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Who Will Be The 2016 Republican Nominee? (It's Donald Trump) Who Will Be The 2016 Republican Nominee? (It's Donald Trump)

02-08-2015 , 08:00 PM
Rand has absolutely no chance. I'll give 20-1 to any reputable poster (both of you) for up to $100 (my $2000)
02-08-2015 , 08:07 PM
The classic intrade move was always to load up on Paul stock early on and then dump it after the inevitable Iowa caucus bump.
02-08-2015 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Rand has absolutely no chance. I'll give 20-1 to any reputable poster (both of you) for up to $100 (my $2000)
I agree, but huge ****ing lol to you, a known welcher itf, offering 2k bet
02-08-2015 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by Anais
Like a dumbass, you were incredulous that the media would focus on this for rand paul, but didn't make any hay when Obama said something very similar.
I could be wrong but pretty sure he was also saying that what Obama/HRC said was way way worse than Rand, who didn't actually say anything wrong.
02-08-2015 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by ClamChowder
The thing with Paul is that everyone knows that he is a libertarian moron who thinks vaccines are bad.

He says:

And then follows that sentence with

lol. which is it? good or bad?
he calls it a medical breakthrough dude. It's obvious what it is to Paul.
02-08-2015 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Rand has absolutely no chance. I'll give 20-1 to any reputable poster (both of you) for up to $100 (my $2000)
Get away from my action
02-08-2015 , 09:06 PM
i mean, the vaccination dip****ery will be forgotten soon enough

rand's downfall comes after he takes his turn as the "plausible alternative to jeb," when the white supremacist stuff gets exposed. just like daddy
02-08-2015 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
i mean, the vaccination dip****ery will be forgotten soon enough

rand's downfall comes after he takes his turn as the "plausible alternative to jeb," when the white supremacist stuff gets exposed. just like daddy
That didn't really hurt Ron Paul, what hurt him was his foreign policy.
02-08-2015 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by greatwhite
That didn't really hurt Ron Paul, what hurt him was his foreign policy.
No that hurt Ron Paul. I'm not aware of Rand having anything like that in his past. Again, the reason why rand won't succeed isn't something fancy, it's simply the fact that he disagrees with the majority of the republican party on too many important issues.
02-08-2015 , 09:56 PM
Ron Paul was drawing dead when he started taking shots at W and I-Raq.
02-08-2015 , 09:59 PM
Rand seems determined not to make the same mistakes - but still throw enough contradictory crap out there to appeal to give the Alex Jones crowd something to cling to.
02-08-2015 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
No that hurt Ron Paul. I'm not aware of Rand having anything like that in his past. Again, the reason why rand won't succeed isn't something fancy, it's simply the fact that he disagrees with the majority of the republican party on too many important issues.
Not exactly the same as putting his name on the writings but he's still got an issue with who he hires.
02-08-2015 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by ClamChowder
That stuff isn't for the sake of the Alex Jones crowd, it is his true opinions.
That vaccines are "one of the greatest medical breakthroughs that we have"?
02-08-2015 , 10:42 PM
A broken clock is right twice a day so I think racists supporting him will hurt him. In fact he might win the black vote in the primary since he's the only Republican who seems to be trying to reach out to black voters. A lot of black voters have given up on Obama, because they haven't seen any progress under him, in fact things have regressed. Unfortunately for Republicans, Bill Clinton remains very popular for black voters so I'm not sure how much progress can be made in the General.
02-08-2015 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
That vaccines are "one of the greatest medical breakthroughs that we have"?
You know that every time you stand up for his derp we just get to repost his very stupid comment and this story's legs live on, right?

I've heard of many tragic cases of walking, talking, normal children, who wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines.
02-08-2015 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
i mean, the vaccination dip****ery will be forgotten soon enough
Well, yeah, but the problem is that it will be replaced with a new kind of Paul family dip****tery, whether it's palling around with the Southern Avenger, cozying up to anti-vaxxers, having reservations about parts of the Civil Rights Act, gold standard insanity, etc., etc., it's dip****tery all the way down with Rand Paul.
02-08-2015 , 11:03 PM
lol i know, and it's awesome, because it doesn't say what you think it does, but you are simply going to assume it anyways because you don't like Paul. It's just fantastic stuff. And the best part is that you don't really care about dems doing much worse.
02-08-2015 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Get away from my action
What odds you offering big shot?
02-08-2015 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
You know that every time you stand up for his derp we just get to repost his very stupid comment and this story's legs live on, right?
Sure, he's not dumb. ikes gets his attention fix, Rand gets $$$ from the Alex Jones crowd, the rest of us get a good hearty laugh. Pretty much a win/win/win situation all around if you ask me.

Originally Posted by fatkid
What odds you offering big shot?
Guys, we have a prop bet thread for this kind of thing. I'm offering generous action on Rand, btw.
02-08-2015 , 11:16 PM
I think that the big players in the conservative media are going to rally around Walker to take on Bush. They've all been praising him a lot lately. They probably realize that having a new flavor of the week like the debacle in 2012 isn't going to cut it. I think they realize that Cruz is too divisive to win even though he's probably the more ideologically pure conservative. Though there was talk of them rallying around Perry before he immediately showed what an idiot he was when he jumped into the race in 2012.
02-08-2015 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Sure, he's not dumb. ikes gets his attention fix, Rand gets $$$ from the Alex Jones crowd, the rest of us get a good hearty laugh. Pretty much a win/win/win situation all around if you ask me.
Oh please, even politifact says my reading is perfectly plausible. Paul makes it clear what his position is the next day after the nonstory became a story. Carry on.
02-08-2015 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99

Guys, we have a prop bet thread for this kind of thing. I'm offering generous action on Rand, btw.
Hahaha. Your @ 4-1 in there. F that noize.
02-08-2015 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by RowCoach
The last line of that quote you picked out is terrible for Rand. It means support for the field is fluid but his is just about fixed. Meaning as the field contracts he will fall further and further back. 13% in a field of fifteen is great, but not in a field of four or even two.

Being the solid second place guy reliably getting low teens whilst having one of the best known names is awful at this stage. Which candidate is he picking up support from when they drop out?
02-08-2015 , 11:49 PM
Lolikes, it is obvious to literally everyone Rand was trying to have it both ways. Pandering to racists and conspiracy fringe nuts whilst maintaining an air of being reasonable is the family business.
02-09-2015 , 12:03 AM
Suzzer, if you are offering the same 20-1 that Riverman was then i'll take it
