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Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee? Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee?

09-28-2011 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I'm unsure what makes looking at this speech the same as him being a great speaker? Great speakers deliver a speech. This is simply the words in the speech, and we have no idea who wrote it.

I have serious problems with what's IN the speech. If anything a lot of the shortcomings he talks about can be exposed as coming from HIS party.

Like I keep saying, the GOP is beholden to the Christian right. This is why they are a bunch of crackpots.
All that concern has no matter in the shrine that is Ronald Reagan`s afterglow. Sure it`s nice to cheer on the country in its time of dire need. To continue to speak of the exceptional nature of the American people. It`s especially prime to do that speech after your party, and all those that truly believe in those values, have managed to turn that exceptional land to a wasteland with paper assets and massive debts.

But the droolers that paid cash money to attend don`t want the peons of the land to lose confidence in their special status. Just get out there and spend spend spend. Paper, plastic, your sister, or your goat, whatever it takes to trickle the cash to the top.
09-28-2011 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Oddly, I feel the same way about mine.
Ok. Maybe you're practicing to be one of the candidates with your choice to not answer a question.

It is of no consequence.
09-28-2011 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Meh. He has plausible deniability. And the Perry voters are probably supportive of the Swift Boat nonsense.
Obama is pretty susceptible to his supporters staying home this election, but that's the sort of ammo that could get them back to the polls. I don't expect Republicans to care, or expect it to flip anyone's vote.
09-28-2011 , 08:01 PM
New Fox poll, match the name to the numbers:



Also funny from the article:
Perry gets the Ron Paul treatment:

(Reuters) - Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has regained his status as front-runner in the race for the Republican presidential nomination and one-time pizza executive Herman Cain has tripled his support to reach third place, a Fox News poll said on Wednesday.
09-28-2011 , 08:13 PM
Ron Paul beats Obama head to head in the latest Harris poll.
09-28-2011 , 08:16 PM
Left out of the article is Huntsman got 4% which will help him qualify for the CNN debate and Santorum also got 3%. So Bachmann in a tie for last.
09-28-2011 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Nobody expects a ban on Inquisition Law.
09-28-2011 , 08:32 PM
I know it's early and all we have is a bunch of different polls to go on.

But as it stands if Perry continues to fall, doesn't Cain stand to benefit the most, and likely become Romney's fiercest opposition?

Alot of conservatives on here have seemingly dismissed him out of hand. Whether you agree with what he says or not, I think his message does resonate with a lot of the voting base. I think the people who are improperly labeled as racist will get behind him in a strong way.

He's certainly not my favorite, but this is kinda how I see it.

agree? disagree?
09-28-2011 , 08:35 PM
lol what do you mean improperly labeled? he's a racist, it makes sense that he'd attract fellow racists.

JFC come on RP win me some money.
09-28-2011 , 08:37 PM
Ron Paul will definitely be 3rd in amount raised for the 3Q. That's some good news.
09-28-2011 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by joeyDizzle
I know it's early and all we have is a bunch of different polls to go on.

But as it stands if Perry continues to fall, doesn't Cain stand to benefit the most, and likely become Romney's fiercest opposition?

Alot of conservatives on here have seemingly dismissed him out of hand. Whether you agree with what he says or not, I think his message does resonate with a lot of the voting base. I think the people who are improperly labeled as racist will get behind him in a strong way.

He's certainly not my favorite, but this is kinda how I see it.

agree? disagree?
Cain is the best man in the race...
But he will never beat Romney because:

(1) Money

(2) Republican Establishment

(3) Romney has raised his game since 2008.

If there was ever a scenario...
Where Palin instantly vaults into 2nd place...
This is it.
09-28-2011 , 08:39 PM
What's more interesting to me is how do people position themselves for other jobs if they don't win the presidency.
Newt seems to be extremly "we all need to work together" and somewhat of a lock to get a job offer. Huntsman seems to compliment Romney and Perry quite a bit eventhough he took off the gloves slightly last debate, secretary of state maybe but if Romney wins people may fear a mormon-overload. I feel like Cain could also land a job, he doesn't really attack anyone and just plugs his plan for the most part. Cain could even be concidered a VP kind of guy if you want to balance out Obamas blackness (lol)

Santorum, Bachmann and Paul seem to not care
09-28-2011 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
lol what do you mean improperly labeled? he's a racist, it makes sense that he'd attract fellow racists.

JFC come on RP win me some money.
I don't think I ever said he was or wasn't racist. I'm talking about voters.
09-28-2011 , 08:42 PM
I dont see the appeal of Cain other than when I'm drunk and hungry, then he's my guy.
09-28-2011 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by joeyDizzle
I know it's early and all we have is a bunch of different polls to go on.

