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03-31-2018 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
tom, i am not sure how or why you are still pretending that there might've been a context-based valid reason for him to post that stuff when HE HAS ADMITTED THAT HE POSTED IT FOR, AND I QUOTE, DISCUSSION AND DEBATE
What are you posting it for? Just to display it and grunt?
Discussion and debate OF WHAT? Of how racist it is? Of how it could be true?
03-31-2018 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by tomj
NATO shill! Who pays ya?
Is this the result of the breakdown in diplomatic relations ie tit for tat expulsions? Expulsions based on *** packet evidence around skripal? A response formulated before any investigation?
The point is to avoid cold War 2.0/ww3, not take a side.
This is today's news. Yesterday happened something else and tomorrow Russia does something new. You have to take a side. You do that with NATO troops outside of Russia's coast lets say outside St. Petersburg and you would have third world war.

Russia is not a stable actor. It's not a partner and it should not be trusted. You shouldn't play geopolitics by their rules and always look justification for their actions. There's a reason many Eastern European nations joined NATO which Corbyn considers as a mistake to let them in.

RT is a propaganda machine for Russia. Directed exactly at you.
03-31-2018 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
Dude - Naz Shah called for the ethnic cleansing of six million Jews, something she herself admitted was virulently anti-Semitic, and you said she was merely "against the illegal occupation of Palestine".

You also say we should keep an open mind about this guy:

It is abundantly clear to everyone in this thread that you are totally unwilling to accept *any* level of proof that someone broadly seen as pro-Corbyn is anti-Semitic. It is also overwhelmingly likely in my opinion that you are anti-Semitic. I can not think of another explanation for why you're willing to accuse Elrazor of racism based on nothing, but don't accept Holocaust denial, Rotschild conspiracies & advocating for mass ethnic cleansing as examples of anti-Semitism. You're certainly emblematic of why Corbyn has anti-Semitism issues.
How is it possible to have so many mis representations in one post?

1) Re naz shah, her views encompass more than one tweet. I did not endorse this tweet
2) she did not call for ethnic cleansing of 6 millions Jews (unless you have evidence I haven't seen in which case cite) she called for Israel to relocate to the US, which was offensive and unnecessary
3) not a misrepresentation but again we have people reposting anti semitic bile
4) Re defending anyone pro corbyn, just no
5) now I'm anii semitic, despite the facts that I have

A) organised and took part in demonstrations against fascists
B) actively supported holocaust memorial day for the last 3 years
C) confronted anti semitic views and comments when they have arisen - from those on the right btw, never witnessed this on the left

6) I don't think anti semitism is anti semitism? That's just self evidently nonsense. And contradicts basically everything I have said.

What you have done is expose the way the Labour right, daily mail et al are stitching up genuine anti racists.

03-31-2018 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
"The Holocaust never happened"
"Kick this anti-Semite out of Labour"
"Look, I'm the head of the commission to look into anti-Semitism in Labour and there was nothing anti-Semitic about what he said"
"What. The. ****?"
"This is all a smear. The Chakrabarti report said there was no anti-Semitism in Labour."
"Wasn't she offered a peerage *before* agreeing to do the report, then parachuted into a shadow cabinet position afterwards? You'd riot on the streets in the Tories did the same".
Jalfrezi: This is all happening because Corbyn is pro-Palestinian.
Maybe this is too nuanced for a "PartyGirl", but some people who previously felt unable to express deplorable opinions re. Jews probably now feel empowered to do so under a pro-Palestine Labour leader, having mistaken a pro-Palestinian bias for a prejudice against Jews, as stupid people are wont to do (witness the spelling in the tweet).

It's the Left's less violent equivalent of how after the Brexit vote racial attacks on EU immigrants increased dramatically; and how after Trump's election neo-Nazis in the US feel empowered to voice racist rhetoric online and during marches, and on one such an occasion kill someone.

All political groups have their extremist deplorables, and the Labour Party needs to get rid of its genuine anti-Semites.

Last edited by jalfrezi; 03-31-2018 at 12:21 PM.
03-31-2018 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
The tweet above is hideous and Shawcroft was rightly sacked/quit after attempting to excuse it, but as Tom said (oh no) it should be possible to criticise the formation of the state of Israel without and/or Israel's appalling treatment of Palestinians, occupation etc without fearing being accused of being anti-Semitic.

Labour's move to the left under Corbyn has seen an increase in its criticism of Israel, and this is the natural and good result of concern for the plight of Palestinians.
"Naz Shah saying six million Jews should be ethnically cleansed isn't anti-Semitic because she was actually saying *Israel* should be cleansed and it just so happens that means six millions Jews would be ethnically cleansed but that's a by product so it's not anti-Semitic" is heinous. I note you didn't say this.

