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UK Politics Thread UK Politics Thread

03-19-2018 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Only a russian Shill would use the word Patriot as such terminology is the essence of the russian brainwashed monkey.

British Liberals on the other hand can use Occam's razor to come to obvious conclusions without in anyway being a "patriot".

Patriot is a really silly word, but exactly the type of terminology a russian shill would use. Nationalism being the lens through which they view the world.
"British liberals" can conclude that but they usually wrap it up with a fat dose of flag waving jingoism. Interesting you have nothing to say about that but plenty of vitriol for Russian nationalists.
03-19-2018 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Has anyone considered the idea that Russia might actually want to help May and the main fanatical raving Brexit party in polling and political presentation in general.

Dear comrade May, have some free looking stronk leader, regards, ze Kremlin.

Irrational Brexit lunacy is the UK's closest Trump analogue.

Just conspiritarding out loud.
De-contextualising from the wider propaganda campaign/NATO objectives re Russia-China strategic partnership/Syria etc leads to ridiculous thought experiments like Putin helping May and so on.
But that stuff doesnt really fit into easy one-liners so carry on.
03-19-2018 , 08:39 PM
i used to think the russian troll farms thing was quite lol, but seems to get results

the content generally seems unsophisticated. i guess it works on the basis that a casual observer who's skimming and not really paying much attention figures 'oh well i see her emails/benghazi/seth rich mentioned so often there must be something to it'

probably works better on twitter than on message boards
03-19-2018 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by trade up
My last account was banned for posting anomalies about an British event not related to Russia

You think I am somehow here to help Russia cover up a assassination that they messed up. On a poker forum? lol

I posted that communism video to show that propaganda drama is nothing new and is obvious when you are outside the bubble. You appear to have taken the content in the video literally and concluded I'm Russian lol.

They agree on their current leader, they deal with the international banking system and NATO well. I respect that about Russia but other than that I don't care what happens there

Propaganda drama is still here. Just like technology, they have gotten a lot better at it. Given that ive lived in the UK all my life, I cant spot it very easily
Previous account banned, you say? Name the account, or else you are banned.
03-19-2018 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Previous account banned, you say? Name the account, or else you are banned.
ask me in a respectful way in a pm and I will happily tell you
03-19-2018 , 10:10 PM
Make sure you say please.
03-19-2018 , 10:22 PM
Excellent posting in this thread recently.
03-19-2018 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by trade up
ask me in a respectful way in a pm and I will happily tell you
Request denied. If you have any chance of remaining to post here, you post it publicly. And yes, it's an ultimatum, and you have no recourse.
03-20-2018 , 04:19 AM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
i used to think the russian troll farms thing was quite lol, but seems to get results

the content generally seems unsophisticated. i guess it works on the basis that a casual observer who's skimming and not really paying much attention figures 'oh well i see her emails/benghazi/seth rich mentioned so often there must be something to it'

probably works better on twitter than on message boards
Ever read the comments section on a Daily Mail or Express story? Also turn up quite effectively in broad sheet comment sections. They dont really want to convince anyone, they just want to really muddy the waters and confuse.
03-20-2018 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by trade up
...about an British event not related to Russia
cover up a assassination...
Education standards may be slipping but I don't know many native speakers who don't understand when the word 'an' should be used.
03-20-2018 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by martymc1
Yeah I get that whatabouterry isn't a good look but I've posted the same thing numerous times (Brit state committed lots of murders here) and have either been met by crickets or active denial.

Crickets because you don't care and active denial because I don't know what to say except you must be ****ing morons to hold this view.
Fine. I'll bite. Nobody answers your points about NI, not because the British didn't do a number of truly terrible things but because it's an incredibly complicated conflict to which you are completely biased due to your upbringing. You also fly off the handle at any moment in which someone disagrees with you (expecting that incoming below).
03-20-2018 , 07:29 AM
Ok let's talk about hot topics concerning the Brit state murder machine and I'll start with Gary Heggarty and the point blank refusal to prosecute anyone he implicated from his cronies to his special branch handlers.

You can bet your balls I'm biased JJ.

And that's some weak sauce **** that you won't discuss the topic because someone won't like your opinion ffs.
03-20-2018 , 08:34 AM
No, people don't discuss it with you because you don't even offer evidence, get overly emotional, and then start swearing at those that offer different opinions. It's been going on here and in the football thread for a number of years now and where people bothered to engage you before, they've realised that there isn't any point.
03-20-2018 , 09:14 AM
Lol proof.

The bit gov have it all and they either won't investigate themselves or they won't release what they have.

If I post the proof available (dug up by proper journalists) all I'll get is crickets.

Nice cop out again btw while trying to not engage me. Jfc.

I've posted the name, if you really cared you can Google for yourself. You won't though because you don't care.

