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The Tragic Death of Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman, Responsible Gun Owner The Tragic Death of Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman, Responsible Gun Owner

07-05-2012 , 09:20 PM
No, it's that a broken nose, black eyes and cuts are injuries. Keep the laughs up though.
07-05-2012 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
No, it's that a broken nose, black eyes and cuts are injuries. Keep the laughs up though.
I have no idea what point you're trying to make, can you maybe spell it out? Yes he has head injuries consistent with getting punched in the face and minor scrapes from scuffling on a concrete surface. No one is disputing that they got into a fight.

What Zim doesn't have are the traumatic injuries one would expect from having one's head slammed against concrete multiple times in the way that GZ described in his account.
07-05-2012 , 10:12 PM
Traumatic injuries are the broken nose, black eyes and cuts. Every single one of those are traumatic. You're using terminology that you don't understand.

Furthermore, what you really mean are super serious injuries, which, for the millionth billionth time, is a ******ed argument because your right to self defense doesn't begin with a skull fracture.
07-05-2012 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Traumatic injuries are the broken nose, black eyes and cuts. Every single one of those are traumatic. You're using terminology that you don't understand.
Neither does the physician's assistant, apparently:

But the physician’s assistant who treated him determined he neither needed X-rays nor had he suffered head trauma, newly released medical records show.

Originally Posted by ikestoys
Furthermore, what you really mean are super serious injuries, which, for the millionth billionth time, is a ******ed argument because your right to self defense doesn't begin with a skull fracture.
Classic ikes strawman. I'll try to type this really slowly and see if it sinks in: If GZ's injuries aren't consistent with his statement to the police, his defense is in a bit of a pickle.
07-05-2012 , 10:38 PM
Lolol no, you just don't understand the wtf the PA is saying... And I'm sorry for strawmanning you into a non******ed argument.

Carry on.
07-05-2012 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by bptuneman
Why is raciest crap like this allowed Mr Moderator? Over and over and over. But anyone suggesting the opposite is warned?
What was racist about it?

Originally Posted by bptuneman
Yeah ok I get you....whom you choose to warn seems to be anyone approaching racism towards trevor, but people can state any opinion or lie about Zimmerman eh? No Problem there, no racism, no need to back anything up.


Originally Posted by bptuneman
- Second he was not on the phone with his girl at the time.
- He was a repeat B&E offender with prior gang involvement and violence on his record.
- That complex had a series of break'ins to which the cops never responded within time to do anything,
- several elderly people assaulted and robbed.
Ugh, cite all. Lamestream media preferred, but I know they don't want us knowing the real story so will accept what you've got.
07-05-2012 , 11:19 PM
Don't worry, I'm sure he's done.
07-05-2012 , 11:34 PM
There were multiple stories of black on white 'revenge' beatings in the wake of the publicity surrounding the Martin case: &

As for GZ's injuries we've been through this countless times. It really doesn't matter if a 'physician's assistant' determined that GZ didn't need x-rays the next day. What matters is if GZ thought he needed to use deadly force to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself. This is a self defense case in which there is no evidence that GZ did not act in self defense. The state has nothing. In the hearing for the probable cause affidavit Investigator Gilbreath of the State Attorney’s Office stated he did not know who started the fight that evening and he did not have evidence as to who initiated the altercation. WTF? Why are you charging the guy? Oh yeah, you need to placate the racial grievance crowd.
07-05-2012 , 11:51 PM
The first link has two further links with actual info that the daily fail (a nickname well earned) took details from. The first has ZERO info relating to Trayvon mentioning there were racial slurs thrown from both sides relating to basketball and the second link has one anonymous witness who claims they heard mention of the name but they also quote the police investigating who categorically state that it had absolutely nothing to do with the Trayvon case and is the result of a three year feud between one of the four suspects involved in the beating and the victim and they live in the same street.

The second case seems to be some kind of revenge attack. It is attempted robbery, aggravated battery and a hate crime.

