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Trump’s America Trump’s America

11-24-2018 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
This is what's known as a "tell"
There's one guy at chiefsplanet that uses this phrase

And I think Limbaugh was recently talking exceptionalism, beacon of hope etc

A fledgling rushling was inspired to leave the safety of the nest and own libs
11-24-2018 , 03:55 PM
fly fly away, little Rushling
11-26-2018 , 06:06 PM
Mississippi police are investigating two nooses and six signs that were found on the grounds of the state Capitol on Monday, a day before a U.S. Senate runoff that has focused attention on the state’s history of racist violence.
All these nooses keep appearing somehow...
11-29-2018 , 08:00 AM
meanwhile in trump's america

11-29-2018 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
meanwhile in trump's america

Its amazing to see, these guys are hero's.... Just like this dude from our city, he goes out at night with enough food to feed all our homeless folks in the city centre & our city can be rough at night.. True hero's.

The area his wife cooks in is a scary place at night, one of our worst areas for random stabbings... True heros.
11-29-2018 , 09:14 AM

In my heart of hearts
I know there's more love left for you
But love is not enough, I've learned
To see the journey through
11-29-2018 , 10:14 AM
How Donald Trump appeals to men secretly insecure about their manhood

Finding data to ridicule trumpkins has become a very active field of research.
11-29-2018 , 12:32 PM
This article is good on its own, about how many public dollars go to Confederacy apologia, but this nugget from Trump's America:

A woman in a white floor-length dress decorated with purple flowers gathered a group of older tourists on the porch of the “library cottage,” where Davis, by then a living symbol of defiance, retreated in 1877 to write his memoir, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government. After a discussion of the window treatments and oil paintings, the other visitors left, and we asked the guide what she could tell us about slavery.

Sometimes children ask about it, she said. “I want to tell them the honest truth, that slavery was good and bad.” While there were some “hateful slave owners,” she said, “it was good for the people that didn’t know how to take care of themselves, and they needed a job, and you had good slave owners like Jefferson Davis, who took care of his slaves and treated them like family. He loved them.”
The subject resurfaced the next day, before a mock battle, when Jefferson Davis—a re-enactor named J.W. Binion—addressed the crowd. “We were all Americans and we fought a war that could have been prevented,” Binion declared. “And it wasn’t fought over slavery, by the way!”
Thomas Payne, the site’s executive director until this past April, said in an interview that his goal was to make Beauvoir a “neutral educational institution.” For him, that involved countering what he referred to as “political correctness from the national media,” which holds that Southern whites are “an evil repugnant group of ignorant people who fought only to enslave other human beings.” Slavery, he said, “should be condemned. But what people need to know is that most of the people in the South were not slave owners,” and that Northerners also kept slaves. What’s more, Payne went on, “there’s actually evidence where the individual who was enslaved was better off physically and mentally and otherwise.”
Just saying the quiet parts loud. Don't you need to be initiated into the Klan and give them the secret handshake before the tour guides start telling you how wonderful slavery was?

Also good to see "we're actually neutral by countering all of the liberal bias with strident right wing propaganda" has spread out from Fox News to museums.

Anyway, how do we get the fine folks from the Smithsonian Magazine over to the news beat?:

That myth, a pillar of the Lost Cause, remains a core belief of neo-Confederates, despite undeniable historic proof of slavery’s brutality.

Last edited by MrWookie; 11-29-2018 at 03:01 PM.
11-29-2018 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
I didn't make it past the header photo for a good laugh.
Variety of expressions by the kids. White kids, black kids. Asian girl. Priceless
11-29-2018 , 03:34 PM
Trump's World: Assault charges filed after English teens bully and attack Syrian refugee teen who doesn't fight back

The boy in the sweater grabbed Jamal’s neck, twisted him around and pushed him to the grass.

“What are you saying now then? Eh! Eh! Eh?” he screamed. But if there was an answer to the question, Jamal could no longer give it. The boy in the sweater had a hand around his throat and was pouring water from the bottle into his mouth.

“I’ll drown ya, you little bastard, I’ll drown you!” he shouted as Jamal coughed and sputtered.

He broke free and rolled away a second later. In the final scene of the video, whose publication on social media this week could very well change both boys' lives, Jamal stands up.

