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Trump launches personal investigation into Obama's birth certificate Trump launches personal investigation into Obama's birth certificate

04-07-2011 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I'm pretty(like 99%) sure he can't show it. I don't mean because lol he was born in KENYA, but because Hawaii doesn't issue so-called long form birth certificates anymore, so unless he kept his original the short form is all he can get from the Hawaiian records office.
I really really want to believe that its just a huge middle finger to the idiots and he is just loling that this election might actually come down to something the vast majority dont believe in. Meanwhile he has a copy of his long form stashed in the safe ready for the televised debate where his opponent hammers the point repeatedly and Obama goes "zing" and whips it out of his jacket pocket and shows it on live TV whilst loling at the guy and then calls him a stupid ****ing ****** for listening to conspiracy nutbags.

In reality i think yours is more likely.
04-07-2011 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by hard2tel
To believe that the President of the United States wasn't born in the US after the insane scrutinizing a person has to go through to achieve that position is pretty damn arrogant I think.
The problem with this statement is that Obama got less scutiny than any other nominee I can think of.

I don't understand (neither does Trump) why does he not just allow a few reporters go into the health department and let them see the actual document? When I lost my wallet a few years ago, I had to go to the health department and get an official copy in order to get my drivers license. Why doesn't Obama fans think putting this all to rest is a crazy idea?

Like it or not, President Obama had a very different upbringing than most Americans.

His father was a British subject that at no time wanted to be an American citizen. His mother WAS an American citizen, but left the country as soon as she could (twice), and only came back for the awsome health care when she got cancer.

President Obama spent years 2-9 living in Indonesia (with his mother and non-American stepfather). When he moved to Hawaii at age 10, he lived in the new island state until he went to college. He only visited the continental US a few times before college. Let us not forget that Hawaii became a state in 1959 (he was born in 61). I'd bet that baseball and football wasn't even on TV and radio there regularly through age 10-18.

Trumps mom, the guy that owns my local gas station, the illegal that cooks at the diner, all dreamed of being American citizens. Obamas' father only dreamed of being a Kenyan citizen free of British rule. That is what it is..but, Obama was /is so compelled by what he had heard about his father that he wrote a book "Dreams from my father" and changed his name from Barry Sotoro to Barack Obama.
04-07-2011 , 09:51 PM

Lol. That is all i need to say.
04-07-2011 , 10:03 PM
Idunno Phil,

So you agree that he should sign off on allowing the press to see and photograph his orginal birth certificate?
04-07-2011 , 10:08 PM
I dont see why he should have to, he has already proven with enough evidence that would be required in a court of law that he is a natural born US citizen as vaguely alluded to in the constitution.

I sure see why its a terrible idea strategically to do so though.
04-07-2011 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by peetar69
Idunno Phil,

So you agree that he should sign off on allowing the press to see and photograph his orginal birth certificate?
We're loling because this has already happened, but yet you're still talking about him needing to do it. lol.
04-07-2011 , 10:16 PM
It has not happened. No one has been allowed to go to the health department and veiw the document. You can not pretend that it has happened. The current Govenor of the state said he would put this to rest, and it has not happened.


Would Mr. Wookie and Phil support having 3 democratic and 3 republican retained attorneys, veiw the document?
04-07-2011 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by peetar69
Idunno Phil,

So you agree that he should sign off on allowing the press to see and photograph his orginal birth certificate?
why the hell would he contemplate doing that when not doing it effectively gets dudes like you to campaign for him?
04-07-2011 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by peetar69
It has not happened. No one has been allowed to go to the health department and veiw the document. You can not pretend that it has happened. The current Govenor of the state said he would put this to rest, and it has not happened.


Would Mr. Wookie and Phil support having 3 democratic and 3 republican retained attorneys, veiw the document?
Please tell us why you think Obama should have this done.
04-07-2011 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by peetar69
It has not happened. No one has been allowed to go to the health department and veiw the document. You can not pretend that it has happened. The current Govenor of the state said he would put this to rest, and it has not happened.


Would Mr. Wookie and Phil support having 3 democratic and 3 republican retained attorneys, veiw the document?
Bring on the overlords to enter any place they see fit, to inspect/alter any document they may or may not find.

Dude, your want is that of a nation not the USA.
04-07-2011 , 10:41 PM
The problem that is obvious is that NO people on the left are willing to have anyone neutral or right veiw the document of birth, on-file, at the health department.

It is always: LOL! "It already happened". If it already happened, Why not approve of people seeing the same thing again?

