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What happened to the anti war movement? What happened to the anti war movement?

09-07-2009 , 05:09 PM
Well, he's bankrupting us. That's a start imo.
09-07-2009 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by lewdjunglist
Actually, it would behoove us to understand their mindset.
Bin Laden and his followers are pretty simple people with primitive mindsets. All that there is to be known about him and his mindset is already known. There's not any big questions surrounding his motives or his mindset that are unknown to those who need to know.
09-07-2009 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Well, he's bankrupting us. That's a start imo.
I disagree. Obama is doing more damage to the US economy than Bin Laden could ever have hoped to.
09-07-2009 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by King of Da Donks
[ ] Bin Laden
[x] The US

Bin Laden declared war on the US, how's that working out for him? Any attacks on US soil lately? No, because they've failed, even though they've been trying.

Bin Laden wanted to see less US intervention and less US troops in the middle east. How's that working out for him? There are now more US troops in that part of the world than there was before Bin Laden first began whining about it.

After 9/11, things have only been going downhill for Bin Laden and his terrorist friends. The US has been killing them like ants. Bin Laden sure is a genius, lol.
He did bait us into attacking Afghanistan. Then we later attacked Iraq. I wonder if that was part of his genius plan all along. Considering how much we love war, it's possible.

His ultimate goal was to bring this country to it's knees financially. I can't give him much credit for that, since it wasn't his fault for our housing bubble burst. Military spending did increase, but that's not significant enough to cause use to go bankrupt. We might do it to our self though.

Comparing one person with a small force to one of our size is just lol. Nobody really wins in war.
09-07-2009 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by TomVeil
That was the point.
Interweb sarcasm. So damn hard to figure out sometimes.

Originally Posted by King of Da Donks
Bin Laden and his followers are pretty simple people with primitive mindsets. All that there is to be known about him and his mindset is already known. There's not any big questions surrounding his motives or his mindset that are unknown to those who need to know.
Do you think we should continue to "look" for him? What's your suggestion?

Last edited by lewdjunglist; 09-07-2009 at 05:23 PM. Reason: too many multiples imo
09-07-2009 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by lewdjunglist
Do you think we should continue to "look" for him? What's your suggestion?
Of course the hunt for him should never end, no matter how long it takes. If it is found out that he is being aided or helped by a country while in hiding, then the US should declare war and take the necessary action that is required.
09-07-2009 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by King of Da Donks
[ ] Bin Laden
[x] The US

Bin Laden declared war on the US, how's that working out for him? Any attacks on US soil lately? No, because they've failed, even though they've been trying.

Bin Laden wanted to see less US intervention and less US troops in the middle east. How's that working out for him? There are now more US troops in that part of the world than there was before Bin Laden first began whining about it.

After 9/11, things have only been going downhill for Bin Laden and his terrorist friends. The US has been killing them like ants. Bin Laden sure is a genius, lol.
Surviving or having his al-Queda friends survive wasn't one of bin Laden's goals. He accomplished exactly what he set out to with this attack. Which is why another attack wasn't necessary.
09-07-2009 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by mjkidd
Which is why another attack wasn't necessary.
There have been other attacks, they've just failed.
09-07-2009 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by King of Da Donks
Of course the hunt for him should never end, no matter how long it takes. If it is found out that he is being aided or helped by a country while in hiding, then the US should declare war and take the necessary action that is required.
Please let this be a level.
09-07-2009 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by King of Da Donks
[ ] Bin Laden
[x] The US

Bin Laden declared war on the US, how's that working out for him?
Well, we can find out pretty easily. He told us exactly what his goals were. Cause a slow bleed of men and treasure. Incite more anti-american views. I'd say that those are going pretty well.

Any attacks on US soil lately? No, because they've failed, even though they've been trying.
Lots and lots of attacks on US citizens, though. Isn't that more important?

Bin Laden wanted to see less US intervention and less US troops in the middle east. How's that working out for him? There are now more US troops in that part of the world than there was before Bin Laden first began whining about it.
This is not at all what he wanted. He wanted to draw us in to an unwinnable war. It sure sounds like he's succeeded when you say "The hunt for him should never stop no matter what".

