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Who Will Be The 2016 Republican Nominee? (It's Donald Trump) Who Will Be The 2016 Republican Nominee? (It's Donald Trump)

03-25-2016 , 06:22 PM
aaaand while you're pondering that one (I have to give twitter credit, their detective work is >>>>>>> Reddit's):

let's discuss why carly's PAC that Cruz shipped $500K USD to has the same PO Box and CFO as the completely unaffiliated PAC running the Melanie Trump ad in Utah

on second thought, let's not discuss that, seems pretty obvious
03-25-2016 , 06:23 PM
Someone who loves the WW2 era leaders but can't give any credit to that Socialist Commie FDR so they love Churchill instead.
03-25-2016 , 06:25 PM
He's onto us

03-25-2016 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by adanthar
aaaand while you're pondering that one (I have to give twitter credit, their detective work is >>>>>>> Reddit's):

let's discuss why carly's PAC that Cruz shipped $500K USD to has the same PO Box and CFO as the completely unaffiliated PAC running the Melanie Trump ad in Utah

on second thought, let's not discuss that, seems pretty obvious
Goddamit I donated $250 to that one on the bottom in a drunken impulse after the Utah graphic came out. I need to disable my paypal.
03-25-2016 , 06:28 PM
Makes more sense for him to turn it into an attack on Trump than Rubio, no? I'm in the DVaut camp on this one, no way he's having affairs right in everyone's face. Yet another incident that is maybe going to lead to people having sympathy for that reptilian vampire (unless of course there is way stronger evidence).

Think you need to quit drinking after your homage to Cruz yesterday, Suz.
03-25-2016 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Jiggymike
Makes more sense for him to turn it into an attack on Trump than Rubio, no? I'm in the DVaut camp on this one, no way he's having affairs right in everyone's face.
Quick, try to apply a temporary tattoo to your back shoulderblade and let me know how that turns out

seems like she did a pretty good job in this picture
03-25-2016 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Like the structure here is that the first clause creates an expectation, and then the second refutes that with an unspoken reason. The idea is the listener fills in the blank, the implication needs to be pretty obvious or it's weird:

"Five Guys makes a very good burger, but I don't want to eat there."

This sentence is confusing, because why not? The listener needs more information.


"Chipotle makes an excellent burrito, but I wouldn't eat there"

That fills in right, there's the implication of the recent norovirus outbreak.

So in this context, I might say:

"Andrea Tantaros is a very attractive woman, but I wouldn't sleep with her."

And the listener would go "oh obviously the speaker is a liberal partisan who would have political differences with Tantaros".

Long story short, Ted Cruz has sex with rodents on the reg and the affair scandal is a coverup for his romantic abnormality, one so unbelievable that it must be hidden from the public at all costs.
Originally Posted by uke_master
when you type your posts, do you say the words out loud?
wat. thats a great post.

Lyin Ted said "TRUMP's a rat, would not smash". Fly was kind enough to explain Cruz implied he ****s rats, just not that into this specific rat.
03-25-2016 , 06:35 PM
So the only explanation is they each put that tattoo on the other after having some extra marital sex? She couldn't have seen Cruz talk about it and then have someone else apply it? I see the dates match but is that when the show actually aired? Gonna need something way stronger (if the tattoo was completely unknown before April 1 then that's at least more suspicious).
03-25-2016 , 06:36 PM
Literally everything is on the Internet now
03-25-2016 , 06:39 PM
if this thread was in OOTV how many people would thinks its a coincidence that Cruz's former sidepiece is TRUMP's spokesperson? would have loved to be a spider in Ted's coffin when he heard about that hire, what a ****ing brushback pitch
03-25-2016 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by adanthar
Literally everything is on the Internet now
GETTING INTERESTING (fwiw I'm at work on only check 2p2 on my phone and like work approved sites so all my opinions come from posts in this thread so I'll just shut up and listen now).
03-25-2016 , 06:52 PM

watch this video. keep in mind that every time he mentions Trump in this video, he's lying and this angry voice is a total puton

now watch amanda carpenter

they are using the exact same angry voice with almost the same pitches

Last edited by adanthar; 03-25-2016 at 06:58 PM.
03-25-2016 , 06:54 PM
That's the same link twice
03-25-2016 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by adanthar
let's discuss why carly's PAC that Cruz shipped $500K USD to has the same PO Box and CFO as the completely unaffiliated PAC running the Melanie Trump ad in Utah

on second thought, let's not discuss that, seems pretty obvious
I feel dumb because I'm not totally getting it.

Why did Cruz's Pac send the 500k? The idea is that it was hush money because someone on Fiorina's staff was boning Cruz, right?

Ok. So why does this new anti-Trump pac have the same address as the Fiorina one? I don't understand how that ties together.
03-25-2016 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by Jake (The Snake)
I feel dumb because I'm not totally getting it.

Why did Cruz's Pac send the 500k? The idea is that it was hush money because someone on Fiorina's staff was boning Cruz, right?

Ok. So why does this new anti-Trump pac have the same address as the Fiorina one? I don't understand how that ties together.
Cruz's PAC sent the money to Fiorina's so they can run the Trump's wife ad and Cruz can say it wasn't them.
03-25-2016 , 07:07 PM
Wasn't the 500k thing like nine months ago?
03-25-2016 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Jake (The Snake)
I feel dumb because I'm not totally getting it.

Why did Cruz's Pac send the 500k? The idea is that it was hush money because someone on Fiorina's staff was boning Cruz, right?

Ok. So why does this new anti-Trump pac have the same address as the Fiorina one? I don't understand how that ties together.

If I had to come up with a non conspiratorial address answer I would say both addresses are for legal notices handled by the same law firm.
03-25-2016 , 07:08 PM
Interesting that that tattoo comes in a set of two.
03-25-2016 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
If I had to come up with a non conspiratorial address answer I would say both addresses are for legal notices handled by the same law firm.
Maybe some "firm", like consultants or something, never heard of a law firm with a po box for mail and certainly not one established enough for a super pac to hire.
03-25-2016 , 07:10 PM
Not hush money. They were still working together. Cruz knew the cash would come back in a pinch.

Normally, even if you knew she was dropping out soon (and how would you know?), you wouldn't trust an opposing campaign like that. Probably easier if you slept with the manager though
03-25-2016 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
DVaut1, you act like it wasn't the reddit and 4chan crowds that elevated this to where it's at right now.

Have you ever watched a stream? Do not underestimate the power and influence of a few thousand bored teenagers in the age of the Internet.

I mean, Bernie Sanders is still a thing 7 months before the general election for POTUS. That alone speaks volumes.

Sucks for Cruz though. This didn't have to be true to ruin him.
Haha oh wow
03-25-2016 , 07:14 PM
This is all fairly hilarious. I'm not sure what it has to do with anything, but it's great.
03-25-2016 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
Maybe some "firm", like consultants or something, never heard of a law firm with a po box for mail and certainly not one established enough for a super pac to hire.

Maybe a lock box for check processing? I didn't see the address was a po box.
03-25-2016 , 07:15 PM
The addresses just ties the melania photo to cruz through fiorina. cruz has said that pac isn't him, so it wasn't him that attacked trump. cruz taking the high road.

but now there is a financial link back to cruz from the pac running the melania gq ad. so while everybody assumed it was on his behalf even if not him directly, now the connection is explicit.
03-25-2016 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Goddamit I donated $250 to that one on the bottom in a drunken impulse after the Utah graphic came out. I need to disable my paypal.
And we all made fun of you at the time. Even before we knew about all of these other Carly-related shenanigans. NEVER FORGET.
