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US urges Israel to stop assassinating Iranian nuclear scientists and focus on Palestine peace. US urges Israel to stop assassinating Iranian nuclear scientists and focus on Palestine peace.

05-31-2015 , 09:11 PM
Smoke 2 bowls of weed and watch Bill O'Reilly, imo.
05-31-2015 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
Smoke 2 bowls of weed and watch Bill O'Reilly, imo.
Anyone who doesn't realize that Bill O'Reilly is playing a character must be high.

There are some awful personalities on FoxNews (I can't tell which are serious and which aren't), but he's one that strikes me as genuinely brilliant, but puts on a hell of a show for the masses to rally behind (or to get enraged at).
05-31-2015 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
oh lol well then

To be fair the only cable TV news I have ever watched is Canadian cable news, we might do it a bit different
Rex Murphy? He gets called every name in the book by haters all over the place.
05-31-2015 , 09:40 PM
Only on YouTube. I watch the national three times a year when I'm back with my parents for Christmas. That's literally it, I don't even have cable
05-31-2015 , 09:42 PM
Although Google informs me that a shill for big oil is one of many names Rex Murphy has been called lol
05-31-2015 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
Anyone who doesn't realize that Bill O'Reilly is playing a character must be high.

There are some awful personalities on FoxNews (I can't tell which are serious and which aren't), but he's one that strikes me as genuinely brilliant, but puts on a hell of a show for the masses to rally behind (or to get enraged at).
O'Reilly might be smart but I do think of him as sincere. There are a couple of things I like about him like always having somebody guaranteed to disagree and often giving them the last word. But you have to be some first class doofus to seriously suggest hiring a mercenary army to fight ISIS.
06-01-2015 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
martymc1 is obviously a PLO agent.

Btw, this is exactly what I'm talking about. If you start from the position that Israel is a priori guilty of the worst of humanity, it's easy to assume that anyone defending her is a government agent. And apparently, it's also impossible for martymc1 to imagine that educated people actually believe that Israel is not the devil, and not acceding to all of the Palestinian demands would make the world a better place.

And only Israel's defenders get accused of this - has anyone accused any of these clowns of being PLO agents or NGO reps or whatever?

A non-Hebrew speaker using the word "Hasbara" in an accusatory way is like a litmus test of stupidity and/or crazy. Or general ignorance, I suppose.
Originally Posted by Gamblor View Post
Lol, anyone who uses the word Hasbara in a negative connotation, and doesn't speak Hebrew, is a confirmed ****** and likely regular reader of anti-Semitic material.
Only those who pass the test may enter these premises.
06-01-2015 , 02:30 PM

Do you post on this account about Jews and Israel to protect the reputation of your other account or because you are afraid of what would happen to your reputation in real life if your posts were discovered and linked to your real name?
