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The Trump Administration Transition thread The Trump Administration Transition thread

12-12-2016 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by Shoe
I know you will never believe it but you are wrong on this. The FBI leak thing, even if true, was a complete non-issue with voters.
If you are talking about the Comey letter you're wrong, both sides have said that it made a (probably decisive) difference.
12-12-2016 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Lol, yeah, great call, publishing your plans to commit treason.
The stealing of the election is the treason part

Originally Posted by vixticator
Incredible that the Army carried out the orders of Barack Obama for 8 whole years, given that they all hate him.
Didn't he win? You win, you president (even him). You steal the election, you go down. By any means necessary...

Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
We have the armed forces of the United States. You have angry facebook posts. Bring it.

Oh I get it now. You guys think I'm talking about some drunken hillbilly militia? I'm not.

It's all a moot point. The real fantasy is that you think you can steal this election in the first place, lolol, good luck with that pipe dreamers. But be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

12-12-2016 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by einbert
The data indicates otherwise. And that's just one side of a many-edged story.
Could you link me your data? I'm not asking for a cite as some type of doubter, I am genuinely interested.

Originally Posted by Double Eagle
If you are talking about the Comey letter you're wrong, both sides have said that it made a (probably decisive) difference.
I know it has been said, but I haven't seen any data that supports it, nor heard a single person that spoke about it as a relevant issue, perhaps I have not looked hard enough. It just is not the type of issue a voter cares about.
12-12-2016 , 01:22 AM
Shoe, while you wet your knickers about the possibility of a couple dozen geriatrics declaring war from their scooters, you should be aware that there is an actual opposition planning a full-on campaign of civil disobedience which will almost certainly result in violence and destruction from the fringe elements. If you're trying to avoid a (hyperbolic) civil war, you're cheering for the wrong side.
12-12-2016 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by Shoe
Could you link me your data? I'm not asking for a cite as some type of doubter, I am genuinely interested.
When FBI Director James Comey told Congress on Oct. 28 that he was reviewing additional emails pertinent to the case of Hillary Clinton’s email server, Clinton had an 81 percent chance of winning the election according to our polls-only forecast. Today, her chances are 65 percent according to the same forecast. The change corresponds with Clinton’s drop in the national popular-vote lead: from a 5.7-percentage-point lead in our estimate on Oct. 28 to a 2.9-point lead now — so a swing of about 3 points against her.

How much of that can be attributed to Comey? And now that Comey told Congress on Sunday that the emails on former Rep. Anthony Weiner’s computer won’t change his earlier conclusions about Clinton, should we expect her numbers to rebound? The cause and effect is hard to sort out. Clinton’s poll numbers were arguably a bit inflated in mid-October amid a very rough period for Donald Trump. And even before Comey, the media seemed eager for one last twist in the news cycle, so Clinton may have been due for a period of greater scrutiny one way or the other — for example, over emails from the Clinton campaign released by WikiLeaks.

Trump should get some credit, as well, for having been comparatively disciplined on the campaign trail. He’s gained about 2 points in national polls since Oct. 28, while Clinton lost 1 point.

Still, if you look at our win-probability graphic, while Clinton’s chances were slightly declining already after she came off her post-debate peak, the rate of decline began to accelerate a couple of days after Comey, once we began to receive some post-Comey polls. Now the decline has leveled off, and her lead has held steady over the past several days. One advantage of having a model like ours that’s pretty quick to detect changes in the polls is that we can potentially make better inferences about the cause of polling shifts. And while it isn’t proof of anything, the pattern is at least consistent with a “shock” caused by a burst of negative news for a candidate, as opposed to a more gradual decline.

In fact, the shift looks pretty similar to a period in July after Comey reprimanded but did not charge Clinton for her email server and testified before Congress about it. That period produced about a 2-point swing against Clinton.
12-12-2016 , 01:24 AM

12-12-2016 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by einbert
Thanks, this will take me some time to process.
12-12-2016 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Shoe, while you wet your knickers about the possibility of a couple dozen geriatrics declaring war from their scooters, you should be aware that there is an actual opposition planning a full-on campaign of civil disobedience which will almost certainly result in violence and destruction from the fringe elements. If you're trying to avoid a (hyperbolic) civil war, you're cheering for the wrong side.

Now this is the "army" that's going to die quickly and be forgotten. All of your dogs and water cannons are belong to us, and the rules of engagement are about to change, bigly.
12-12-2016 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Shoe, while you wet your knickers about the possibility of a couple dozen geriatrics declaring war from their scooters, you should be aware that there is an actual opposition planning a full-on campaign of civil disobedience which will almost certainly result in violence and destruction from the fringe elements. If you're trying to avoid a (hyperbolic) civil war, you're cheering for the wrong side.
Yeah, one major problem is that without a complete and thorough independent investigation (not by the House committee obviously) the full story of this election will remain a mystery forever. That's not a good thing for our democracy. In fact, that's basically a dream scenario for Putin as he not only gets his guy in as President but he even further destabilizes the country as more people on the right and left lose faith in the system and the basic institutions that hold our democracy together.
12-12-2016 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Shoe, while you wet your knickers about the possibility of a couple dozen geriatrics declaring war from their scooters, you should be aware that there is an actual opposition planning a full-on campaign of civil disobedience which will almost certainly result in violence and destruction from the fringe elements. If you're trying to avoid a (hyperbolic) civil war, you're cheering for the wrong side.
Yes, the joke known as the OWS movement really took off too.

