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08-31-2018 , 07:00 PM
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned nitrogen asphyxiation as the most painless way to die.

When humans breathe in an asphyxiant gas, such as pure nitrogen, helium, neon, argon, sulfur hexafluoride, methane, or any other physiologically inert gas(es), they exhale carbon dioxide without re-supplying oxygen. Physiologically inert gases (those that have no toxic effect, but merely dilute oxygen) are generally free of odor and taste. As such, the human subject detects little abnormal sensation as the oxygen level falls. This leads to asphyxiation (death from lack of oxygen) without the painful and traumatic feeling of suffocation (the hypercapnic alarm response, which in humans arises mostly from carbon dioxide levels rising), or the side effects of poisoning. In scuba diving rebreather accidents, there is often little sensation, however, a slow decrease in oxygen breathing gas content has effects which are quite variable.[8] By contrast, suddenly breathing pure inert gas causes oxygen levels in the blood to fall precipitously, and may lead to unconsciousness in only a few breaths, with no symptoms at all.
BBC did a doc on this a while back, .
08-31-2018 , 07:29 PM
IMO, the clear answer to having humane executions is a bullet to the back of the head point blank. The reason this super-obvious option isn't even on the table is because it de-sanitizes the whole process. The visceral nature of one human being killing another human being would be on full display, and the one thing they can't afford is to have any actual humanity creep into the system they've designed.
08-31-2018 , 09:21 PM

Good looking ratio there FNC.
08-31-2018 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by Grue

Good looking ratio there FNC.

FoxNews: Look at these lazy black people eating steak and lobster on food stamps.

Also FoxNews: Look at this black person who used to be famous working an honest job. Let's point and laugh at him.

**** this ****hole country man. 30 years. Just lemme die before you all **** yourselves.
09-01-2018 , 12:40 AM
Isn't the Daily Mail a right wing tabloid? A lesbian named "Karma" reports stuff to the Daily Mail? And it's in New Jersey and she reported it to a British paper? And probably no one in England would have a clue who he is?
09-01-2018 , 12:45 AM
And Geoffrey Owens was in an episode of Lucifer in 2017. I'm calling this one fake news.
09-01-2018 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
FoxNews: Look at these lazy black people eating steak and lobster on food stamps.

Also FoxNews: Look at this black person who used to be famous working an honest job. Let's point and laugh at him.

**** this ****hole country man. 30 years. Just lemme die before you all **** yourselves.
09-01-2018 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
Isn't the Daily Mail a right wing tabloid? A lesbian named "Karma" reports stuff to the Daily Mail? And it's in New Jersey and she reported it to a British paper? And probably no one in England would have a clue who he is?
The Daily Mail is absolutely cancerous.

Edit: the Cosby Show aired in the UK and I remember this guy.
09-01-2018 , 07:54 AM
I’d like to think this story would anger all the grocery baggers who watch Fox News, but I know we don’t live in that world.
09-01-2018 , 10:02 AM
In my quest to show this guy at TJs is not the actor (not that there's anything wrong if it is, just lol all the reporting, and it's been picked up all over, if it's not) I came across this thread in and the gun nuts are on his side.

I saw that article earlier as I scanned the newsites I follow. I think its really ****ty Fox News ran this. As many of you have already said the guy is working and making an honest living, why point it out?
There are plenty of deplorable comments about other things though.
09-01-2018 , 10:15 AM
Geoffrey graduated cum laude from Yale. He's directed a bunch of Shakespeare, recently. And his father was in the US Congress.
09-01-2018 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I would guess the variability. I had surgery where you go into twilight state but you're still kind of awake. I told them I'd need way more demerol than they were expecting. This was purely based on my general recreational drug tolerance compared to most of my friends. I'm large and have slow blood is my theory. One of the last things I remember is the nurse saying - yeah you were right you did need a lot of demerol.

Btw if you ever get a chance to do a demerol IV recreationally - can recommend. I was getting sliced open on a metal table under bright lights with 5 people around me and having the absolute time of my life.
09-01-2018 , 10:32 AM
Maybe it is him. He teaches Shakespeare and has taught at Yale and Columbia among other places. He does a workshop in NYC. But, he's doing a Shakespeare workshop in New Jersey too.
09-01-2018 , 10:51 AM
09-01-2018 , 10:55 AM
Apparently Trader Joe's has pretty generous healthcare so a lot of actors and theater types will work there as a second job.

Also, how is this even news?
09-01-2018 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I would guess the variability.
I mean sure, but surely the answer is just to not be stingy, right? Your anaesthetist has a trade-off to consider of risk of not numbing you versus risk of killing you. The executioner is trying to kill you, and I don't see how 'enough heroin to kill a dead elephant' is any more bad than 'just enough to kill you'. Ideally, it would work very quickly, and in some extreme outlier case where it doesn't work, fix up again, find another vein and keep going. The person being executed won't mind.
09-01-2018 , 07:05 PM
09-02-2018 , 07:52 AM
GOP county clerk. She should have a column for the NYT and not a Never Trumper

“Tired of these over paid ignorant blacks telling me what I should believe in. I will tell you what I believe in and that is our Flag the National Anthem and America period end of story,” Maloney wrote. “You don’t like it here go to Africa see how you like it there. We are all Americans not African American not Hispanic American. WE ARE ALL AMERICAN.”

Maloney predicted that a civil war would start “soon[er] than later” and complained about “reverse racism.”

"Steelers are now just as bad as the rest of the over paid baboons. You respect your flag, country and our national anthem. How many men and women have lost limbs or died to protect this country and you baboons want respect,” she wrote.

“If you want respect you need to earn it and so far you haven’t. Stop watching, or going to a game and paying for over priced food, water and tickets. Let’s see how the baboons get paid when white people stop paying their salaries,” she continued.
09-02-2018 , 08:00 AM
Its really strange to me how all of these people are Republicans given that Democrats are the real racists.
09-02-2018 , 08:24 AM
She's not racist - she didn't use the N word
09-02-2018 , 08:38 AM
“Those comments do not reflect the opinions of the Republican Party as a whole,” Kohser said.
09-02-2018 , 01:02 PM
Maloney, an avid Trump supporter, appeared on CNN’s “The Van Jones Show” last month to discuss immigration.

She identified herself as a Trump supporter and not a county committee officer.

Put her on the list for a 2024 POTUS run.
09-02-2018 , 04:14 PM
Is it possible for any of the majority of white people who are against kneeling protests to disagree with her on anything beyond the baboon language, if even that? If so I don’t see it.
09-02-2018 , 09:58 PM
It is both hilarious and sad that the media keeps quoting republican operatives as persuadable moderates; a) lol media and b) such people do not exist
09-03-2018 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
GOP county clerk. She should have a column for the NYT and not a Never Trumper