Students around him jeer and whoop and swish their ties, but he does not react. He simply rights himself and walks away, across the field and out of the frame — into a form of celebrity he never asked for.
Surely this caused the nice natives of England to rethink the way they behave towards refugees, right?

Now, Jamal told ITV, his family may need to flee again. The bullying at Almondbury Community School has only increased since footage of the October attack went viral, he said, and has escalated into threats at his home.

After airing the interview, ITV played another video, recorded at the school on Tuesday and also being investigated by police.

It showed a girl in a pink hijab being shoved between two students, then thrown onto the same field that Jamal had escaped a month earlier.

The girl was Jamal’s little sister, the station reported.
11-29-2018 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
meanwhile in trump's america

Dammit that’s why we need to keep those damn Muslims out of our country! Those homeless people should be getting real ‘murican food!
12-03-2018 , 08:21 PM

Bandy X. Lee: The sense of grandiose omnipotence that he displays seems especially appealing to his emotionally-needy followers. No matter what the world says, he fights back against criticism, continues to lie in the face of truth, and above all is still president. What matters is that he is winning, not whether he is honest or law-abiding. This may seem puzzling to the rest of us, but when you are overcome with feelings of powerlessness, this type of cartoonish, exaggerated force is often more important than true ability. This is the more primitive morality, as we call it, of “might makes right,” which in normal development you grow out of by age five.
12-03-2018 , 10:45 PM
I wish people would grow out of "might makes right." About half the world is still governed by that principle.
12-03-2018 , 11:02 PM
From suzzer's link:

There is a phenomenon called “shared psychosis” (also called “folie à deux”) that happens when an untreated sick person is in close proximity to, say, other family members within a household. In such a situation, normal people grow increasingly out of touch with reality and take on symptoms of the person who is unwell. It can also happen with an impaired president—once in power, he becomes not only the most urgent problem that needs to be addressed but a cause of widespread deterioration of health in a way that can become a “folie à millions.” Treatment involves removing the sick individual from the others, and very quickly, the others return to normal.
Bolded seems to be ignoring the mechanisms of reinforcement that have developed around Trump, as well as how the "shared psychosis" these people live within is mostly an extension of the same one the right has been spinning up for decades. Right wing operatives and media aren't going to just let these people heal and return to the real world when they know the buttons to mash to reactivate them.
12-04-2018 , 09:02 AM
So we're still abducting kids again even though it's illegal because nothing matters anymore.

Families Are Still Being Separated at the Border, Months After “Zero Tolerance” Was Reversed
12-04-2018 , 09:08 AM
This won't stop unless the relevant agencies are completely purged. FlyWF posted a pic that the border patrol was using on their website to encourage ex-military to join up. The dude in the picture had Nazi tattoos all over him.
12-04-2018 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
So we're still abducting kids again even though it's illegal because nothing matters anymore.

Families Are Still Being Separated at the Border, Months After “Zero Tolerance” Was Reversed
Gonna be lit when whatever happens to Trump (impeachment, finishes his two terms, heart attack, whatever) goes down, he leaves office, and the radical centrists and libs throw a parade about how we were this close to losing the precious system and the rule of law but it eventually triumphed and held on because of how exceptionally awesome we are. Shame about those separated kids and ignored court orders tho.
12-04-2018 , 09:58 AM
When Trump finally goes away there’s going to be a whole lot of back-patting and celebrating our system of checks and balances.
12-04-2018 , 10:17 AM
Exactly ****ing that. It should be a cardinal rule to never utter trump's name without mentioning GOP. It's Negan/Saviors. They are all Trump.

warning TWD spoiler
edit: I haven't followed TWD lately so not sure what happened with the Saviors when Negan was captured.

