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Trump Presidency Predictions Thread Trump Presidency Predictions Thread

11-10-2016 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Some of them can. Some of them can't. This is America. There will be blood. That's what they voted for, that's how they are celebrating. And that's how they'll act. And they will laugh at the body count, they had it coming.
Nah you're overreacting vix. Chill out.
11-10-2016 , 09:05 PM
No way Putin has the NSA and FBI via Trump?
11-10-2016 , 09:07 PM
This echoes what the poster was saying about Michigan

Definitely agree that Trump probably steers a lot of the infrastructure spending towards those states he turned red and tries to get his own red wall.

Would think GOP would be cool w/ it too.
11-10-2016 , 09:13 PM
After Trump's SCOTUS does away with what's left of the Voting Rights Act the midwest and PA, and maybe some others are staying red for a long time. We're going to have true blue apartheid states (think the South) in a generation thanks to this, thanks Hillary!
11-10-2016 , 09:14 PM
Serious capitulation must be given legislatively. I can't stress this enough. If the DEMS don't give up some GOOD **** things could get awful.
11-10-2016 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Grunching but has anyone noted we have built an unprecedented surveillance and national security apparatus with like almost no judicial or legislative restraints? That seems a bit short sighted now. Can Obama dismantle the NSA by executive order before Trump moves in?
I've pointed it out multiple times since I posted here.

It's just that nobody cares and is content with it. For people who claim not to trust the government, they put a lot of faith in them by opening up every little thing about their lives.

Problem with doing something by EO is that Trump will reverse it with an EO of his own.
11-10-2016 , 09:17 PM
Only glimmer of hope it that most of the big states that flipped are close. It's just striking how many he got.
11-10-2016 , 09:18 PM
Wat Dem in their right mind would accept protection from Trump's secret service?
11-10-2016 , 09:21 PM
Our only potential saviors are people like McConnell, Ryan, certain people in the military, in the Pentagon, in the deep state. These are the facts. They are not pleasant. And they can protect, not all Americans, but an awful lot of them. I hope they do so. I'm not talking about the right to marry. I'm talking about the right not to be put against a wall and shot. This is America, right now. Anyone who thinks otherwise is mistaken.

Unrest meet unrest, violent riots will be met with overwhelming force. You people have **** on your last cop car. You lost, everything. All of your billy clubs are belong to us.
This may, in fact, be true.

Certain revolutionary forces on the left thinks he's right.

I'm not sure that he's right. I know a lot of Trump voters, I know almost no Clinton voters. Now, they aren't going to do all of the right things, very far from it, but will they surrender the Republic? I.... don't.... think so? I'm not talking about literally the poster Losing all, he's firing away given the signal to do so. Losing all thinks all Trump voters are him. They are not. But if those people surrender, that's game. I believe in many of those people. So does the President.

I am fully aware that this isn't necessarily how things will unfold. But history doesn't repeat itself the way everyone thinks it does. That's a metaphor.
11-10-2016 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by .Alex.
Nah you're overreacting vix. Chill out.

So the one thing we know for sure actually happened (video) was some young black gentlemen trying to murder an older white devil for unknown reasons. The thing about the kid getting beat up at school for being a mexican and the teacher telling him he better not fight back and the cops not caring as told on twitter was probably real too, I mean that doesn't sound made up at all.

Hey twitter, Michelle Obama raped my child today, MY CHILD!!!!
11-10-2016 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by stinkubus
After Trump's SCOTUS does away with what's left of the Voting Rights Act the midwest and PA, and maybe some others are staying red for a long time. We're going to have true blue apartheid states (think the South) in a generation thanks to this, thanks Hillary!
Hillary and Obama and every comedian and newspaper spread the word on what a trump presidency would mean.

Progressive America shrugged its shoulders and went back to facebooking.

That's our country. That's our people. They don't care about equality or freedom.
11-10-2016 , 09:37 PM
losing all is right, I'm sure every single one of those Twitter things is just a liberal false flag cry for attention
11-10-2016 , 09:40 PM
I predict Trump tries to do these things.

Which he can accomplish depends on politics.
11-10-2016 , 09:43 PM
McConnell already let trump know who the boss is, and it ain't trump.

Trump will be lucky to get 1/4th of what he laid out in that speech. Maybe he and his fans would have understood that if they had the slightest idea how government works.
11-10-2016 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by Losing all
Unrest meet unrest, violent riots will be met with overwhelming force. You people have **** on your last cop car. You lost, everything. All of your billy clubs are belong to us.

