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US Marine: I will Fight American Civilians US Marine: I will Fight American Civilians

04-08-2010 , 12:48 AM
My ears are burning.

Someone keeps mentioning TeaBags ITT.

Someone please send me a memo of what my role in some revolution/civil war is supposed to be.

PS: How exactly, does one declare "Civil" war? I can see declaring war, revolution, etc. But declaring "civil" war? My impression was that civil wars were far more "spring uppy" things than openly declared things. Who does the declaring? Is there some sort of quorom required? Can I declare?
04-08-2010 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by Noam Chomsky
His solution was to keep political power in the hands of those who "come from and represent the wealth of the nation," the "more capable set of men," with the general public fragmented and disorganized...
Chomsky interestingly leaves out that the founding fathers of the time did not believe the 'capable set of men' to be a finite group. In other words, they expected the lower classes to lift themselves out of their destitution, and in that manner join in the voting process.

Interesting, what intellectuals will leave out of history to convince their audience of the correctness of their philosophies.
04-08-2010 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by Taso
Chomsky interestingly leaves out that the founding fathers of the time did not believe the 'capable set of men' to be a finite group. In other words, they expected the lower classes to lift themselves out of their destitution, and in that manner join in the voting process.
History has shown us a continual antagonism between the few in power and the many not in power. Everything I quoted from Chomsky in post #28 is consistent with that reality.

It shouldn't take much deep thought to figure out how a well functioning legitimate democracy is a severe threat to the powerful elites who essentially own everything. In a legit democracy, the majority aren't gonna stand for the 5% haves/95% have-not set up. They would vote away this massive disequilibrium. Only a disfunctional democracy can support huge concentrations of power in the few--A democracy in name only where the masses are allowed to vote on things that don't really matter (Obama/McCain), and are left out of the important stuff.

Taso, I think what you're talking about is perhaps the rhetoric of the founding fathers. Here's the reality:

After the American revolution, rebellious and independent farmers had to be taught by force that the ideals expressed in the pamphlets of 1776 were not to be taken seriously. The common people were not to be represented by countrymen like themselves, that know the people's sores, but by gentry, merchants, lawyers, and others who hold or serve private power. Jefferson and Madison believed that power should be in the hands of the "natural aristocracy," Edmund Morgan comments, "men like themselves" who would defend property rights against Hamilton's "paper aristocracy" and from the poor; they "regarded slaves, paupers, and destitute laborers as an ever-present danger to liberty as well as property." The reigning doctrine, expressed by the Founding Fathers, is that "the people who own the country ought to govern it" (John Jay).
04-08-2010 , 11:51 AM
Sort of ironic how some of the Founders were poor farmers growing up. So much for "natural aristrocacy."
04-08-2010 , 05:16 PM
Kent State shootings. Unbelievable to most but when emotionality overcomes rationality the pack doesn't have a brain and shoots.A clouded consciousness does this, not a clear mind.
04-08-2010 , 06:32 PM
If this man were a Marine and his superiors knew about this, he would be drummed out of the Corps or at least court martialed. If he is, he's in jeopardy; which leads me to believe that he is not for its a far reach from fighting honorably with integrity and threatening fellow citizens with his "my dick is bigger than yours" attitude.

In so many ways I consider this man malevolent which means he could be a child of 16 or a real anti American miscreant who is stirring the pot. Debating this issue can go all ways and offer nothing unless the poster and posted are brought to the light of day.

Semper Fidelis.
04-08-2010 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by ILOVEPOKER929
Everything I quoted from Chomsky in post #28 is consistent with that reality.
I meant post #48.
04-09-2010 , 07:55 AM
Enemies both foreign and domestic ... how is this news?
04-11-2010 , 10:35 PM
No one is declaring civil war so what's the point? Author is likely not a Marine, and if he is, so what? I think there's a precedent for people being stupid with interweb postings. If the Commandant of the Marine Corps is saying this on 60 Minutes I might take notice.

MaxRaker, dude, enough with the limp-dick cheap shots at us military types. I don't know what the problem is, but I can promise you that you don't just roll out of bed at noon and decide that since the weather's nice you're gonna strap on an F-15 and go for a spin.
