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06-04-2017 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
"The danger is that more people will begin to agree with me."
Yeah because the effects of widespread terrorism is no problem.
Am I right to assume you were born around 1980?
Sure the troubles did not effect you like it did your parents, but are you seriously enough of a coward to pretend terrorism is not a problem?
06-04-2017 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by skalf
Yeah because the effects of widespread terrorism is no problem.
Am I right to assume you were born around 1980?
Sure the troubles did not effect you like it did your parents, but are you seriously enough of a coward to pretend terrorism is not a problem?
ITT people not worried about terrorism are "cowards"... which makes those who are terrified the real brave ones? I'm confused.
06-04-2017 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by Love Sosa
There's literally no reason for the police to be armed. If guns are banned, that means no one will ever have a gun, so there's zero reason for the police to have any.

You know you can 3d print guns right?
06-04-2017 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by skalf
Yeah because the effects of widespread terrorism is no problem.
Am I right to assume you were born around 1980?
Sure the troubles did not effect you like it did your parents, but are you seriously enough of a coward to pretend terrorism is not a problem?
I don't think you get the concept of cowardice.
06-04-2017 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
I don't think you get the concept of cowardice.
06-04-2017 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
I don't think you get the concept of cowardice.
Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn? WWII-era Brits ought to be ashamed of this generation of cowardly ****s.
06-04-2017 , 11:54 PM
It is obvious to anyone with a brain that western Europe is facing a devastating problem.
We may survive we may not. pretending there is no problem is just weakness.
06-04-2017 , 11:56 PM
How bout that math though?
06-05-2017 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by skalf
Yeah because the effects of widespread terrorism is no problem.
Am I right to assume you were born around 1980?
Sure the troubles did not effect you like it did your parents, but are you seriously enough of a coward to pretend terrorism is not a problem?
The Troubles were almost wholly confined to the North. Dublin was bombed like once or twice and I'm told my father was a few hundred feet from one when it went off.

I do remember how the problem was dealt with, though. It involved things like negotiating with terrorist groups and granting political legitimacy to their representatives and all kinds of things you presumably wouldn't like a bit. I'm not suggesting that approach would work with Islamic terrorists, but that only speaks to how inapt your comparison is.

And don't come into my ****ing house and start telling me this complex phenomenon you obviously don't have a clue about means I should agree with you. That's just friendly advice, like it won't do you any favours.
06-05-2017 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
How bout that math though?
You let a ****load of people from one particular group into your country and they will make up a larger percentage than they used too.
06-05-2017 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by skalf
It is obvious to anyone with a brain that western Europe is facing a devastating problem.
We may survive we may not. pretending there is no problem is just weakness.
Again, you don't seem to understand what cowardice is. You have one group of people that correctly realizes that several orders of magnitude more people are hurt and killed each year due to car accidents and, like, pools and other inanimate objects, and we rightly say terrorism doesn't seem like a problem we need to worry too much about. You see a news report of a guy that yells praise allah and then stabs a couple people and you cower behind your keyboard pleading for the Western powers to carpet bomb the Middle East. Yet you think the first group are the cowards.
06-05-2017 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
The Troubles were almost wholly confined to the North. Dublin was bombed like once or twice and I'm told my father was a few hundred feet from one when it went off.

I do remember how the problem was dealt with, though. It involved things like negotiating with terrorist groups and granting political legitimacy to their representatives and all kinds of things you presumably wouldn't like a bit. I'm not suggesting that approach would work with Islamic terrorists, but that only speaks to how inapt your comparison is.

And don't come into my ****ing house and start telling me this complex phenomenon you obviously don't have a clue about means I should agree with you. That's just friendly advice, like it won't do you any favours.
So we agree that you don't have the fainest clue how to deal with Muslim terrorism?
I am not saying I do, but **** you.
06-05-2017 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by skalf
You let a ****load of people from one particular group into your country and they will make up a larger percentage than they used too.
Yep - pretty much the same argument that was used against the Irish and Italians in the US 100 years ago.
06-05-2017 , 12:28 AM
[QUOTE=Money2Burn;52333217]Again, you don't seem to understand what cowardice is. You have one group of people that correctly realizes that several orders of magnitude more people are hurt and killed each year due to car accidents and, like, pools and other inanimate objects, and we rightly say terrorism doesn't seem like a problem we need to worry too much about. You see a news report of a guy that yells praise allah and then stabs a couple people and you cower behind your keyboard pleading for the Western powers to carpet bomb the Middle East. Yet you think you have any clue how civil wars get startet?
Even if I agree with you, and say the US caused every single problem,what exactly does western Europe do?
We already brought a catastrophic amount of Muslims to our shores.
We are ****ed.
06-05-2017 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by skalf
So we agree that you don't have the fainest clue how to deal with Muslim terrorism?
I am not saying I do, but **** you.
You have a strangely condescending attitude for a man with no ideas.
06-05-2017 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Yep - pretty much the same argument that was used against the Irish and Italians in the US 100 years ago.
Yeah that is definitely the same.
06-05-2017 , 06:23 AM
Skalf, if you want to educate yourself then why not start by reading something like this for a bit of backgroud -

Then, if once you have more perspective, set out some kind of solution (or at least something that would - overall - improve the situation) baring in mind the obvious consequences of certain actions.

