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Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee? Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee?

03-11-2012 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Can you elaborate?

Or are health food stores supposed to be extra nice in regards to so and so just because?
Are you not aware of how Whole Foods markets itself and what demographic it targets? Their image is almost 180 degrees out of whack with how they actually operate.

And if anything, I'm laughing at the customers more than I'm scolding the company. What Whole Foods is has been plainly obvious to anybody paying attention for about 15 years, but people don't pay attention. They buy the packaging and convince themselves that what is inside matches.
03-11-2012 , 01:36 AM
I never notice prices at the grocery store and even I won't shop at Whole Foods because it's so ******edly expensive.
03-11-2012 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by krmont22
Same here.


some of us kind of like the ideas of:

-ending unjust wars
-ending the drug war and the end of poor minorities being locked up in private prisons for non-violent 'crimes' related to the use of substance less harmful to society than alcohol or tobacco
-auditing the federal reserve and allowing for more transparency for us monetary policy
-reducing the taxation on americans which allows for the funding of unjust wars and government programs which distort the markets
-stopping the government from directing the productivity of this country which leads to boom and bust cycles and results in a waste of capital and resources
-stopping the continued reduction of americans rights and civil liberties

these kind of things matter to some people, and ron paul over the last 20 years has been a great asset in spreading this message, so i will continue to support him and am rooting for him to run third party, or to throw his weight behind gary johnson or someone else to continue spreading the above ideas and many others.

you know what i have never met in my extensive travels and the numerous amount of ron paul supporters i have met in my life or encountered on the internet?

someone that is like "well, i like a lot of ron pauls ideas..... but i really think we should continue locking up black people in private prisons for marijuana use"


"well, ron paul is pretty great and i think he is right on a lot of his ideas on domestic taxation...... but i really think we shouldn't cut any defense spending, and bombing iran seems like a really good idea"*

why is that? its because once people think critically about a lot of his ideas and see through the fake left-right charade they get it, and his message and ideas of personal liberty spread.

the end game is spreading the his ideas into the national consciousness, and myself and many others will continue to support him while others sit by idly, either critical whiners on the internet with their dicks in their hand, or tools of the current machine that is destroying the middle class and poor people of this country.

'an idea whose time has come..'
03-11-2012 , 02:30 AM
hungover english butchering ftl, but you get the idea
03-11-2012 , 02:58 AM
That article on whole foods is straight ******ed, which shouldn't surprise you given the alex jones web site development skill and this picture, NSFW:


It's complaint can basically be summed up by as 'Whole foods is a successful company, they don't do these things that would run it into the ground'

FWIW, I end up at whole foods a bit because their bakery/meat selection is soooo much better than the Jewel's near me. The service team is friendly and helpful, while the unionized people at jewel are completely obnoxious. If price wasn't an issue I'd be at Whole Foods all day.

I'm actually really happy because a Walmart express opened up near me as well. They don't carry much in fresh produce, but the standard stuff is 20% cheaper than Jewel. It's pretty awesome.
03-11-2012 , 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
That article on whole foods is straight ******ed, which shouldn't surprise you given the alex jones web site development skill and this picture, NSFW:
Heh, the fact that Michael Bluejay, Alex Jones and Whole Foods all come from Austin tells you a lot about Austin.

However, dear ikes, would you care to offer an explanation of how a summary web page, with links to dozens of major news sources that contain all of the arguments presented in the summary, qualifies as "******ed"? How is a page that goes out of its way to mention all the good Whole Foods has done "******ed"?
03-11-2012 , 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
If price wasn't an issue I'd be at Whole Foods all day.
03-11-2012 , 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by snagglepuss
you know what i have never met in my extensive travels and the numerous amount of ron paul supporters i have met in my life or encountered on the internet?

someone that is like "well, i like a lot of ron pauls ideas..... but i really think we should continue locking up black people in private prisons for marijuana use"


"well, ron paul is pretty great and i think he is right on a lot of his ideas on domestic taxation...... but i really think we shouldn't cut any defense spending, and bombing iran seems like a really good idea"*
It's funny because you're totally describing my mom right now. I actually got her involved in the 2008 campaign and we went to meetings, and then joined the Republican Party as precinct captains so we could vote for RP in the caucus, and she was really into liberty for a while, but we haven't been personally active in the campaign this time around, and without the active involvement with a lot of other supporters, she's totally slipped into that "well, Iran is really dangerous and Obama's gutting the military" and she completely refuses to listen to reason on the drug war. She still says she likes Ron Paul the best out of the Republican field, but says that "the most important thing is that we beat Obama".
03-11-2012 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
However, dear ikes, would you care to offer an explanation of how a summary web page, with links to dozens of major news sources that contain all of the arguments presented in the summary, qualifies as "******ed"? How is a page that goes out of its way to mention all the good Whole Foods has done "******ed"?

