Originally Posted by swinginglory
Hi Kow,
I get it that this is a popular meme in the college dorm and among the Euro-socialists, but it isn't consistent with reasonable data (sample = 17,836) among the electorate. From Obama's rousing 7% victory in 2008 via CNN exit polling among the least educated voters... the 4% of voters with "no high school:
Obama = 63% Mc Cain = 35%
so...... the least educated voters voted Obama by a landslide! The least educated among us are overwhelmingly democrat voters.
so, as an intelligent person, how does it make you feel to know that the republicans idiotic strategy of alienating everyone that wasn't already voting for them is going to cause pres obama to crush in 2012?
would you say, as an intelligent person, that it's a good idea for a major political party in 2012 to be anti-contraception? to perpetuate racist conspiracy theories about where the president was born? what about throwing up a big **** you to women voters by pressing for state mandated pre-abortion ultrasounds?
surely no candidate from a party that represented intelligent people would label atheists (who are generally more intelligent than the average person) as "anti-american," right?
what was once the 'grand old party' is now a bunch of mouth breathers, evangelical ******s, and some intelligent libertarianish people who hate the direction the party is going. how can you defend the party when the intelligent members that havent left yet all wish that it would go in a different direction (actual limited government, free market, etc) instead of the 'we love god, we hate you' direction it has chosen.