But you did say "Holocaust denial is awful but Israel". And it's really ****ing annoying. Almost zero of the criticism Labour have received for soft peddling anti-Semitism has revolved around legitimate criticism of Israel. It has revolved around Holocaust deniers, Holocaust revisionists, Rothschild dog whistlers etc. So why mention Israel?

You're implying that the vast majority of British Jews who feel Corbyn has for decades soft peddled anti-Semitism are acting in bad faith. They're not. When they talk about Corbyn's anti-Semitism issues over Friday night dinner, ***they don't mention Israel***. It just doesn't come up. They're concerned because he has a long, long, long history of supporting anti-Semites.
03-31-2018 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Maybe this is too nuanced for a "PartyGirl", but some people who previously felt unable to express deplorable opinions re. Jews probably now feel empowered to do so under a pro-Palestine Labour leader, having mistaken a pro-Palestinian bias for a prejudice against Jews, as stupid people are wont to do (witness the spelling in the tweet).

It's the Left's less violent equivalent of how after the Brexit vote racial attacks on EU immigrants increased dramatically; and how after Trump's election neo-Nazis in the US feel empowered to voice racist rhetoric online and during marches, and on one such an occasion kill someone.

All political groups have their extremist deplorables, and the Labour Party needs to get rid of its genuine anti-Semites.
Those 'quotes' have no reference, can't possibly make generalisations based on this. Your conclusion could still hold weight but it needs to be based on something real. Like guardian opinion pieces right now are excruciating, there is very little of substance to back up the generalisations.
This comparison with the far right is just not bearing out in reality. Again, much more needs to be shown to demonstrate this.
Finally, they ofc should root out anti semites and implement the chakrabarti recommendations. It should be said that corbyn inherited a bunch of anti semitism reports/claims in 2015 to deal with so this isn't a solely corbyn phenomenon.
03-31-2018 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
"Naz Shah saying six million Jews should be ethnically cleansed isn't anti-Semitic because she was actually saying *Israel* should be cleansed and it just so happens that means six millions Jews would be ethnically cleansed but that's a by product so it's not anti-Semitic" is heinous. I note you didn't say this.

But you did say "Holocaust denial is awful but Israel". And it's really ****ing annoying. Almost zero of the criticism Labour have received for soft peddling anti-Semitism has revolved around legitimate criticism of Israel. It has revolved around Holocaust deniers, Holocaust revisionists, Rothschild dog whistlers etc. So why mention Israel?

You're implying that the vast majority of British Jews who feel Corbyn has for decades soft peddled anti-Semitism are acting in bad faith. They're not. When they talk about Corbyn's anti-Semitism issues over Friday night dinner, ***they don't mention Israel***. It just doesn't come up. They're concerned because he has a long, long, long history of supporting anti-Semites.
I did not say "Holocaust denial is awful but Israel...". Don't put words into people's mouths. This is clearly an emotive subject for you, and you're tainting the debate with false accusations.

For the rest read my previous post, apart from this...

You're implying that the vast majority of British Jews who feel Corbyn has for decades soft peddled anti-Semitism are acting in bad faith
...which again is false. The extreme sensitivity of the subject makes it one where misunderstandings happen too often, rather than where people might argue in bad faith.
03-31-2018 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
"Naz Shah saying six million Jews should be ethnically cleansed isn't anti-Semitic because she was actually saying *Israel* should be cleansed and it just so happens that means six millions Jews would be ethnically cleansed but that's a by product so it's not anti-Semitic" is heinous. I note you didn't say this.

But you did say "Holocaust denial is awful but Israel". And it's really ****ing annoying. Almost zero of the criticism Labour have received for soft peddling anti-Semitism has revolved around legitimate criticism of Israel. It has revolved around Holocaust deniers, Holocaust revisionists, Rothschild dog whistlers etc. So why mention Israel?

