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Trump Inauguration Gameday Thread Trump Inauguration Gameday Thread

01-21-2017 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by Tien

Cool gigapixel photo from CNN. Fun to see where everyone was seated.

Hillary's face is priceless.
Adelson's looking great. DeVos and husband in front of him?

The Intercept is trying to identify all the wealthy donors that got to sit nice and close to the proceedings; quite fitting for a speech about giving government back to the people.
01-21-2017 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
I love the replies saying that's because everyone was at work but democrats usually have millions of viewers who refuse to work.
I thought their constituents can't find work anyways. Constant irony/contradictions.
01-21-2017 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by m_reed05
Holy **** Spicers briefing just now was him straight up yelling about the lies everyone is telling about crowd size. "This was the biggest crowd to ever witness an inauguration PERIOD."

Then storms off no questions.

Straight up North Korea.
spicer's "press conference" and trump's disgraceful cia speech are just more examples of trump/bannon narrative-switching.

through these two despicable events they have been able to divert varying levels of media attention away from the biggest, most amazing post-inaugural march in u.s. history.
01-21-2017 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Lol lol

I was thinking six months for Spicer but now I am thinking six weeks but depending on tomorrow could be six days.
Quite understandable why Conway turned down the job.
01-21-2017 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Adelson's looking great. DeVos and husband in front of him?

LOL what a beauty he is.
01-21-2017 , 09:06 PM
Most relevant news graphic in this thread.

Because we know all CIA employees live within walking distance of the buildings.

Originally Posted by m_reed05
Also funny, Trump addressing CIA today said he was sure everyone in the room had supported him overwhelmingly.
01-21-2017 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by Tien

Cool gigapixel photo from CNN. Fun to see where everyone was seated.

Hillary's face is priceless.
If you zoom in on Dubya, he appears to be staring at right at you.
01-21-2017 , 09:26 PM
01-21-2017 , 09:31 PM
That's perfect
01-21-2017 , 09:31 PM
Super serious question, when did trump's dad start showing signs of dementia and how old was he when he died?

Watching that CIA briefing, Jesus man he sounds like he has some sincere dementia.
01-21-2017 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by Tien

Cool gigapixel photo from CNN. Fun to see where everyone was seated.

Hillary's face is priceless.
Did you see W? Holy **** lmao. He's sitting next to Hillary and looks like he's trying to hold in a shart.
01-21-2017 , 09:46 PM

Trump inauguration ratings second highest in 36 years.
01-21-2017 , 09:50 PM
Population growth, bitches!
01-21-2017 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by Hamish McBagpipe

Trump inauguration ratings second highest in 36 years.
He just can't stop losing to a black man! Sad!
01-21-2017 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by Chippa58
The "not fit to serve" allegation is starting to hit home and its only going to become increasingly evident. I guess the question is whether the GOP will have the balls to go along with likely calls to impeach. Right now, there isn't a reason, but they will come up with a reason in due time.
under cover of trump the gop will remain gleefully busy quietly ramming through their right-wing agenda and stripping away our civil liberties to ever consider any sort of impeachment. it's just something that's never going to happen. trump would have to have done/do something so egregious that gop withholding of action would amount to some kind of complicity.
01-21-2017 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by locknopair
under cover of trump the gop will remain gleefully busy quietly ramming through their right-wing agenda and stripping away our civil liberties to ever consider any sort of impeachment. it's just something that's never going to happen. trump would have to have done/do something so egregious that gop withholding of action would amount to some kind of complicity.
OR... we can keep generating massive pressure until they have no choice. Today's march had an impact. They are paying attention.

I absolutely do believe we have the power to force their hand. It's a question of whether or not we choose to use it. If today was only day 2 of many more to come, we can do it. But if today was a standalone event that we don't follow up on, we're ****ed and it's gg America.
01-21-2017 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
Wow, he even has to plagiarize cake
Correct, from the bakery that made it.