Last edited by Max Cut; 12-04-2018 at 10:22 AM.
12-04-2018 , 10:27 AM
It’s not so much Trump or even the GOP I worry about so much as all the fundamental checks and balances we learn about in school that are supposed to be so sacred are actually just a bunch of gentlemen’s agreements that can be tossed aside without consequence. You can illegally round up kids and refuse to hold votes on SCOTUS nominees —so long as your team has the Senate, there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
12-04-2018 , 10:38 AM
There absolutely is something we can do about it, but we choose not to. The longer this goes on, the more we need to start looking in the mirror when we want to assign blame.
12-04-2018 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
There absolutely is something we can do about it, but we choose not to. The longer this goes on, the more we need to start looking in the mirror when we want to assign blame.
I'm not trying to be cute or anything here, I promise:

What is it that you think we can do? For big picture things like families being separated at the border and the senate not functioning correctly - what is a person who lives in like the northeastern US supposed to do? A person can only devote so much of their time to protesting, especially when there appears to be no wide-scale motivation to do so among the populace, and protesting doesn't even really seem like it does anything.

I think political violence is a legitimate tactic, and one that we're probably beyond the point of needing, but I personally am way too cowardly to do anything like that. If what you're suggesting is "be less cowardly" then, yeah, I guess you're right? But that doesn't seem like a realistic way out of this when like 99% of the country has no idea the depth of the **** show that we're in.

I guess I'm just talking myself into the fact that this country is going to just continue swirling down the toilet of the authoritarian right in perpetuity.
12-04-2018 , 11:57 AM
I think he is hinting at voting more and being more informed generally about what in fact you are voting for. So yeah good luck with that.
12-04-2018 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by catfacemeowmers
I'm not trying to be cute or anything here, I promise:

What is it that you think we can do? For big picture things like families being separated at the border and the senate not functioning correctly - what is a person who lives in like the northeastern US supposed to do? A person can only devote so much of their time to protesting, especially when there appears to be no wide-scale motivation to do so among the populace, and protesting doesn't even really seem like it does anything.

I think political violence is a legitimate tactic, and one that we're probably beyond the point of needing, but I personally am way too cowardly to do anything like that. If what you're suggesting is "be less cowardly" then, yeah, I guess you're right? But that doesn't seem like a realistic way out of this when like 99% of the country has no idea the depth of the **** show that we're in.

I guess I'm just talking myself into the fact that this country is going to just continue swirling down the toilet of the authoritarian right in perpetuity.
I don't really disagree with any of this. I don't have a plan that I think will work in this country. I don't have a way out of this mess.

What I do have is a growing certainty that we all need to own up to our share of guilt. We own this collectively as a nation. Voting for Hillary and being outraged on the internet doesn't absolve us of our responsibility for what's happening.

We're the majority. We can stop all of this anytime we want, but we don't. We're letting it happen. We enabled the Trumpening just as much as the GOP and Fox. We're a **** country and we should all be ashamed for our role in it.
12-04-2018 , 03:35 PM
I pretty much agree with all of that which is why I've gotten out and protested a couple times and volunteered a couple times, but that still leaves me ashamed I haven't done more (far, far, far, far more).

Honestly, we should all be standing at the border between the *******s with tear gas and the mothers and children. We should be standing outside the detention centers where they are being separated every day. **** our jobs, **** our comfortable lives, **** waiting two more years for the next election.

The problem is we have no critical mass. If there were even 10,000 people doing that, I'd probably go for a week or something. The other problem is that getting arrested, losing a job, etc, is counter productive for most people in terms of having the most impact in 2020 and beyond.

Which leads to, can we organize that many people to go to begin building critical mass? How many people would it take to get some news coverage? If 25 of us here tried to do that, we'd need to each bring 400 people. That seems virtually impossible at a grassroots level, and most people I know think that voting and being outraged on the Internet is enough.

I think that there are probably over a million Americans who feel the same way and would be down to go protest this, but they aren't on a mailing list or able to be reached. Ultimately maybe MoveOn or someone like that could organize it.

The other problem is that most people have politics fatigue right now after the election and will tune out for a while - even I've cut back my posting and time spent on politics for a combination of that and some stuff going on in my personal life.

And lastly, if we remember that there are at least a dozen things going on right now that demand a high level of outrage and activism, what are we to do? We can't go protest at the border, at the detention centers, at the Wisconsin state house, at Capitol Hill, at the White House, in Georgia, wherever we go for unarmed black men being shot (seems like just about anywhere), at the NRA HQ, etc, etc all at once. So basically it seems like most national organizations are trying to keep the cork in the bottle until the major stuff (threats to Mueller) and then organize national efforts.

While that may not say much for the moral character of America, it also may be the optimal strategy to surviving Trumpism...