Last edited by unwantedguest; 03-20-2018 at 09:18 AM. Reason: And I don't need to get emotional to start swearing lol.
03-20-2018 , 09:23 AM
Feeling I get is people won't discuss it because they think it's either some made up nonsense or some far out conspiracy theory and it's unthinkable their Brit gov would have a hand in such things.

No such qualms thinking Putin can do it though (and nobody else is biased lo****ingl).

And the near declaration of war on Russia takes the biscuit seeing as the Brit gov willingly murdered a multitude of its own citizens.
03-20-2018 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by joejoe1337
Fine. I'll bite. Nobody answers your points about NI, not because the British didn't do a number of truly terrible things but because it's an incredibly complicated conflict to which you are completely biased due to your upbringing. You also fly off the handle at any moment in which someone disagrees with you (expecting that incoming below).
Not that complicated imao. British colonial empire in all of Ireland for centuries, repression by British army and killing squads aka the black and tans. Easter uprising 1916 gave home rule in all but the most profitable parts of Ireland ie the North. Sectarianism sowed by the British government in the creation of the 6 counties with a majority protestant population, catholics oppressed via for example no voting rights, hence civil rights movement 1960s leading to bloody Sunday 1972. Ending of mass movement led some to an armed struggle for independence.
03-20-2018 , 11:53 AM
Tick tock...
03-20-2018 , 12:45 PM
03-20-2018 , 12:46 PM
<This space reserved for link to ATF once the inevitable ban comes>
03-20-2018 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Any issue that is not hot topical is likely to get crickets. Pretty sure a high proportion of regular posters itt would have a lot to say if there was a recent occurrence in this regard.
Only this very morning the European Court of justice issued a ruling on the case of the '14 hooded men', basically ruling that torture was not torture.

'The 14 hooded men alleged they were subjected to torture sanctioned by the state.

They said they were forced to listen to constant loud static noise; deprived of sleep, food and water; forced to stand in a stress position and beaten if they fell.

The men also said they were hooded and thrown to the ground from helicopters - despite being at near ground level, they had been told they were hundreds of feet in the air.'

'After being taken to Girdwood Barracks in north Belfast Auld was run through a gauntlet of paratroopers who beat him with wooden bats. He was later handcuffed to an army camp bed next door inside Crumlin Road jail, kicked repeatedly in the genitals until he fainted and then propped up against a wall before being made to stand in the stress position, spreadeagled.'

'It includes a letter dated 1977 from then-home secretary Merlyn Rees to then-prime minister James Callaghan in which he states his view that the decision to use "methods of torture in Northern Ireland in 1971/72 was taken by ministers - in particular Lord Carrington, then secretary of state for defence".

Mr Rees added that "a political decision was taken".'

'This ruling will be greeted with sighs of relief in the corridors of power at Whitehall and much further afield.

A number of other countries, including the USA and Israel, have relied on the European Court's 1978 judgement to defend interrogation techniques used by their security forces.

A decision to revise that judgement and find that the five techniques used on the hooded men constituted torture could have had huge repercussions.

It would have left the British government and others facing potentially huge claims for damages.'
03-20-2018 , 02:37 PM
I know one of those hooded men, Mr Hannaway.

Not torture lol.
03-20-2018 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by cilldroichid
Only this very morning the European Court of justice issued a ruling on the case of the '14 hooded men', basically ruling that torture was not torture.
No, it was the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, a completely different body from the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. And the ECHR already ruled on this matter in the 1970s and told the British government to stop doing that kind of thing, but they'd already stopped doing it. And, on this application, the ECHR determined that the claimed violation had not occurred.

Be interesting if the families of the dead took the IRA to the ECHR for the Birmingham bombings, the La Mon House bombing and all the other mass murders they committed. But of course the IRA don't answer to civil courts, who can't even get hold of them, since they have no official standing. Convenient.
03-20-2018 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
but they'd already stopped doing it.
They were doing it in Iraq in 2000s as is well documented so cut the crap. 'that kind of thing' you cant even say it, but are happy to talk about 'mass murders', hypocrite. And UK army still mass murdering civilians in Syria
03-20-2018 , 05:04 PM
tomj brings the AIDS hard.
03-20-2018 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
No, it was the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, a completely different body from the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. And the ECHR already ruled on this matter in the 1970s and told the British government to stop doing that kind of thing, but they'd already stopped doing it. And, on this application, the ECHR determined that the claimed violation had not occurred.

Be interesting if the families of the dead took the IRA to the ECHR for the Birmingham bombings, the La Mon House bombing and all the other mass murders they committed. But of course the IRA don't answer to civil courts, who can't even get hold of them, since they have no official standing. Convenient.
The IRA were investigated and prosecuted to the fullest by the state for thier actions. Same cannot be said for all the state murders, ffs they won't even investigate.

And I'm the biased one here JJ.

Last edited by unwantedguest; 03-20-2018 at 05:09 PM. Reason: No active denial going on here lol.