But as it stands if Perry continues to fall, doesn't Cain stand to benefit the most, and likely become Romney's fiercest opposition?

Alot of conservatives on here have seemingly dismissed him out of hand. Whether you agree with what he says or not, I think his message does resonate with a lot of the voting base. I think the people who are improperly labeled as racist will get behind him in a strong way.

He's certainly not my favorite, but this is kinda how I see it.

agree? disagree?
In the short term, it has certainly seemed to benefit Cain. But ultimately Perry faceplaming his entire campaign probably helps Mittens more than anyone.
09-28-2011 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by LirvA
I dont see the appeal of Cain other than when I'm drunk and hungry, then he's my guy.
Ross Perot though
09-28-2011 , 09:08 PM
Perot gots nothin on Cain.

Unless I misunderstood the advertisement, he's gonna give me 9 pizzas with 9 toppings for 9 dollars. YOU CAN't BEAT THAT DEAL!
09-28-2011 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by clowntable
What's more interesting to me is how do people position themselves for other jobs if they don't win the presidency.
Huntsman will be interested in working for and welcomed in any administration. He's planting the seeds to be the reasonable moderate in the 2016 or 2020 GOP race once Romney is out of the picture.

Romney could run for president again in 2016, but if the Republican does win he might resign himself to an important cabinet position.

Gingrich is definitely looking for one of those juicy Huckabee contracts or even just exposure for his book. He doesn't really look to be returning to an office.

Cain is black Newt. He wants to be listened to, but I doubt he leaves the media for any office less than the vice presidency.

Bachmann isn't going to be welcome in any administration, I suspect she has her eyes on Al Franken's Senate seat.

Perry will go back to Texas.

Santorum is just a crazy person. He'll continue doing his thing.

Paul is retiring barring a victory.
09-28-2011 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Scary_Tiger
Huntsman will be interested in working for and welcomed in any administration. He's planting the seeds to be the reasonable moderate in the 2016 or 2020 GOP race once Romney is out of the picture.

Romney could run for president again in 2016, but if the Republican does win he might resign himself to an important cabinet position.
I hope his cabinet position is the commander of "hide-and-go-seek" where they tell him to hide and stay there until someone finds him.

Gingrich is definitely looking for one of those juicy Huckabee contracts or even just exposure for his book. He doesn't really look to be returning to an office.

Cain is black Newt. He wants to be listened to, but I doubt he leaves the media for any office less than the vice presidency.

Bachmann isn't going to be welcome in any administration, I suspect she has her eyes on Al Franken's Senate seat.
I wouldn't welcome that bitch in my home for an hour just to have dinner, even if I agreed with her on every single issue hearing her voice on a regular basis would most definitely drive me to the brink of suicide.

Perry will go back to Texas.
And for the love of whatever holy power anyone believes in stay there

Santorum is just a crazy person. He'll continue doing his thing.
What's so crazy about Santorum? All he wants to do is, "KILL KILL KILL... DOMINATE... CONTROL... USA! USA! USA! I think "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan might secretly be his campaign manager.

Paul is retiring barring a victory.
"Paul" is definitely NOT retiring. Rand Paul that is. I think Ron is setting up the stage for a Rand Paul run in 2016 and 2020 if he fails to get elected himself. But I agree, I think "Ron" Paul will be retiring.
Pretty decent analysis IMO but you missed what I included.
09-28-2011 , 10:21 PM
LOL hoopman you couldn't have summed up my thoughts any better
09-28-2011 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
lol what do you mean improperly labeled? he's a racist, it makes sense that he'd attract fellow racists.

JFC come on RP win me some money.
Who is he racist toward?
09-28-2011 , 10:33 PM
09-29-2011 , 08:40 AM
That's a RELIGION, you can't be racist towards a religion lollllllll
09-29-2011 , 11:22 AM
"Swift Boat campaign that torpedoed Senator John Kerry's presidential bid."

Is this actually true? My fuzzy recollection is that the Swift Boat stuff was more notable for how gross it was than the actual impact on the race.
09-29-2011 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Dids
"Swift Boat campaign that torpedoed Senator John Kerry's presidential bid."

Is this actually true? My fuzzy recollection is that the Swift Boat stuff was more notable for how gross it was than the actual impact on the race.
It was terrible in terms of damage to Kerry's Campaign. He refused to fight back and defend himself. His advisors begged him to go on the offensive.

Somehow the GOP media machine turned a war hero into a coward and a liar and turned a man who never fought in anything into a war hero. It was embarassing to watch.
