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02-18-2019 , 08:42 AM
Originally Posted by Hoopie1
Centrist wankers gave the UK the only Labour government that I can remember.
02-18-2019 , 08:49 AM
I'll be honest now.... If Corbyn is an anti semite it isn't really clear to me (may be my problem, I don't know).

But it's clear as ****ing day that May is an anti immigrant kuntbag and she's PM because of it and half the population are lockstep with her in her views.

So, is it just me that can't square how both those are perceived? Or do I have to have a rethink of the ranking of which type of racism is the worst (anti semitism worst obviously, anti Irish the best)?


Hoopie, tell me what they are doing on Airbnb?

And lo****ingl new labour enabled the murder of hundreds of thousands of brown people and helped plunge the middle East into a quagmire of neverending slaughter. Also helped bring the terror to their own country.

We're all still paying the price for their centrist (war mongering) policies.

Last edited by unwantedguest; 02-18-2019 at 08:55 AM.
02-18-2019 , 08:57 AM
Tony Blair middle east peace envoy, bought and paid for by qatar/uae/god only knows who's shady money he is/was taking.

He solved homelessness tho lol.
02-18-2019 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by martymc1
I'm no Corbyn fan,
02-18-2019 , 09:18 AM
Think you must have missed the part where I posted that they are all British politicians, therefore barring themselves from being good decent people.

I don't support people like that lol. I don't support any politicians as I've made clear numerous times.

Yet to see one that would make me go and vote for them (Irish/British/from anywhere).
02-18-2019 , 09:24 AM
02-18-2019 , 09:26 AM
Now that TomJ's been banned (again) you're the most consistently pro Magic Grandpa poster itt. Barely a bad word to say about the dude and relentlessly attack anyone who criticises him. But sure that's not support. Like, come on.
02-18-2019 , 09:26 AM
Glad I hold my views rather than yours sucker.
02-18-2019 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Now that TomJ's been banned (again) you're the most consistently pro Magic Grandpa poster itt. Barely a bad word to say about the dude and relentlessly attack anyone who criticises him. But sure that's not support. Like, come on.
Wrong. Gonna need some links to me relentlessly attacking people and me being pro Corbyn. Don't pull a bitterballs on us and step out for 3 days now.

I'm against Husker posting what I thought were constant smears after Husker said he'd post wrong doing from any politician no matter which party, while he ignores dear leader Ruth courting the loyalist orange order.


Tbc for you you ****ing idiot. I'm a proud Irish man, I have never and will never advocate for any British politician.

Only one vote really matters to me and that's on the issue of Irish reunification.
02-18-2019 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by martymc1
I'll be honest now.... If Corbyn is an anti semite it isn't really clear to me (may be my problem, I don't know).

But it's clear as ****ing day that May is an anti immigrant kuntbag and she's PM because of it and half the population are lockstep with her in her views.

So, is it just me that can't square how both those are perceived? Or do I have to have a rethink of the ranking of which type of racism is the worst (anti semitism worst obviously, anti Irish the best)?


Hoopie, tell me what they are doing on Airbnb?

And lo****ingl new labour enabled the murder of hundreds of thousands of brown people and helped plunge the middle East into a quagmire of neverending slaughter. Also helped bring the terror to their own country.

We're all still paying the price for their centrist (war mongering) policies.
Sebastian Corbyn:

May is a Tory. She is expected to be a ****. Corbyn is the head of what is meant to be the inclusive Labour Party. If Corbyn isn't an anti-semite then he's pretty good at ignoring that sort of behaviour.

You can hate them as much as you want. Somebody has to govern. You hate them all so there is little point in you contributing into who is good and who isn't. It is like asking you for a balanced view on Rangers FC.
02-18-2019 , 11:59 AM
Very good statement from Tom Watson today and I'd imagine he'll face more heat for it from within.
02-18-2019 , 12:07 PM
It is quite something for the Deputy Leader of a party to claim to sometimes not recognise that party.
02-18-2019 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by Hoopie1
It is quite something for the Deputy Leader of a party to claim to sometimes not recognise that party.
I just posted that very thing on another forum I use. It's incredible.
02-18-2019 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Hoopie1
Sebastian Corbyn:

May is a Tory. She is expected to be a ****. Corbyn is the head of what is meant to be the inclusive Labour Party. If Corbyn isn't an anti-semite then he's pretty good at ignoring that sort of behaviour.

