light pilsner styles. USA #2 I guess.
I thought Tsingtao would be #1, but it's #2 and the champ is something called Snow. I guess Yankee tourists only pay attention to beers they can easily identify as beer. This is how Snow is packaged:

From a western viewpoint, that could be anything.
09-23-2015 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Mayo
I went to a McDonald's in Italy once. On the drive there, we made a bunch of Royale with Cheese jokes. Then, right in the window bigger'n life, there was a sign exclaiming "IL QUARTER POUNDER."

I felt pretty gypped.
You felt gypped because you don't know the difference between France and Italy?
09-23-2015 , 07:27 PM
true or false-

some people in china pronounce "tsing tao" as "jhing dao"
