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The Trump Administration Transition thread The Trump Administration Transition thread

01-11-2017 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
I'm gaining respect for Jake Tapper. He is systematically breaking down all the lies right now.
Yeah hes really good right now. But of course FAKE NEWS
01-11-2017 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut

A bit chilling.
"Last shot." Translated: "They won't be able to tell me s*** once I get in office." He thinks he can make the bad briefings stop.
01-11-2017 , 01:24 PM
It's kind of weird that Trump was going so hard at intelligence agencies for leaking #goldengate. He's basically admitting the intelligence agencies are taking the report seriously.
01-11-2017 , 01:24 PM
CNN has got to realize they can't put on Trump talking heads and expect better access to Trump. Trump doesn't play that kafab of news organizations ask semi probing questions even if they desire access because that's what they're supposed to do, he wants total glowing reporting or else. I guess it really depends on the rating though. If CNN's rating go up then the eternal fight between Trump and CNN might be good for CNN Trump talking heads or not.
01-11-2017 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
He didn't answer the question. Where is the follow up. Refused to deny contact with Russia during campaign.
Originally Posted by mutigers
Refuses to categorically deny he had contacts with Russia during campaign
Originally Posted by Riverman

"Hi, Trump, will you deny contact with Russia during the campaign"

"Yeah Russia shouldn't hack. Something CHINA!!! Thanks everyone, here is a stack of papers. Peace out."
Originally Posted by seattlelou
Originally Posted by m_reed05
Completely dodges whether anyone in his campaign had contact with russia.
Originally Posted by slidey1
Oh my GOD, my brain is melting....

"Will you stand here and say nobody in your camp had contact with Russia??"

"Putin shouldn't have hacked us. With me in charge he won't. By the way, I don't think my lawyer explained this paper correctly for 20 minutes. This shows I won't have conflicts of interest. Peace out bitches!"


An obvious BS question. How about asking him did you have any contact with Russia before the election in attempting to have them influence the election in your favor?
01-11-2017 , 01:27 PM
After a highly anomalous sporting result last year I put forward that I must be in a coma and imagining it because that is actually more probable.

After watching that press conference probability of coma has gone up exponentially, no way does that happen in the real world.
01-11-2017 , 01:27 PM
It's not that Presidents try and freeze out news organizations, Obama tried to do it with Fox News, it's that Fox New's competitors refused to cover Obama until he reinstated Fox News and Obama didn't try it again.
01-11-2017 , 01:28 PM
I would be interested in the contacts that he had with Russia during the election. The camp might have been a bit too broad but he should at least talk about any personal contacts or information relayed to him personally.
01-11-2017 , 01:28 PM
Impeachment odds are looking so hot right now.
01-11-2017 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by adios

An obvious BS question. How about asking him did you have any contact with Russia before the election in attempting to have them influence the election in your favor?
OH GOOD, Adios is here!
01-11-2017 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by adios

An obvious BS question. How about asking him did you have any contact with Russia before the election in attempting to have them influence the election in your favor?
If so obviously bs why did the FBI get warrants to monitor some of his team because they suspected exactly that.
01-11-2017 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by adios

An obvious BS question. How about asking him did you have any contact with Russia before the election in attempting to have them influence the election in your favor?

01-11-2017 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by adios

An obvious BS question. How about asking him did you have any contact with Russia before the election in attempting to have them influence the election in your favor?
I thought the questioner said 'before or during'.
01-11-2017 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
So we're going to levy a tax on Mexico, I've got to assume he means on their goods, to make them pay for the wall?
Can he? I thought there is a trade agreement?
01-11-2017 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by sylar
Impeachment odds are looking so hot right now.
Yeah, 2 years of corruption will be enough to give Dems control of Congress. It'll be remarkably easy to impeach this guy given how flimsy his attempts to cover up his corruption have been.
01-11-2017 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by adios

An obvious BS question. How about asking him did you have any contact with Russia before the election in attempting to have them influence the election in your favor?
You know, he could just say that - we talked but nothing improper. Oh wait he already doubled down before on not having any contact at all.
01-11-2017 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by JacktheDumb
Can he? I thought there is a trade agreement?
I think the question of "can he?" is irrelevant when the Trump's process of coming up with an idea. If it sounds good he'll say he'll do it. He's already promising the impossible with factory jobs returning.
01-11-2017 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by m_reed05
If so obviously bs why did the FBI get warrants to monitor some of his team because they suspected exactly that.
Unfortunately the judges refused the warrants, which is unusual, so the FBI couldn't find out if there was anything going on or not. (Couldn't find out that way, at least.)
01-11-2017 , 01:32 PM
it is pretty impressive that the guy who won the office of the presidency still hasn't taken the time to learn what the president does or how our government works or what the constitution is.
01-11-2017 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
Yeah, 2 years of corruption will be enough to give Dems control of Congress. It'll be remarkably easy to impeach this guy given how flimsy his attempts to cover up his corruption have been.
The dems might get control of congress in 10 years. No way it happens in two years.
01-11-2017 , 01:34 PM
The silver lining in all of this is that actual anti corruption changes must come from this for the next party. What are the odds of dodging thermonuclear war for 1000+ days in a row? Anyone good with maths itt?
01-11-2017 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by raradevils
The dems might get control of congress in 10 years. No way it happens in two years.
that's what people said in 2006
01-11-2017 , 01:35 PM
01-11-2017 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
Unfortunately the judges refused the warrants, which is unusual, so the FBI couldn't find out if there was anything going on or not. (Couldn't find out that way, at least.)
Supposedly they finally got a warrant in October.
01-11-2017 , 01:37 PM
Yea hay is being made out of the initial FISA rejection with the fact that FISA supposedly rejects very few requests, but FISA rejects a lot of initial requests, and then ultimately accepts a lot of requests once they've been modified.