You can hate them as much as you want. Somebody has to govern. You hate them all so there is little point in you contributing into who is good and who isn't. It is like asking you for a balanced view on Rangers FC.
So his son is a **** only out to line his pockets. Would never have thought it possible if I hadn't seen that link lol. Corbyn has shown himself to be nothing but an arse wipe who has abandoned the people he claims to represent.

Of course somebody has to govern but I don't have to like them or even believe that they are competent people (they aren't). And I'm sure I get to have a say even if I don't vote for any of the ****s, this isn't North Korea yet.

Your last line is unfair.


Crickets PGUK?
02-18-2019 , 12:23 PM
If people want a video of Watson's statement, struggling to embed:
02-18-2019 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by sixfour
Chukka opting to leave political entity that can't be reformed from within is somewhat ironic
His new group is off to a great start

“The recent history of the party I’ve just left suggested it’s not just about being black or a funny tin ... you know, a different... from the BAME community,”

A tinge funny certainly.

But she "misspoke" and "it's not who I am" makes up a fairly hopeless apology.

It is who you are - I just watched YOU SAY it.
02-18-2019 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Strontium Dog
His new group is off to a great start

“The recent history of the party I’ve just left suggested it’s not just about being black or a funny tin ... you know, a different... from the BAME community,”

A tinge funny certainly.

But she "misspoke" and "it's not who I am" makes up a fairly hopeless apology.

It is who you are - I just watched YOU SAY it.
I was just watching Politics live on catch up and it's a quite extraordinary moment.
02-18-2019 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by joejoe1337
If people want a video of Watson's statement, struggling to embed:
My estimation of Tom Watson has gone up considerably after watching that.
02-18-2019 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by martymc1
Centrist wankers.

Maybe chez has found a new home.

Inb4 bitterballs says he'd vote for them
Blairites reunited is definitely not a home for me.

The brass idea that it's the left who have 'hijacked' the Labour party when it was blair who 'hijacked' the labour party and his crowd are now kicking and screaming as it returns to the left where it needs to be.
02-18-2019 , 01:28 PM
Blimey, what a piece of regressive trash Angela Smith is, and good riddance to her.
02-18-2019 , 01:37 PM
jfc it's all just a constant ****show
02-18-2019 , 02:21 PM
So, we're all hating on Angela Smith, are we? So, how 'bout this Labour MP, who claims homosexuality is a choice, and who also says that Hamas, who execute gay men, are his 'friends', and who also took £20,000 in appearance fees from Press-TV, the propaganda arm of the Tehran regime who also, quelle surprise, execute gay men?

02-18-2019 , 02:40 PM
Incidentally, it appears Smith was making an ill-advised reference to Ash Sarkar's earlier remark that her stepfather was 'white -- well, actually he was more of a pinkish colour.' So Smith was about to point out that people come in various 'funny tinges' and then stopped and decided not to go there. She later tweeted an apology, something Corbyn can never be arsed to do despite his continual endorsements of anti-Semites, kleptocrats and war criminals.
02-18-2019 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
So, we're all hating on Angela Smith, are we? So, how 'bout this Labour MP, who claims homosexuality is a choice, and who also says that Hamas, who execute gay men, are his 'friends', and who also took £20,000 in appearance fees from Press-TV, the propaganda arm of the Tehran regime who also, quelle surprise, execute gay men?

It's alright to think both are bad. This constant 'what about-ism' is the ****ing worst.
02-18-2019 , 02:48 PM
Oh, and, of course, Jon Snow and all at Channel 4 News particularly dislike Corbyn because he went on taking the mullahs' money and appearing on their shows *after* Press-TV broadcast a fake 'confession', obtained under torture, from a Channel 4 journalist.