Without clear evidence that anything wrong was done, no one will support the civil disobedience. Obama has the investigation as top priority which appears to be the only hope if it can be concluded while he is still in office.
12-12-2016 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by Losing all
Now this is the "army" that's going to die quickly and be forgotten. All of your dogs and water cannons are belong to us, and the rules of engagement are about to change, bigly.
A lot of liberals and people of color and LGBT people have started packing heat since the election. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if we hear about some harasser getting his head blown off by a peaceful citizen just trying to go about his business any day now. It's a pretty big trend in these circles, believe me.
12-12-2016 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by einbert
A lot of liberals and people of color and LGBT people have started packing heat since the election. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if we hear about some harasser getting his head blown off by a peaceful citizen just trying to go about his business any day now. It's a pretty big trend in these circles, believe me.

Hey man it's still a free country with free elections and second amendment protections, good for them.
12-12-2016 , 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by einbert
A lot of liberals and people of color and LGBT people have started packing heat since the election. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if we hear about some harasser getting his head blown off by a peaceful citizen just trying to go about his business any day now. It's a pretty big trend in these circles, believe me.
I'd completely support self-defense in a case like this, if it ever came to that (hopefully it never will as I thought this country made enough progress towards equality but now I'm not sure). I don't think Trump himself is against the LGBT community (he has actually spoken favorably towards the LGBT community) but the really scary thing is with the republicans in control of both the house and the senate, would Trump be willing to veto bills or just go along with what passes the house? I really don't know but your chances are better with him than if someone like Pence or Romney was president.

Last edited by Shoe; 12-12-2016 at 01:41 AM.
12-12-2016 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by Losing all
Now this is the "army" that's going to die quickly and be forgotten. All of your dogs and water cannons are belong to us, and the rules of engagement are about to change, bigly.
Hey man, if you really want to go there, comeondown.png

I'm hoping to avoid that. You're stroking your genitals at the fantasy of watching it go down from the suburbs of nowheresville. I'm terrified it might have to come to that.

So that's me and you. One of us is going to fight for stability, peace and sanity. The other gets erect imagining skulls getting cracked. History generally favors my side in the long run, but heck, you just might get to achieve a short term Pyrrhic victory. GL with that.
12-12-2016 , 01:39 AM
Trump loses popular vote = "Those are the rules, libtards! Deal with it!"
Trump hypothetically losing electoral college vote = "Election stolen! Civil war!"
12-12-2016 , 01:39 AM
electors have been a rubber stamp until now because we hadn't had a candidate like Trump before. This is not hard.
12-12-2016 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
electors have been a rubber stamp until now because we hadn't had a candidate like Trump before. This is not hard.
GWB's re-election in 2004, you could have literally prevented Hitler!
12-12-2016 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by JoltinJake
Trump loses popular vote = "Those are the rules, libtards! Deal with it!"
Trump hypothetically losing electoral college vote = "Election stolen! Civil war!"
Man you guys can twist "what you want" into the "right" thing no matter what huh.

Originally Posted by zikzak
Hey man, if you really want to go there, comeondown.png

I'm hoping to avoid that. You're stroking your genitals at the fantasy of watching it go down from the suburbs of nowheresville. I'm terrified it might have to come to that.

So that's me and you. One of us is going to fight for stability, peace and sanity. The other gets erect imagining skulls getting cracked. History generally favors my side in the long run, but heck, you just might get to achieve a short term Pyrrhic victory. GL with that.

So I'm willing to fight to save the republic= insane loser

You're willing to fight to steal the election because you didn't like the results= freedom fighter?

12-12-2016 , 01:46 AM
the election is decided by the electoral college, not the will of the voters
12-12-2016 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by Losing all
Man you guys can twist "what you want" into the "right" thing no matter what huh.

So I'm willing to fight to save the republic= insane loser

You're willing to fight to steal the election because you didn't like the results= freedom fighter?

You're not willing to fight for anything. Everybody knows you're going to be a passive spectator. Who do you think you're fooling with your tough guy internet posturing?
12-12-2016 , 01:50 AM
I mean you guys just say anything, no matter how stupid and the echo chamber just nods along in agreement, no matter how stupid. What a swell safe space.

Aren't there any conservatives with some balls around here? They should be ashamed of themselves for not at least trying to rain on this circle jerk from time to time.
12-12-2016 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by Losing all
Now this is the "army" that's going to die quickly and be forgotten. All of your dogs and water cannons are belong to us, and the rules of engagement are about to change, bigly.
Dogs and water cannons lost in North Dakota.

But, "Dreams of Shooting Hippies" would make an appropriate Native American name for you.
12-12-2016 , 01:53 AM
If not for the reg date I would consider losing all might actually be Trump.
12-12-2016 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by Losing all
I mean you guys just say anything, no matter how stupid and the echo chamber just nods along in agreement, no matter how stupid. What a swell safe space.

Aren't there any conservatives with some balls around here? They should be ashamed of themselves for not at least trying to rain on this circle jerk from time to time.
You are an unAmerican fascist. I will gladly fight your kind if it comes to it.
12-12-2016 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by Losing all
I mean you guys just say anything, no matter how stupid and the echo chamber just nods along in agreement, no matter how stupid. What a swell safe space.

Aren't there any conservatives with some balls around here? They should be ashamed of themselves for not at least trying to rain on this circle jerk from time to time.
Now you sound lonely. Where's your army?