(2) Fierceless devotion to profit.
03-11-2012 , 10:50 AM
Again Ron Paul couldnt stop the drug war if he were elected.

From now on can Paulites just replace that "he will stop the drug war its racist yo" with "he will make the drug war a states rights issue so it wont stop cos even California cant decriminalise smoking weed". Its much more intellectually honest.
03-11-2012 , 11:10 AM
Anyone seen leaked internal polling for Alabama and Mississippi?
03-11-2012 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by iggymcfly
It's funny because you're totally describing my mom right now. I actually got her involved in the 2008 campaign and we went to meetings, and then joined the Republican Party as precinct captains so we could vote for RP in the caucus, and she was really into liberty for a while, but we haven't been personally active in the campaign this time around, and without the active involvement with a lot of other supporters, she's totally slipped into that "well, Iran is really dangerous and Obama's gutting the military" and she completely refuses to listen to reason on the drug war. She still says she likes Ron Paul the best out of the Republican field, but says that "the most important thing is that we beat Obama".
talk to her iggy
03-11-2012 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by snagglepuss
Originally Posted by snagglepuss
hungover english butchering ftl, but you get the idea
That post (on "policy") has nothing to with pretending that he's going to win (is already winning!) with some incredible delegate trickery. Do you seriously believe that's the case?
03-11-2012 , 12:29 PM
nope just saying why i support the man and why maybe people like krmont and fermion do as well

cheers mate

'Yeah no one ever knows what you're talking about
So i guess you're already there
No one opens up when you scream and shout
But it's time to make a couple things clear

If you're afraid of what you need
If you're afraid of what you need
Look around you, you're surrounded
It won't get any better

Until the night'
03-11-2012 , 12:54 PM
I figured you just attached that drunken ramble to a random thread with my name on it, but thought I'd check. 'til the night, then, cheers.
03-11-2012 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Again Ron Paul couldnt stop the drug war if he were elected.
Well that's just not true. He gets to choose how the laws are enforced yo.
03-11-2012 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by daryn
lol pretty much.
03-11-2012 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Well that's just not true. He gets to choose how the laws are enforced yo.
States rights.
03-11-2012 , 01:55 PM
Has RP ever introduced a bill to allow states to legalize MJ?
03-11-2012 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Well that's just not true. He gets to choose how the laws are enforced yo.
You think he gets to dictate what state laws are enforced?
03-11-2012 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Has RP ever introduced a bill to allow states to legalize MJ?
HR 2306. The point of the bill was to remove federal laws against weed to make it a states rights issue.

It got referred to the subcommittee then disappeared it seems.
03-11-2012 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
You think he gets to dictate what state laws are enforced?
I think the largest enforcer of the drug war is the federal government.... Ainec
03-11-2012 , 02:03 PM
There are 3 times as many state drug prisoners than there are federal drug prisoners.
03-11-2012 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by iggymcfly
It's funny because you're totally describing my mom right now. I actually got her involved in the 2008 campaign and we went to meetings, and then joined the Republican Party as precinct captains so we could vote for RP in the caucus, and she was really into liberty for a while, but we haven't been personally active in the campaign this time around, and without the active involvement with a lot of other supporters, she's totally slipped into that "well, Iran is really dangerous and Obama's gutting the military" and she completely refuses to listen to reason on the drug war. She still says she likes Ron Paul the best out of the Republican field, but says that "the most important thing is that we beat Obama".
this is how I have seen the RP supporters since the beginning of his rise to the general constituency. An individual wants to join, but not actually expand the movement. You don't need to be a precinct captain to vote, your job is to get another person, to get another person to vote. It ain't sexy, it's boring as all get out. But it is required to become leader in a national sense. At the end of a RP rally, where is the swarm of organizers to parade those new recruits into the cause? For the most part, they just went to yell and scream as a crowd, not become in the movement/party

It's like the people that join charity cycling rides, that are all the rage these days. They start by pumping their friends for money. Soon enough their friends don't want to take their calls because all they want is money. They should get people with money, to get their contacts with money, to contribute.

The end result follows your anecdote though, it's interesting
she was really into liberty for a while, but we haven't been personally active in the campaign this time around,
how easily the cause becomes a waste of time. Where were your wranglers to keep you active?
03-11-2012 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
There are 3 times as many state drug prisoners than there are federal drug prisoners.
Thanks for illustrating my point perfectly. President paul could cut the drug war by 25% with direct measures only.