After 9/11, things have only been going downhill for Bin Laden and his terrorist friends. The US has been killing them like ants. Bin Laden sure is a genius, lol.
Interestingly enough, being killed is part of their goals too. Hooray Virgins!
09-07-2009 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by King of Da Donks
Of course the hunt for him should never end, no matter how long it takes. If it is found out that he is being aided or helped by a country while in hiding, then the US should declare war and take the necessary action that is required.
An old adage I learned in the military, "If you're wrong, stay wrong!"
09-07-2009 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by TomVeil
Interestingly enough, being killed is part of their goals too. Hooray Virgins!
With every one of them getting supposedly 72 virgins, I have some bad news for them. They've ran out of virgins a long time ago, and I think that most of them are pretty disappointed when they finally end up seeing what's waiting for them.

And you're right that being killed is part of their goals, and we're just simply doing them a favor and speeding up the process.
09-07-2009 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by mjkidd
09-07-2009 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by King of Da Donks
With every one of them getting supposedly 72 virgins, I have some bad news for them. They've ran out of virgins a long time ago, and I think that most of them are pretty disappointed when they finally end up seeing what's waiting for them.

And you're right that being killed is part of their goals, and we're just simply doing them a favor and speeding up the process.

For those who are actually interested in discussing the issue, here's Bin Laden's speech from just before the election:
09-07-2009 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by King of Da Donks
Besides Cindy Sheehan, Code Pink and a couple of other radicals, the Dems don't care about the war anymore, because they can not bring themselves to criticize their dear leader. Obama has taken over Afghanistan and Iraq now, and Obama is the one that is bombing and killing "innocents". That crazy warmonger Obama, lol.
The point is that dems don't criticize obama because they agree with his foreign policy. Calling him a war monger is fair IMO.

Last edited by Max Raker; 09-07-2009 at 06:09 PM.
09-07-2009 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by mjkidd
Surviving or having his al-Queda friends survive wasn't one of bin Laden's goals. He accomplished exactly what he set out to with this attack. Which is why another attack wasn't necessary.
This is pretty silly. Bin Laden's goals as stated are pretty much insane and had no chance of actually happening. There hasn't been another attack because they have not been able to not because they don't want to.
09-07-2009 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
This is pretty silly. Bin Laden's goals as stated are pretty much insane and had no chance of actually happening. There hasn't been another attack because they have not been able to not because they don't want to.
Which goals are "pretty much insane"?
09-07-2009 , 06:21 PM
Amazing that Bin Laden hasn't set his sights on Norway or Denmark or Sweden yet. I mean given how much he hates freedom its only a matter of time imo. They must have better national security.
09-07-2009 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Amazing that Bin Laden hasn't set his sights on Norway or Denmark or Sweden yet. I mean given how much he hates freedom its only a matter of time imo. They must have better national security.
Before I begin, I say to you that security is an indispensable pillar of human life and that free men do not forfeit their security, contrary to Bush's claim that we hate freedom.

If so, then let him explain to us why we don't strike for example - Sweden? And we know that freedom-haters don't possess defiant spirits like those of the 19 - may Allah have mercy on them.

No, we fight because we are free men who don't sleep under oppression. We want to restore freedom to our nation, just as you lay waste to our nation. So shall we lay waste to yours.
I know you were being snarky to somebody or other, but I wanted to throw this out there.
09-07-2009 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Amazing that Bin Laden hasn't set his sights on Norway or Denmark or Sweden yet. I mean given how much he hates freedom its only a matter of time imo. They must have better national security.
Yeah, that's amazing. Is the daily show your primary news source?

Al-Qaeda and extremist Muslim whackjobs just love those countries.

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (Reuters) — Al Qaeda issued a new threat against Denmark in an Internet video released Friday, saying that an attack on the Danish Embassy in Pakistan in June was only the beginning of its retaliation for perceived insults to the Prophet Muhammad.
09-07-2009 , 06:37 PM
A burning flag and a "threat!" ARMAGEDDON!
09-07-2009 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
A burning flag and a "threat!" ARMAGEDDON!
Yes, that proves your assertion that Bin Laden hadn't yet set his sights on those countries as being false.

Al-Qaeda and all extremists that follow him are enemies of the entire civilized world.
09-07-2009 , 06:45 PM
Yeah, pure coincidence that we're his primary enemy.

Japan is as rich and as free. Why doesn't he target Japan?
09-07-2009 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Yeah, pure coincidence that we're his primary enemy.

Japan is as rich and as free. Why doesn't he target Japan?
Al-Qaeda Tape Mentions Japan As Possible Target

That's two strikes for you already. I will not be entertaining any third question as you have proven yourself to be ignorant on this topic, no personal offense to you of course.
09-07-2009 , 07:13 PM
Dead people in the countries I mentioned: 0

Dead American citizens: thousands

Dead innocents in the Middle East because of America: hundreds of thousands
