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Trump’s America Trump’s America

07-08-2018 , 01:50 PM
I'm a builder*, not a developer. And the few times I've built in what could reasonably be called a subdivision, they were ones without a HOA or any design restrictions.

*I'm arguably not even a builder anymore. I don't have a crew and I haven't done a 6-figure project in years.
07-08-2018 , 01:54 PM
Not having a crew is where it's at. Both being employed and employing sucks.
07-08-2018 , 01:57 PM
Yup. I make about the same now as I did with 20 guys working for me, with more stability and infinitely fewer assaches.
07-08-2018 , 02:08 PM
Austin, TX white man shoots and kills a young black man over argument about 4th of July fireworks; tries to claim self-defense until video comes out

Jason Roche, 41, was apparently upset that 19-year-old Devonte Ortiz was setting off fireworks with his friends at their apartment complex, according to a copy of an arrest affidavit provided to The Washington Post.
Roche told police he had asked Ortiz and his friends to stop shooting off fireworks earlier that night, the affidavit stated. When they didn’t, Roche said he confronted the group a second time — then shot Ortiz after he said the teenager also reached for a gun, police said. It was a matter of self-defense.

However, police would later review cellphone videos taken at the scene and discovered they told a different story.
Ortiz, it turns out, was not armed when he was shot, and was in fact “moving away from the firearm and not lunging toward it as stated by Roche,” the affidavit stated.
If he was a cop or there wasn't video he'd probably have gotten away with it. He still might!
07-08-2018 , 04:10 PM
Wow, an unarmed black guy getting shot by a white guy while lighting off fireworks on the 4th of July. That pretty much sums up America right now.
07-08-2018 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
It's not about hating authority for me, it's about being violently repulsed by sterile, plastic ticky-tacky. I don't want to live in a soulless environment curated to the god-awful standards of whoever builds subdivisions.
Can’t argue with that at all, just doesn’t matter to me as much as ease of life at this point. It’s a combination of not feeling connected to this country enough to become attached to property and laziness/apathy. I certainly appreciate people who take pride in their abode, but it ain’t me right now. I don’t even have art on the walls for the most part.
07-08-2018 , 10:56 PM
Lol wtf?

Michael Selyem, the Deputy District Attorney in San Bernardino County, California who is responsible for leading a gang prosecution team, has a history of offensive social media posts that have led to calls for his resignation.

“Being a loud-mouthed c*** in the ghetto you would think someone would have shot this ***** by now …” Selyem commented on a video of Congresswoman Maxine Waters in June according to The San Bernardino Sun.
07-08-2018 , 11:10 PM
Law and Order!
07-08-2018 , 11:15 PM
That job can't pay enough if he's that economically anxious.
07-08-2018 , 11:19 PM
He prosecutes Black and Hispanic people all day. He probably loves his job.
07-08-2018 , 11:29 PM
More social media from that guy

“I love that all of you liberal f*cking p*sseys are so filled with hate. Gonna be a long 8 years for you scumbags. choo choo trump.”
07-09-2018 , 07:55 AM
Calls people "pussies" and then says THEY are the ones filled with hate. Story checks out.
07-09-2018 , 06:43 PM
NJ power company shuts off electricity in 90 degree heat on black woman who needed oxygen machine to survive; she dies

Last Thursday, as the summer temperature reportedly shot into the 90s, Daniels’s electricity was cut off by the local power company, PSE&G. Daniels, whose condition required her to use an electric oxygen machine to breathe, was suddenly without the technology keeping her alive.

As reported, Daniels died seven hours after her home’s power was cut.

“She was trying to catch her breath — she was gasping for air,” Daniels’s granddaughter told “She suffered and she passed right in front of us. She was gasping until the time she died.”
Her son Sam told News 12 that the company had told him payments of at least $300 a month were required to keep the power flowing. He showed the television statements indicating a $500 payment went to the company at the beginning of July toward Daniels’s delinquent account.

“They still cut off the utilities,” he told News 12. Daniels’s son claimed the family had no prior notice the power would be cut off.
“We made numerous calls,” Washington told “We have a large family, and everyone in our family was calling.”

She added: “We panicked. They cut the power off on what had to be the hottest day of the summer.”

According to the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, consumers must be notified in writing of a discontinuation of service 10 days before the cancellation. A utility also “may not shut-off residential service” if a “valid medical emergency exists” in the household.
07-09-2018 , 06:47 PM
07-09-2018 , 06:54 PM
That goofyballer story makes my blood boil.

At the risk of sounding like Clovis, the US truly is a ****hole country.
07-09-2018 , 06:54 PM
The fact that they have to include that in parentheses...
07-09-2018 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
he seems economically anxious. how do we win his vote?
07-09-2018 , 07:03 PM
Also, truly wild speculation here, but I'm guessing the police officer doesn't just stand there watching the harassment if the guy was a minority intimidating a white woman. Just a hunch.
07-09-2018 , 07:07 PM
Cop doesn't do a damn thing until the Hispanic brother steps up to the insane old man harassing his sister, and has the brother step back.

Un ****ing real.

Just as disgusting as anything else in that video.
07-09-2018 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by JoltinJake
he seems economically anxious. how do we win his vote?
07-09-2018 , 08:07 PM

Checking in on the master race...
07-09-2018 , 09:30 PM
Again, these videos of people harassing minorities with the cops just standing there watching are infuriating. Keed stated that the officer seemed fine in the #IDadam pool episode, and again I state that these cops must be racist if they aren't willing to protect these people from being harassed. It looks like the master race is freerolling on harassing minorities as there doesn't seem to be an repercussions.
07-09-2018 , 09:42 PM
Black guy harassing a white woman like that gets shot by cop a real % of the time.
07-09-2018 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by fatboy8
Again, these videos of people harassing minorities with the cops just standing there watching are infuriating. Keed stated that the officer seemed fine in the #IDadam pool episode, and again I state that these cops must be racist if they aren't willing to protect these people from being harassed. It looks like the master race is freerolling on harassing minorities as there doesn't seem to be an repercussions.
That's nothing compared to the cop who pulled a gun on a group of Hispanic KIDS because one of them was supposedly trespassing at a community center (hint: he wasn't, his mom was right inside, and when she came out to find out what was going on the cop pulled his baton on her and pushed her out of the way.)

**** these ****ing ****s.
07-09-2018 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
That's nothing compared to the cop who pulled a gun on a group of Hispanic KIDS because one of them was supposedly trespassing at a community center (hint: he wasn't, his mom was right inside, and when she came out to find out what was going on the cop pulled his baton on her and pushed her out of the way.)

**** these ****ing ****s.
The police abuse cherry is the cops arrest a kid for saying he's going to report them

While the boy is held against the road, his brother, who is filming the event, calls out to him, according to*CNN affiliate KVIA. "It's all good," he says. "We are going to put a report on these two fools. It's all good."
The police officer who pulled out his gun earlier then grabs the boy who is filming.
"What are you doing — hey I'm just recording!" he shouts as he is handcuffed.
That's when the brothers' mother, Elizabeth Flores, takes the phone and continues the video, according to KVIA.
and then at the press conference the chief says that kids need to be educated on how to talk to police.

At the news conference, Mack stressed the need for educating children on how to engage with police officers
I know the chief didn't mean it this way but it makes it sound like the police are wild bears or something and you need to learn the proper methods to handle them or risk injury. If you see a cop make yourself bigger and bang on pots and pans. Remember a cop doesn't think like you and me and what seems like a provocation is them just acting in self defense. Maybe get a Yellowstone guide to give the cop tutorial.