It's clear that neither Obama nor his supporters want anyone to see the original document of his birth. That is telling as to what they think of his status.
04-07-2011 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]

Lol. That is all i need to say.
His post isn't really surprising considering his avatar.
04-07-2011 , 11:03 PM
I never thought much about the issue because the Clinton machine digs deep, and that if Hillary had the info (she has), she would bring it out in 2010. When it didn't come out in the primaries, I figured he was Hawaiian born. He might be!

But the fact that no one on the left thinks it would be for the country to show the 15-20 % of the population that has questions about his presidential status, to prove his eligability and bring the country together, makes me wonder.

I'm still waiting for ONE person from the left to approve of allowing the original document to be reveiwed so we can move on to other things.
04-07-2011 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by peetar69
The problem that is obvious is that NO people on the left are willing to have anyone neutral or right veiw the document of birth, on-file, at the health department.

It is always: LOL! "It already happened". If it already happened, Why not approve of people seeing the same thing again?

It's clear that neither Obama nor his supporters want anyone to see the original document of his birth. That is telling as to what they think of his status. examined the actual document. They are neutral. That you don't acknowledge this is what we're laughing at.
04-07-2011 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by peetar69
I never thought much about the issue because the Clinton machine digs deep, and that if Hillary had the info (she has), she would bring it out in 2010. When it didn't come out in the primaries, I figured he was Hawaiian born. He might be!

But the fact that no one on the left thinks it would be for the country to show the 15-20 % of the population that has questions about his presidential status, to prove his eligability and bring the country together, makes me wonder.

I'm still waiting for ONE person from the left to approve of allowing the original document to be reveiwed so we can move on to other things.
That 15-20% would never vote for Obama even if they were each personally shown his birth certificate. Better to let them hammer the "issue" for lols.
04-07-2011 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by peetar69
The problem that is obvious is that NO people on the left are willing to have anyone neutral or right veiw the document of birth, on-file, at the health department.

It is always: LOL! "It already happened". If it already happened, Why not approve of people seeing the same thing again?

It's clear that neither Obama nor his supporters want anyone to see the original document of his birth. That is telling as to what they think of his status.
ahahahaha oh man I love people like you
04-07-2011 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
ahahahaha oh man I love people like you
Yeah, the fact that Stu, Nick, Peetar, and Inso ALL have hammered the birth certificate issue, despite all of them being much more informed and rational than the average Republican (well, average American, and average voter), is pretty hilarious.
04-07-2011 , 11:17 PM
lol at parents "race" being on the certificates.
04-07-2011 , 11:22 PM
President Obama spent years 2-9 living in Indonesia (with his mother and non-American stepfather). When he moved to Hawaii at age 10, he lived in the new island state until he went to college. He only visited the continental US a few times before college. Let us not forget that Hawaii became a state in 1959 (he was born in 61). I'd bet that baseball and football wasn't even on TV and radio there regularly through age 10-18.
Also Indonesia is near China so he was contamined by all the Mao propaganda, Im expecting the proletariat cultural revolution any time soon, Im hearing ballparks are going to be the first to dissapear.
04-07-2011 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
That 15-20% would never vote for Obama even if they were each personally shown his birth certificate. Better to let them hammer the "issue" for lols.
This is a very good position to take while running for a major office for the first time. When you become President of the USA, you should govern the people that dislike you just the same as the people that adore you. To polarize a population is wrong. I thought the left wanted us all to come together.

I can understand how citizenship could become the biggest positive suprise for Obama and his supporters, but it still isn't right.

I'm still wating for one Obama-ite to say "go ahead, see his documents at the board of health".
04-07-2011 , 11:28 PM
04-07-2011 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by peetar69
This is a very good position to take while running for a major office for the first time. When you become President of the USA, you should govern the people that dislike you just the same as the people that adore you. To polarize a population is wrong. I thought the left wanted us all to come together.

I can understand how citizenship could become the biggest positive suprise for Obama and his supporters, but it still isn't right.

I'm still wating for one Obama-ite to say "go ahead, see his documents at the board of health".
What part of "He already said, 'go ahead, see my document,'" didn't you understand? And, if what he's already done isn't good enough for you, please elaborate on why that isn't enough to fulfill the Constitutional requirement and/or the evidence you have that would require further evaluation by more people/courts.
04-07-2011 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by birtherking
Quit being a little ***** and let me defend the birthers and conservatives. I was obviously on to something when I started the birther thread and I called Trump being the GOP nominee.

I know more about the electorate in the US then all you people put together
04-07-2011 , 11:35 PM
