Originally Posted by Jeedz
Maybe it's tough for you to understand, and I can't speak for anyone else, but the thought of any innocent person getting killed because some paranoid wannabe rent-a-cop profiled them is enraging, regardless of who the victim or perp is.
Oh, I understand you. Hear victim is black, assign "innocent". Assign "he was profiled". Assign "he did nothing wrong during the entire incident".
Somehow though I think you realise deep down that the kid being black and looking like a 'thug' has at least influenced how you view the case somewhat. I used to be think like that too, so I totally get that, as you experience the world though you learn it's far more complex than this narrow black or white view you see it through. One day you'll get it.
Somehow I think you inflate your ego by deluding yourself you know what other people think and dislocate your shoulder patting yourself on the back for being superior to them.
I've been around longer than you have. And you are the one who sees the world as black v white. Only your pendulum has swung to the other extreme. All blacks are victims and all whites are racist agressors.
Yes, the world is more complex. Both people in this incident made mistakes. Both made assumptions. Nobody should have died.