So do you have more than one example for this "multiple stories of black on white 'revenge' beatings in the wake of the publicity surrounding the Martin case" claim? One isolated incident of some idiot is hardly a pattern.
07-06-2012 , 07:38 AM
Yeah I am done. I'll stick to the poker threads until it all comes out in the trial, surely most of you know his records will only come out then since he is a juvenile.
07-06-2012 , 11:51 AM
His records won't come out then. He's a juvenile, like you said, that **** is protected. Unless it is directly relevant, which it is not, to the case that information is not going to come out.
07-06-2012 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by bptuneman
Yeah I am done. I'll stick to the poker threads until it all comes out in the trial, surely most of you know his records will only come out then since he is a juvenile.
Oh, so you just made it all up, then?
07-06-2012 , 01:15 PM
Wait, what? Did Trayvon even have a record? I know he liked to hoard women's jewelry, but that seems like a lifestyle choice, I don't think he was charged.
07-06-2012 , 01:19 PM
If he had a juvenile record someone at biggovernment or a similar group who were hacking his twitter and facebook and finding everything they could would have stumbled upon it.

There is no ****ing way guys like BN are finding out and it doesnt end up filtering through to one of those blogs in some way.
07-06-2012 , 02:59 PM
GZ bonded out. I suppose the question is, if his legal defense fund was NOT to be available to him personally, where'd he get the $100k if he has no other assets?
07-06-2012 , 03:07 PM
It's in a trust devoted to paying his legal expenses. Isn't bond a legal expense?
07-06-2012 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Your Boss
What? I'm not sure what you are confused about?

Kurto said:

Which, yeah, I guess 50% of people probably do think that, so I'll concede this point even though the meaning behind it is perfectly clear enough and isn't at all able to be proven.

But this one:

Boy, I think we need a cite for this. I don't recall reading anywhere that GZ's motive for shooting TM was for either "walking home" or for possessing "Skittles"."

I think that falls under the "unsupported hyperbole" part of the forum rules Wookie posted, and can further be summed up by the part that says "claims of facts that ... cannot be verified at all have no place in this forum".

So it seems fair that Kurto should have to cite where he learned that GZ shot TM for "walking home with skittles" or face a ban, no?

Just to take this a little further. Assuming that TM got shot for "walking home with Skittles" then according to Kurto race played no factor, correct? A white teenager walking home with skittles would've enraged GZ to the point of shooting him as well I assume. That is exactly what Kurto posted fwiw.
This is rules lawyering at its most pathetic. Obviously he knows GZ didn't shoot TM for having skittles, it was a rhetorical device. But BP really was (and others have taken up the torch!) have earnestly gone with this "Yo dog I heard race riots comin' and white people gettin' KEELT over this!"
07-06-2012 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by mjkidd
It's in a trust devoted to paying his legal expenses. Isn't bond a legal expense?
I've never had to do business with Moscone Bail Bonds, but aren't you required to post 10% to the bail bondsman? Hard to see the lawyers allow their soon to be hard earned money sitting in someone elses pocket.
07-06-2012 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by cres
I've never had to do business with Moscone Bail Bonds, but aren't you required to post 10% to the bail bondsman? Hard to see the lawyers allow their soon to be hard earned money sitting in someone elses pocket.
The lawyer administering the trust likely doesn't want to get disbarred. "I want that money" probably isn't a valid reason to not disburse funds from the trust for a legitimate legal expense.
07-06-2012 , 05:33 PM
And I suppose you don't draw a paycheck for work you do? That fund is, as you posted, for his legal defense fund. Which has nothing to do with being in or out of jail. How you equate that to disbarment................

but not interested in a nit debate here (or continuing one).
07-06-2012 , 05:51 PM
07-06-2012 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by cres
I've never had to do business with Moscone Bail Bonds, but aren't you required to post 10% to the bail bondsman?
It isn't a post, it's his nonrefundable fee. He posts your bond on your behalf, which means he is trusted by the court to guarantee your bond amount without having to put up any money. But you simply pay him ~10% as a fee for his service.
07-06-2012 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Neither does the physician's assistant, apparently:

Classic ikes strawman. I'll try to type this really slowly and see if it sinks in: If GZ's injuries aren't consistent with his statement to the police, his defense is in a bit of a pickle.
there is a reason PA's only go to school for 18 months, you know....
they are not doctors
07-06-2012 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
His records won't come out then. He's a juvenile, like you said, that **** is protected. Unless it is directly relevant, which it is not, to the case that information is not going to come out.
how can you know whether there is anything relevant in his records, without knowing what's in his records?
07-06-2012 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by cres
And I suppose you don't draw a paycheck for work you do? That fund is, as you posted, for his legal defense fund. Which has nothing to do with being in or out of jail. How you equate that to disbarment................

but not interested in a nit debate here (or continuing one).
lol of course a legal defense fund can be used for bail. Are you serious with this bull****?

And if donated money CAN'T be used for bail then how the heck did Zimmerman get in trouble for not disclosing it?
