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US to declare the "homeland" a battlefield. US to declare the "homeland" a battlefield.

01-07-2012 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by K1n9K0n9
I'm not American, but

large increased likelihood of terrorist attack > small likelihood of this bill being abused

Excellent points and thank you for taking the time to share, it sounds like you thought this one out deeply.
01-07-2012 , 04:26 PM
small likelihood of this bill being abused
WTF? Look at what they did with the PATRIOT act. 1600 drug cases, 15 terrorism cases.

I know this probably politically incorrect to say, but it's pretty dumb to have any particular concern about terrorism. Even if a terrorist cell manages to stage a successful attack, how many people are they even going to kill given their current capabilities? It's not like Al Qaeda is going to pull off some crazy attack that kills 300k people or something. Hell, I seriously doubt if they can even kill 15k. Terrorism should rank right behind getting struck by lightening on people's list of concerns. Yet we get law after law that curbs civil rights/liberties. But don't worry, your chances of getting killed by a terrorist have just decreased from .000000009% to .0000000087%.
01-07-2012 , 05:31 PM
Terrorist is the new Jesus, people will believe anything.
01-07-2012 , 06:02 PM
It gets better.

I've checked the bill and what it's amending and it is as described.
01-07-2012 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Adebisi
WTF? Look at what they did with the PATRIOT act. 1600 drug cases, 15 terrorism cases.

I know this probably politically incorrect to say, but it's pretty dumb to have any particular concern about terrorism. Even if a terrorist cell manages to stage a successful attack, how many people are they even going to kill given their current capabilities? It's not like Al Qaeda is going to pull off some crazy attack that kills 300k people or something. Hell, I seriously doubt if they can even kill 15k. Terrorism should rank right behind getting struck by lightening on people's list of concerns. Yet we get law after law that curbs civil rights/liberties. But don't worry, your chances of getting killed by a terrorist have just decreased from .000000009% to .0000000087%.
Yeah. You have a better chance of being killed by a police officer than you do a terrorist. You basically have a better chance of dying from anything you can think of compared to a terrorist attack.

The only way the terrorists are affecting us are through our government taking away our civil liberties and freedoms. Otherwise they are almost harmless compared to anything else in the world.
01-07-2012 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by TomCowley
It gets better.

I've checked the bill and what it's amending and it is as described.
Lol. Jesus ****ing christ.
01-07-2012 , 06:42 PM
Wells Fargo Changes Consumer Agreement, Banning You From Suing Them

I received the attached PDF in a notice just today from Wells Fargo, amending my agreement with them to state that effective February 15th, I can no longer sue them or engage in a class action suit against them. I thought the Consumerist might be interested in getting the word out on this scummy practice by Wells Fargo.

Sure enough, in quite plain, bolded and all caps language, Wells Fargo says: "YOU AGREE THAT YOU AND THE BANK ARE WAIVING THE RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL OR TRIAL BEFORE A JUDGE IN A PUBLIC COURT."
USA - Land of the free
01-07-2012 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by Adebisi
WTF? Look at what they did with the PATRIOT act. 1600 drug cases, 15 terrorism cases.
I didn't say there's a small chance of the bill being abused. I'm on your side. I'm disgusted by the way your country is using the imaginary threat of terrorism to justify clamping down on all kinds of liberties.
01-07-2012 , 07:54 PM
01-07-2012 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
No, we're not. Military detentions have always been applied to a tiny number of combatants. The President has always had the power to hold POWs without judicial review. Constantly spewing falsehoods that large numbers of Americans are going to be rounded up is scaremongering.
01-07-2012 , 08:27 PM
yea, thats never happened

01-07-2012 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by TomCowley
It gets better.

I've checked the bill and what it's amending and it is as described.


Infowars: Another Tyrannical Success for Lieberman: Enemy Expatriation Act Now Law Under NDAA

Last edited by orestto; 01-07-2012 at 09:11 PM.
01-07-2012 , 09:13 PM
jfc iron
01-07-2012 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
No, we're not. Military detentions have always been applied to a tiny number of combatants. The President has always had the power to hold POWs without judicial review. Constantly spewing falsehoods that large numbers of Americans are going to be rounded up is scaremongering.
I was being facetious.
01-07-2012 , 10:13 PM
Maybe you are, but a lot of people around here who sound like you aren't.
01-08-2012 , 12:40 AM

Jayteeme has gained +20 rage

Seriously though, this needs its own thread

Last edited by JayTeeMe; 01-08-2012 at 12:50 AM.
01-08-2012 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by iron81
Military detentions have always been applied to a tiny number of combatants.

this is more or less similar to holocaust denial considering my grandfather was sent to a fine american camp not that long ago. iron is always good for a laugh
01-08-2012 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by kyleb

this is more or less similar to holocaust denial considering my grandfather was sent to a fine american camp not that long ago. iron is always good for a laugh
It's a little ridiculous because less than a year ago iron was one of the most respected posters in this subforum.
01-08-2012 , 02:07 AM
I call
01-08-2012 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by kyleb

this is more or less similar to holocaust denial considering my grandfather was sent to a fine american camp not that long ago. iron is always good for a laugh
do you get banned from this forum for holocaust denial?
01-09-2012 , 12:29 AM
idk why you would. You shouldn't imo.
01-09-2012 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by Adebisi
WTF? Look at what they did with the PATRIOT act. 1600 drug cases, 15 terrorism cases.

Yet we get law after law that curbs civil rights/liberties.
That was the goal. Of course they are not gonna say that though. But the proof is in the pudding. Too bad there are so many gullible people who actually believe what the government tells them to believe.
01-15-2012 , 03:15 AM
This dude is prepared.

01-15-2012 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by LirvA

I really want to add you on facebook after reading this, but I don't want to be detained tomorrow =\

Last edited by khanrava; 01-15-2012 at 04:36 PM. Reason: awesome though
01-15-2012 , 09:32 PM
People don't all have to be in the same place to count as rounded up.

I think everyone knows about the US and incarceration rates.

We incarcerate the most per capita in the world (maybe a couple countries with no records). 3 1/2 times rate of Iran. 10 times the rate of many western democracies.

There are 2.4 million people incarcerated. We could imprison hordes of people and it would hardly be noticed.