While we most love creating original designs, when we are asked to replicate someone else's work we are thrilled when it is a masterpiece like this one. @duff_goldman originally created this for Obama's inauguration 4 years ago and this years committee commissioned us to re-create it," the caption read.

MacIsaac told The Washington Post that she encouraged the client to use the 2013 cake as inspiration.

"They said, 'Nope, they want this exact cake. It's perfect.' And we said, 'Great,' " MacIsaac*told*the Post.
01-21-2017 , 10:22 PM
Am I the only one that thinks Duff's cake looks like ****? The one used yesterday did too.
01-21-2017 , 10:26 PM
This was the scene at a Metro station in Arlington VA (6 miles from the march area) at 8:00 am:

I wasn't able to get on a train at all, and traffic on the roads was at a standstill, so I walked six ****ing miles to get there, and I was far from alone.

(I didn't take this picture. Just pulled it off twitter. But I was there and saw this scene.)

My favorite sign that I saw:

I didn't take many pictures, because I'm not a picture guy. The thing that struck me was the MASSIVE size of the crowd. There were too many people to march to the White House, so I was in a mass of a few tens of thousands that got shunted off and marched on our own through random DC streets.

Locals, just going about their day, kept cheering us on and high fiving us from their cars, even though we were completely disrupting their day. Everyone was smiling at us, or cheering from their windows.

Eventually, the side march dissipated after a few hours, and I started wandering around. Then I turned a corner and saw the biggest mass of people I have ever seen in my entire life. I tried to take a picture, but it doesn't do it justice:

This was the main march to the White House, and I joined up with it. There was much more chanting. Most were anti-Trump, but we'd mix in a "PENCE SUCKS TOO! PENCE SUCKS TOO!" from time to time, which I really enjoyed. We marched right past the Trump hotel, leading to some very lusty booing.

And then I had to leave and walk back to Arlington. I easily walked 15 miles today, but it was great. It was uplifting in a way I wasn't expecting. There was true camaraderie, and energy, and excitement. It was terrific, and I'm so glad I went.
01-21-2017 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by poconoder
Most relevant news graphic in this thread.

Because we know all CIA employees live within walking distance of the buildings.
Good point. I should have added: Clinton won Fairfax County, Virginia by 36%, and DC by 87%.
01-21-2017 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by locknopair
under cover of trump the gop will remain gleefully busy quietly ramming through their right-wing agenda and stripping away our civil liberties to ever consider any sort of impeachment. it's just something that's never going to happen. trump would have to have done/do something so egregious that gop withholding of action would amount to some kind of complicity.
I dunno. Trump is mishandling slam-dunk type the speech at the CIA. I don't think its that much of a reach to believe that he will do something that will fall into the category of an impeachable offense. The GOP may decide they can get their stuff passed on their own w/o help from the exalted ruler.
01-21-2017 , 10:39 PM
Mayo, saw another sign in DC today with a pic of John Goodman that said "STFU Donny". We all burst out laughing, maybe hardest laugh all day.
01-21-2017 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by Chippa58
I dunno. Trump is mishandling slam-dunk type the speech at the CIA. I don't think its that much of a reach to believe that he will do something that will fall into the category of an impeachable offense. The GOP may decide they can get their stuff passed on their own w/o help from the exalted ruler.
If Trump keeps signing the **** they put on his desk, they won't do ****. If not, well then we'll see.
01-21-2017 , 10:46 PM

01-21-2017 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
OR... we can keep generating massive pressure until they have no choice. Today's march had an impact. They are paying attention.

I absolutely do believe we have the power to force their hand. It's a question of whether or not we choose to use it. If today was only day 2 of many more to come, we can do it. But if today was a standalone event that we don't follow up on, we're ****ed and it's gg America.
you are right. today was powerful, and it was inspiring to watch. it made me want to do more. watching the massive crowds i was thinking, if only all these people had someone to lead them, or could somehow form a new party, then we'd really have something.