It's a ****ing mandate
The law and order stuff is basically the same as Nixon. You people will kill a few hippies for sure, but Trump will end up like Nixon and the hippies will once again win. They'll probably once again give it up to some Fleetwood Mac listening yuppies though.
11-10-2016 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by vixticator
I'm talking about the right not to be put against a wall and shot. This is America, right now. Anyone who thinks otherwise is mistaken.
This is very far from realistic. I am truly sorry you feel this way, but we are not looking at anything like this.
11-10-2016 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by .Alex.
Nah you're overreacting vix. Chill out.
Don't fall too hard for the fear. It's scary, it was scary before the election - people just tuned it out. The correct response is not to take shelter. Not right now. Not yet. Not for people with access to computers. There's a reason you don't need to worry about fiery cocktails being lobbed into your home. Same reason people could stand in line to vote. The best first response to fear is (probably!) resolve. The same principles that guide international diplomacy apply at every workplace, and at every gathering space. Even on the internet. This isn't crazy talk, it is a well studied field.
11-10-2016 , 09:46 PM
I cringe at that quote from losing all, also. A terrible thing to say.
11-10-2016 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
losing all is right, I'm sure every single one of those Twitter things is just a liberal false flag cry for attention

Hardly, there are some really ignorant *******s out there, no doubt. Most are probably true (that "teacher told him he better not fight back" story is ******edly stupid and an obvious lie tho). The one we know for sure looks be be some young black gentlemen beating a white man half to death.
11-10-2016 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by pokerodox
I cringe at that quote from losing all, also. A terrible thing to say.
Which one?
11-10-2016 , 09:50 PM
My guesses, broadly speaking...

- Government will stay large.

- Debt will stay high.

- Our country will have a new "enemy" to spend time worrying about and hating (Iran seems a likely target).

- Terror group (and inspired by terror group) attacks will continue on the west.

- Police - Black community relations will stay poor.

- Modest tax cuts.

- Modest spending cuts.

- Something far smaller than an actual wall that spans the border will happen to justify the "we'll build a wall" promises. Think a token cement wall in one "high traffic" section and reinforcing existing/building new fences in other areas. Perhaps even "paid for" by the mexican gov't (for example diverting something like immigration fees to pay for this wall, AKA taking on debt to finance it).

- Not a great deal of party power change mid term elections.

- Not a great deal of change in the income gap.

- Scandals will be higher than normal for this president. Scandals will likely involve women and conflicts of interest with business/powerful people. They will range from absurd accusations that the other party always makes at sitting presidents to legitimate issues.

- Democratic party will push minimum wage increases and social programs harder to try to appeal to a wider base of voters in future elections.

- US military presence in Korea will be similar to help counter the ever growing strength of China in that region.

- A younger conservative will be appointed to the supreme court.

- Climate control will be one of the more heavily impacted areas from this administration.

- Most obviously, the ACA will be heavily modified from where it is today.
11-10-2016 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by pokerodox
This is very far from realistic. I am truly sorry you feel this way, but we are not looking at anything like this.
I'm very sure you aren't understanding my posts. It is my fault, I will try to do better. You think it can't happen here. You are mistaken. The part where I said it will happen, well, that happens to be a figment of your imagination. I made no claim about the future. You just read my post and thought I did. I'm not selling tools to build a shelter. I'm not selling anything. I'm reading #MAGA, and I'm listening to the people talk. I have no idea what will actually take place.
11-10-2016 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
The law and order stuff is basically the same as Nixon. You people will kill a few hippies for sure, but Trump will end up like Nixon and the hippies will once again win. They'll probably once again give it up to some Fleetwood Mac listening yuppies though.

I get what you're saying, but Nixon let that **** run rampant, totally out of control. It was bad for the country and I don't think we're gonna let it happen again. Not w/o a fight, more of a fight than last time.
11-10-2016 , 09:55 PM
The one microbet quoted. ...all your billy clubs are ours.

I say this because you seem to take this from the Trump election.

If you just mean that all violence should be met with police counter-violence, then I tend to agree, but that was true before and after Trump's election. With trump or Hillary in office, we would still hopefully counter violence with police suppression. It just looks bad to say that Trump getting elected means protests should be met with violence.
11-10-2016 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by pokerodox
I cringe at that quote from losing all, also. A terrible thing to say.

Read his posts. Take all MAGA off ignore. Do it yesterday, for the love of God, you child.
