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Trump’s America Trump’s America

11-24-2016 , 11:24 AM
The words "all men are created equal" were in the declaration of independence and even if they theoretically were one of the ideals of the birth of the nation, they were in no way the reality of the nation.
11-24-2016 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by Jiggymike
Trump to cut NASA "politicized" environmental research to focus exclusively on deep-space exploration...paging Dvaut, looks like we need to reopen THAT discussion.
I write so much **** that I don't even know what I said that this is in reference to. Is Trump hoping to launch himself into deep space searching for another planet to grift? I am intrigued and maybe in favor of this kind of spending.
11-24-2016 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
American female comedians are all pretty terrible. I like Silverman but she's pretty hit and miss. There are good British female comedians.
Kathleen Madigan is hilarious. So is Whitney Cummings.
11-24-2016 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
The words "all men are created equal" were in the declaration of independence and even if they theoretically were one of the ideals of the birth of the nation, they were in no way the reality of the nation.
11-24-2016 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
I write so much **** that I don't even know what I said that this is in reference to. Is Trump hoping to launch himself into deep space searching for another planet to grift? I am intrigued and maybe in favor of this kind of spending.

Shoot maybe it wasn't you but there was a long discussion on the connection between white supremacy and space exploration.
11-25-2016 , 04:37 PM
11-25-2016 , 04:38 PM
11-25-2016 , 04:40 PM
11-26-2016 , 08:43 AM
11-26-2016 , 03:32 PM
In before we have a debate of whether or not the term bitches is a misogynistic or not, and the negative effects on society caused by 2+2ers falsely accusing innocent white men of misogyny
11-27-2016 , 11:22 PM
William Ronald Pulliam appeared unrepentant after fatally shooting a teenager during a confrontation outside a West Virginia discount store.

“The way I look at it, that’s another piece of trash off the street,” Pulliam allegedly told police, according to a criminal complaint.

But the 62-year-old man, in a jailhouse interview with CNN affiliate WCHS, categorically denied making that statement. He said he feared for his life when 15-year-old James Means allegedly pulled a gun on him. The complaint did not say Means had a gun.

“I mean, believe me, I did not want to kill anybody, but they’re not going to kill me,” Pulliam, wearing an orange jailhouse uniform, told the station on Tuesday.

Pulliam has been charged with first-degree murder in an incident police and witnesses say started with two strangers bumping into each other Monday night. He has not yet been assigned an attorney by the public defender’s office.

The suspect told police he had dinner immediately after the alleged crime and then visited a female friend — in whose home the .380 revolver used in the shooting was found, according to the criminal complaint filed in Kanawha County magistrate court.
The suspect is white, victim is black.

Corroborating sources:
11-27-2016 , 11:25 PM
Authorities are investigating the murder of James Means as a hate crime:
Pulliam was arraigned on Tuesday morning. Steve Ruby, an Assistant United States Attorney in West Virginia, told the Gazette-Mail that authorities were investigating Means' murder as a hate crime.

"That review is in its early stages, and the fact that a review is being conducted should not be taken as any indication of what the review's outcome will be," Ruby said.
11-28-2016 , 03:58 AM
It's a murder. Does a hate crime murder get you extra jail time? I was under the impression a murder already got you the most and he's old.
11-28-2016 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
id still like to hear your side of it.
How a nation of relatively educated Germans quickly succumbed to fascism is an interesting topic. I find it fascinating, and perhaps illuminating, that the SS, which is most directly linked with the atrocities of the Holocaust and internal control of the German population, drew heavily from not only the upper and upper middle classes, but also what we would now call the "professional" class. Himmler's "Friends of the SS" circle drew heavy financial support from large corporations and banks, while he simultaneously recruited M.D.'s, attorneys, scientists, and various technocrats tofstaff his organization.

By courting these types of recruits from the private sector and academia he was able to draw a distinction between his organization and the uneducated, unemployed, and socially outcast street ruffians of the SA. This definitely improved the SS's reputation in the eyes of more traditionally conservative members of German society such as the General Staff, the aristocracy, and the industrial and banking cliques.

That simple fact that the most destructive organization of the 20th century, and perhaps the entire history of mankind, could be staffed and operated by what many would consider the best and brightest of a society is a lesson that needs to be remembered and considered, every time a nation moves toward drastic governmental change.
11-28-2016 , 07:21 PM
Surprised this hasn't been posted yet, at least not that I could find.

Easily one of the top meltdowns of all-time. Would be hysterical if it weren't so sad, not to mention a harbinger of things to come during the next four years.
11-28-2016 , 08:52 PM
I think that falls under the "lol women/holiday shopping" racist exception clause.
All is fair in love, war, and holiday shopping.
11-28-2016 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by WPT_aka_SKT
Most of those hate crimes are faked or fabricated. It's just leftists trying to raise awareness about imaginary problems and racing to see who can be the biggest victim. Get real, how many times in your life have you actually heard or seen a white person call a black person a n*****? Yet now we're supposed to believe it's happening everywhere? Give me a break.
Originally Posted by einbert
11-28-2016 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by WPT_aka_SKT
Like the:
fake neighborhood town watch letter warning people not to wear hijabs
woman in kirkland washington who fabricated a sexual assault claim
the university of louisiana lafeyette studnet who claimed men in trump hats stole her hijab but is now being charged with filing a false report
the two muslim teens in brooklyn who claimed to have been harassed and beaten but were caught on camera picking a fight and beating their alleged attackers
calum mcswiggum who beat himself up in jail after his mugshot had already been taken and said it was trump supporters
Quality list of citations you have here
11-28-2016 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by WPT_aka_SKT
Get real, how many times in your life have you actually heard or seen a white person call a black person a n*****?
Literally thousands of times. Including by me, in my ******* years. I've even heard it happen with the white person calling the black person to their face, although only maybe three times there.
11-28-2016 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by WPT_aka_SKT
Give them time to investigate. I bet they don't come up with much. Of course, we won't read the headlines about police declining to press charges against people filing false reports for fear of being islamophobic.
Apparently the press does cover the false reports.

And just because there are some false claims, that doesn't mean there aren't legitimate instances of people doing **** in Trump's name.
11-28-2016 , 11:22 PM
It looks like WPT is rocking the white supremacist Edward Norton character from American History X for an avatar, as well as a reg date of Nov 2016. Looks like another member of the Alt Reich has joined our little Politics Group.

Here's a slightly bigger picture of his avatar if anybody hasn't seen the movie:
11-29-2016 , 08:12 AM
Remember when Trump says crazy and outlandish things, he's not trying to point out things that are true. He's pointing out what he's going to do in the future, and the reasoning/excuses he's going to use to justify those actions.

11-29-2016 , 08:15 AM
Man just think about how far the Overton Window has moved now that you can look back on Antonin ****ing Scalia and be like "yeah actually I wish he was alive and still on SCOTUS because now Trump gets to nominate his successor and ho boy, this guy."

Antonin ****ing Scalia.
11-29-2016 , 08:17 AM
In before "feel better liberals, Trump just uses Twitter as a 3 sigma distraction tool to get you to forget about his fraud settlements and pressuring foreign governments to approve his business projects!"
11-29-2016 , 09:19 AM
20 years of New Democrats triangulating and appeasing the right, and now here we are.