You're implying that the vast majority of British Jews who feel Corbyn has for decades soft peddled anti-Semitism are acting in bad faith. They're not. When they talk about Corbyn's anti-Semitism issues over Friday night dinner, ***they don't mention Israel***. It just doesn't come up. They're concerned because he has a long, long, long history of supporting anti-Semites.
Another bunch of baseless crap with no reference/citation.
03-31-2018 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by tomj
Those 'quotes' have no reference, can't possibly make generalisations based on this. Your conclusion could still hold weight but it needs to be based on something real. Like guardian opinion pieces right now are excruciating, there is very little of substance to back up the generalisations.
This comparison with the far right is just not bearing out in reality. Again, much more needs to be shown to demonstrate this.
Finally, they ofc should root out anti semites and implement the chakrabarti recommendations. It should be said that corbyn inherited a bunch of anti semitism reports/claims in 2015 to deal with so this isn't a solely corbyn phenomenon.
They aren't quotes, they are opinions and therefore need no reference. Are you feeling OK?
03-31-2018 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
I did not say "Holocaust denial is awful but Israel...". Don't put words into people's mouths.
My apologies. You said "anti-Semitism is awful but Israel", not "Holocaust denial is awful but Israel". I thought you were referring to Bull's Holocaust denial tweet but you were referring to his generically anti-Semitic tweet. I should have checked.

I'm not being "emotive".

The tweet above is hideous and Shawcroft was rightly sacked/quit after attempting to excuse it, but as Tom said (oh no) it should be possible to criticise the formation of the state of Israel without and/or Israel's appalling treatment of Palestinians, occupation etc without fearing being accused of being anti-Semitic.
"anti-Semitism is awful but Israel"
03-31-2018 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
They aren't quotes, they are opinions and therefore need no reference. Are you feeling OK?
If these are tweets it is well known that far right trolls operate, I would like to see who said 'the holocaust never happened'.
03-31-2018 , 01:25 PM
With more time available I would have said:

"The tweet above is hideous and Shawcroft was rightly sacked/quit after attempting to excuse it.

As Tom said (oh no) it should be possible to criticise the formation of the state of Israel without and/or Israel's appalling treatment of Palestinians, occupation etc without fearing being accused of being anti-Semitic."
03-31-2018 , 02:45 PM
Shawcroft has finally "resigned" from the NEC.
03-31-2018 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
i note she's still on the NEC btw
03-31-2018 , 02:50 PM
This is the kind of filth that should be dealt with wherever it appears:

Now it should be pointed out here that nobody seems to know who this Colin Wilson guy is. He may not be a member of the Labour Party. According to Nick Lowles, who is the coordinator of Hope Not Hate (not a group I am often in agreement with btw), he posts on a 'pro Corbyn' forum so there may be some action that could be taken even if he is not in the Labour party.
03-31-2018 , 02:55 PM
The first sentence alone should see him expelled from the Labour Party if h'e s a member.
03-31-2018 , 02:55 PM
She continued: "It has been a privilege to serve on the Labour Party national executive committee for the last 19 years, and I was standing down in September in any event...

"It is clear that my continued membership of the NEC has become a distraction for the Party and an excuse for endless intrusive media harassment of myself, my family and friends."
What a disgusting piece of ****. Had the opportunity to apologise for enabling anti-Semitism and falsely claiming criticism of her anti-Semitism enabling was a media conspiracy ... chose to blame her resignation on a media conspiracy. **** off.
03-31-2018 , 03:18 PM
Replaced on the NEC by Eddie Izzard lol
03-31-2018 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
The first sentence alone should see him expelled from the Labour Party if h'e s a member.
There have been for many years far right activists sniffing round the Palestine issue eg. Nick Griffin supporting Ken livingstone. They can't work out if it's the Muslims or the Jews they hate more. So I would always be aware of this possibility particularly if they live on the internet it is very easy to assume a persona. They should at the least be able to block such people from forums ie 'No platform' them.
03-31-2018 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Replaced on the NEC by Eddie Izzard lol
Who's anti-Corbyn
03-31-2018 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by Husker
Who's anti-Corbyn
Is he? I've heard him say supportive things but I don't recall negative things.

He is very pro-EU.
03-31-2018 , 05:12 PM
he was good in Hannibal.
03-31-2018 , 05:38 PM
I think EI is a terrific addition both for the labour party and progressive values in general.
03-31-2018 , 06:30 PM
One for Eddie's next comic performance:

Telegraph, 28th March, Russian hit squad put poison on Sergei Skripal's front door, police believe

A Russian hit squad poisoned Sergei Skripal and his daughter by smearing nerve agent on his front door, police disclosed last night....

Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey, who was also hospitalised, is thought to have become ill after going to the house and was one of the first on the scene....

Emergency services receive the first reports from members of the public that Sergei and Yulia are slumped on a bench near the River Avon, a short walk from Ziizzi’s, and appear to be catatonic and seriously ill.
Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey is understood to have been among the first responders at the scene and gave first aid to the stricken pair.

story checks out.
03-31-2018 , 07:11 PM
What makes anyone think that a stand up comedian has anything to offer the Labour Party's NEC?

I get that he's regarded as the next national treasure but is this what politics is coming to?
