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The Trump Administration Transition thread The Trump Administration Transition thread

01-02-2017 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by JacktheDumb
I have to admit, as european that makes me in part smile. If Trump doesn't start WW3 via a Twitter, it must be a catwalk for our politicians to exploit him. It might also be a good thing for Europe if he starts a trade war with China, even though iam not quite sure.

It´s just sad that his right hand aka. Steve Bannon is a Neo-Nazi.
Trump figures to have a close relationship with Russia and the countries in the Arabian peninsula, to take the oil in Iraq and Syria with Russia, to isolate Venezuela and to contest the South China Sea thus forming a coalition of global oil and natural gas Haves while Europe and China are the Have Nots. And Exxon is his Secretary of State.
01-02-2017 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by JPantz
"Tuesday or Wednesday". Just like the Melania press conference on her immigration status, this week will come and go will and will be forgotten about.

The most tilting thing is that when given the opportunity, the media doesn't press him to actually answer any questions. When he gets on TV and says "maybe, I don't know, maybe, I don't know, we will see", they need to press him for actual answers. They should have been doing this from the primaries.

Is this how he ran his companies? No wonder they were always in some **** because he can't give a straight answer or adhere to any kind of timeline.
And of course they all wrote that up like "Trump has secret information about hacking" like it wasn't just him bull****ting. We're ****ed.
01-02-2017 , 02:03 PM
Less than half of Americans are confident that President-elect Donald Trump can handle several presidential duties, a new Gallup poll finds.

With less than three weeks before Trump takes the oath of office, only 46 percent of Americans are optimistic in his ability to handle an international crisis.

Forty-seven percent say they are confident he can use military force wisely and just 44 percent believe Trump can prevent major scandals in his administration.
01-02-2017 , 02:55 PM
Those numbers are all higher than I would have guessed.
01-02-2017 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by otatop
Those numbers are all higher than I would have guessed.
Probably more hopeful optimism than anything.
01-02-2017 , 03:11 PM
Half the country would think the same thing following his indictment, impeachment, and removal from office.
01-02-2017 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by JPantz
The most tilting thing is that when given the opportunity, the media doesn't press him to actually answer any questions. When he gets on TV and says "maybe, I don't know, maybe, I don't know, we will see", they need to press him for actual answers. They should have been doing this from the primaries.
They won't because they fear losing access to these sources. We saw what happened when Trump got all bitchy with the journalists of The Washington Post for *gasp* doing journalism.

It would be nice to see the media unilaterally say, "No anonymous government slappies! If you're willing to say something on behalf of the U.S. government, put your name to it and be held accountable if it ends up being bull****." But it won't happen. Ever.
01-02-2017 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
So trump is just a straight up Russian agent at this point? Apparently, the single most important thing for his administration is clearing Russia of the hacking claim. It's literally all they talk about.
Even better are trump defenders saying "Russia isn't even a thing anymore"
01-02-2017 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Even better are trump defenders saying "Russia isn't even a thing anymore"
And they have a very interesting ally now in Matt Taibbi.
01-02-2017 , 05:05 PM
01-02-2017 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by sportsjefe
And they have a very interesting ally now in Matt Taibbi.
what. the. ****.

we are definitely all ****ed now
01-02-2017 , 05:15 PM
so like, we're just gonna pretend now that obama didn't explicitly say that our response would be appropriate/proportional and that not all of it would be made public nor politicized? comparing this russia scandal to the WMD claim where "intelligence" was literally fabricated by a republican administration (and people lost their jobs over it) in order to push the case for war, is just outright insanity.

i mean w t f
01-02-2017 , 05:16 PM
God its so ****ing annoying to see Spicer trot out the excuse that Trump hasn't been briefed by intelligence on this Russia thing yet, and its 'unbelievable' to ask him to take a stand before he is. Who's ****ing fault is it that he doesn't take ****ing security briefings?
01-02-2017 , 05:25 PM
and like, taibbi equivocating some errant news story from wapo and a bunch of twittering from kurt ****ing eichenwald with CIA intelligence assessments THAT ARE EVEN ACCEPTED BY THE ****ING FBI, is just outrageous.

basically just lost every bit of respect i ever had for this dude- i get that journalism may be a dying and dangerous profession these days but jesus ****ing christ, have a little bit of backbone and integrity

**** that ****ing clown ass bitch named matt taibbi
01-02-2017 , 05:26 PM
hey do you guys remember shortly after the election when trump was like, "guys guys, quiet, i will fully explain all my business plans in a big announcement december 15. just hold all your questions for that date when i will talk about what i will do with my vast business interests."

lol what happened to that?
01-02-2017 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
hey do you guys remember shortly after the election when trump was like, "guys guys, quiet, i will fully explain all my business plans in a big announcement december 15. just hold all your questions for that date when i will talk about what i will do with my vast business interests."

lol what happened to that?
It got 'pushed back until January' and will now just fade away and never happen.
01-02-2017 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
hey do you guys remember shortly after the election when trump was like, "guys guys, quiet, i will fully explain all my business plans in a big announcement december 15. just hold all your questions for that date when i will talk about what i will do with my vast business interests."

lol what happened to that?
The The Orange Führer is not concerned about the appearance of a conflict,
01-02-2017 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by m_reed05
It got 'pushed back until January' and will now just fade away and never happen.
Kind of ridiculous how easy it can be for influential people to sweep bad news under the rug.
01-02-2017 , 08:38 PM
Republicans, ever worried about corruption in government.

Update at 7:22pm: House Republicans, in a secret meeting of their conference, voted to undermine the Office of Congressional Ethics, the House’s independent ethics watchdog, by subsuming it under the Ethics Committee, taking away most of its powers, and undermining its transparency. The vote itself is secret. The amendment will be placed into the House Rules package, to be voted on tomorrow, which inevitably will pass. This is bad news, and we must keep calling on Congress to restore and strengthen OCE.
01-02-2017 , 09:06 PM
Your country is so royally ****ed.

Let's see a trumpkin support this one
01-02-2017 , 09:10 PM
Not even going to have the illusion of transparency like we had in the past.

Perhaps America is more like Russia than we are willing to admit.
01-02-2017 , 09:10 PM
Again, they never cared about anything except "**** libruls" so what's to defend? They get to thumb their noses at libruls while trump cuts off their aid and raises their taxes.
01-02-2017 , 11:14 PM
01-03-2017 , 12:55 AM
People, especially blue state coastal libs, have told themselves so many fairy tales about the GOP. House Reps thought ethics crews were just like, meddling bureaucrats getting in the way of entrepreneurial synergy.

You guys see how domer and lou defend Mattis over in the Theranos thread? They don't see anything wrong with that ****. It's going to be open season on the treasury. This is going to get really really bad, really really fast.
01-03-2017 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
really really fast.