(I'm assuming here that you are not just gunning for the title of worst ever poster.)
06-05-2017 , 07:29 AM
Wow, so much material from just a single ignoramus. And then there's this guy too:
Originally Posted by skalf
It is obvious to anyone with a brain that western Europe is facing a devastating problem.
We may survive we may not. pretending there is no problem is just weakness.
Anyone with a brain? If you had half a brain, you'd be lopsided.

Where are all your posts refuting the stats, data and even definitions (LOL cowardice) that are being presented to you? At some point you have to address science and math. Throwing random words around only works for so long. Especially when they are words spreading hysteria and bigotry.

I just finished up having an argument with a hate-filled Trumpkin who was insisting that the definition of terrorism is "senseless crime committed by a Muslim" and could not convince him otherwise. Disinformation is a powerful thing.
06-05-2017 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by skalf
how about a 25% and an 85% minority?
Muslims are going to be the majority in every single western European country within a generation.
we are talking the end of technological civilization.
****ing looney.
06-05-2017 , 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by skalf
So we agree that you don't have the fainest clue how to deal with Muslim terrorism?
I am not saying I do, but **** you.
Who let you out of the insane asylum?

Sent from my HUAWEI CUN-L01 using Tapatalk
06-05-2017 , 08:35 AM
Really is always chilling to hear of these perpetrators having been reported/warned about by acquaintances. Two people have come forward so far saying they called a tipline about one of the guys from Saturday's attack (albeit long ago).

We also don't know the exact efficacy of monitoring, since we don't know the exact ratio between successful and thwarted attacks (TMay claimed today that 5 attacks were thwarted in just the past three months).

Hard task to balance civil liberties and safety!
06-05-2017 , 08:42 AM
It's a nightmare situation - do we even know how many reports the police get? For all we know they get notified by some people (Skalf?) every time they see someone wearing some foreign looking head gear. It does seem likely that legit chances were missed but not sure we can say much more and we certainly can't be definitive.

In terms of the balance - we could save a tonne of lives by restricting car use, banning really unhealthy food, banning cigarettes, banning relatively dangerous passtimes (eg snorkeling) - but we don't think it's justified. Plus, you have the aspect that some actions may create more hatred and make things worse as an unintended consequence.

The interest side of things is interesting. What can realistically be done without a horrendous breach of civil liberties?
06-05-2017 , 08:43 AM
It's not necessarily civil liberties that belong in the calculus, though. It could be more and better quality people investigating and following up on existing intelligence. So the 'obvious' solution isn't to just start locking up people who we get tips about, it's to adequately assess those tips. Wanting to do the latter isn't some wishy-washy liberal position, it would need to be done even if we did lock them all up.

Last edited by pyatnitski; 06-05-2017 at 08:45 AM. Reason: Am using locking up hyperbolically here, but I don't think investigation necessarily involves loss of civil liberties
06-05-2017 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by domer2
Really is always chilling to hear of these perpetrators having been reported/warned about by acquaintances. Two people have come forward so far saying they called a tipline about one of the guys from Saturday's attack (albeit long ago).

We also don't know the exact efficacy of monitoring, since we don't know the exact ratio between successful and thwarted attacks (TMay claimed today that 5 attacks were thwarted in just the past three months).

Hard task to balance civil liberties and safety!
no this is a good thing. it is a great thing that fellow muslims are doing their part to take down these guys. we can work with that.

it does suck for the ppl who hate all muslims and try to claim terrorism is endemic to all muslims and that their primary goal is to end western civilization and install sharia law. its too bad that it pierces that argument.
06-05-2017 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Again, you don't seem to understand what cowardice is. You have one group of people that correctly realizes that several orders of magnitude more people are hurt and killed each year due to car accidents and, like, pools and other inanimate objects, and we rightly say terrorism doesn't seem like a problem we need to worry too much about. You see a news report of a guy that yells praise allah and then stabs a couple people and you cower behind your keyboard pleading for the Western powers to carpet bomb the Middle East. Yet you think the first group are the cowards.
Not that I disagree with all of your points but the bolded part is pretty ridiculous.

I guess there is some tiny percentage of people cowering behind their couches and not leaving the house because of fears of terrorism. The vast majority are going to work, going out to eat, going to concerts, and living life just as they always have. That doesn't mean they are cowards for being legitimately concerned about terrorism as an issue.

And yet all the tough guys itt spend all their time mocking anyone who says worldwide terrorism is a legit problem that we cannot ignore. That is an incredibly short-sighted way of looking at the problem. It is really head-in-the-sand stuff to pretend terrorists are not plotting a massive-scale attack on the scale of 9/11 or larger. It is also empty boastfulness to pretend that they cannot pull it off because terrorists are supposedly bad at terrorism and are content to run over a dozen people or whatever.

Of course when a truly massive event happens, people itt will still be spouting statistics about car accidents and cancer deaths and mock anyone who says Islamic terrorism is a very large threat to a very large number of people.
