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The Tragic Death of Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman, Responsible Gun Owner The Tragic Death of Trayvon Martin: George Zimmerman, Responsible Gun Owner

05-16-2012 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by NewOldGuy
Lol, no. I quoted the new "stand your ground" law added in 2006 (776.013) and added it for your benefit. You quoted the old part that existed before that. If you are going to argue about it at least use the right law.
The only part of your quote that applies is:

(3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.
Which has the same reasonable standard clause in its language.
05-16-2012 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
You seem to be a little confused at how it works, DAs don't make arrests. In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police who investigate crime and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders.
The DA can tell the police not to make an arrest because they don't plan on prosecuting. This in fact was what happened in this case. The lead investigator wanted Zimmerman arrested for manslaughter, the prosecutor said no not enough evidence.
05-16-2012 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
1) There was not a proper investigation until it became a story. There was a cursory one that resulted in Zimmerman not being arrested. Some people(HOOOOOOOOOOOOOODIES people, tho) thought that was something of an injustice.
Why do you say the investigation was cursory?
05-16-2012 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by mjkidd1
The DA can tell the police not to make an arrest because they don't plan on prosecuting. This in fact was what happened in this case. The lead investigator wanted Zimmerman arrested for manslaughter, the prosecutor said no not enough evidence.
I've seen the argument Fly's making a couple times ITT, and the logical failure of it astounds me.

It's quite simple. Individuals are arrested for the purpose of prosecution. To put it simply, I firmly believe any LEO who with full knowledge that the DA's office refuses to prosecute, executes an arrest should be charged with False Imprisonment and Kidnapping.
05-16-2012 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I believe Stand Your Ground laws are bad policy, I wasn't describing the law, I was saying it would not be such an injustice if it worked where they erred on the side of arresting.

That said, I believe there was probable cause the force used in this case was unlawful and any argument otherwise is going to be... interesting.
I'm not arguing that there wasn't probable cause for an arrest. But the police aren't obligated to make an arrest simply because there is probable cause for it. If the DA thinks that there will for sure be enough reasonable doubt at trial for an acquittal and does not wish to move forward with the case then there is no reason for the police to arrest the suspect.
05-16-2012 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
Pretty lengthy article in the NYT's about the case.
Interesting. This was news to me:

One witness said a police investigator twice declined her offer to show him the close and unobstructed vantage point from a partly opened bedroom window where she had watched and heard the struggle between Mr. Martin and Mr. Zimmerman. The witness, who agreed to be interviewed on the condition she remain anonymous because the investigation is active, said the detective taped part of her account.

She also recalled telling him that night that she was haunted by the cries for help she believed came from Mr. Martin during the struggle. But she said the investigator seemed to have already formed an opinion about what had happened. He told her, she said, that it was Mr. Zimmerman — not Mr. Martin — who was the one screaming, an assertion that remains in dispute.
05-16-2012 , 11:48 PM
Yeah, based on that article, I think there's a very good chance that Zimmerman gets off, but that that chance is quite a bit larger than the chance that he'd be found completely innocent if the whole event were captured on video tape. The police blew it. I'll also grant that the chances of him being in the right look better than they were when this thread started, but at the same time, the story he told the police is so fraught with what looks to be obvious embellishment that the chances things went down exactly as he described look vanishingly small.
05-16-2012 , 11:56 PM
You guys know that everyone has the right to a speedy trial... Arresting someone before you have enough evidence to convict is not smart.
05-16-2012 , 11:56 PM
Well it's a certainty that things did not go down exactly as he told police. Every person would make mistakes -- often even substantial mistakes -- even if he was trying to be completely honest. But it seems like there is a reasonable chance that Zimmerman was trying to be honest and the story he told mostly jives with the other evidence.
05-16-2012 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
You guys know that everyone has the right to a speedy trial... Arresting someone before you have enough evidence to convict is not smart.
You don't have to be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt to get arrested.
05-17-2012 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
You don't have to be guilty beyond a reasonable doubt to get arrested.
I know. My point is you want to have enough evidence where you think someone can be convicted before you arrest and charge. You only have 90 days in most states to prove your case.

My point is arresting then gathering evidence is not the smartest way to do things.
05-17-2012 , 12:02 AM
Annnnnnnnd if the police aren't obligated to arrest someone just because they have probable cause. If they have probable cause but cannot prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, there is no reason to make an arrest, unless they are expecting to get more evidence later on and/or the suspect is a flight risk.
05-17-2012 , 12:11 AM
And fwiw, Zimmerman likely WOULD have been arrested had he not been so cooperative with the police. He was handcuffed, read his rights, and taken into "investigative detention". Had he said "I want a lawyer and I'm not answering any of your questions" chances are he would have been arrested. NOT arresting him at the outset was an investigative tactic. If he is arrested and arraigned he is way way more likely to clam up and not let investigators question him more. As long as he's talking and the cops have questions they want to ask him arresting him is really really dumb and counterproductive.
05-17-2012 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
There is something pretty funny about a security expert being unable to access his 2+2 account.

How common is it for people to kill other people and not be immediately arrested? That would never ever happen over here but obv they are two different systems taking different approaches.
Excluding police I'm sure.
05-17-2012 , 06:51 AM
Originally Posted by mjkidd1
So an injury to Martin's knuckle is now classified as a "lack of injury"? lol classic Phill. A quarter inch abrasion on the knuckle is exactly consistent with landing at least one very hard punch. You don't get knuckle abrasions larger than a quarter inch punching someone, that's the size they are. The contact area is very small. So Martin punching Zimmerman very hard and presumably breaking his nose is somehow inconsistent with Zimmerman's story? It seems pretty consistent. Zimmerman didn't claim that Martin beat the **** out of him with repeated punches. He said Martin coldcocked him, got on top of him, started hitting his head against the ground, saw Zimmerman's gun, which they began struggling for. Then Zimmerman gained control of the gun and shot Martin. Zimmerman's and Martin's injuries seem consistent with that story.
From the NYT article:

Originally Posted by NYT
Some Sanford officers were skeptical from the beginning about certain details of Mr. Zimmerman’s account. For instance, he told the police that Mr. Martin had punched him over and over again, but they questioned whether his injuries were consistent with the number of blows he claimed he received.
And the big thing we learned from that article is that the police didn't know Z had a car that night and it looks like the car was moved by Z's girlfriend before they found out about it.

We may never know where his car was and that is huge.
05-17-2012 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by DblBarrelJ II
You are intelligent enough to get (I hope) that the point of that was LOLing at the utterly ******ed, ignorant, dumbass belief that TM was shot because he was wearing a hoodie and carrying skittles, and regardless of how blinded you are by....err.. what drives you, it had nothing to do in any shape form or fashion with the color of his skin (at least from the perspective of responding LEOs) right?
What a wait? You were laughing at the people wearing hoodies. Those people were wearing hoodies BECAUSE of the brief right-wing fascination with labeling hooded sweatshirts as thuggish.


To many many people, that the responding LEOs believed Zimmerman to the extent that they let him go had a lot to do with race.
05-17-2012 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by DblBarrelJ II
You are intelligent enough to get (I hope) that the point of that was LOLing at the utterly ******ed, ignorant, dumbass belief that TM was shot because he was wearing a hoodie and carrying skittles, and regardless of how blinded you are by....err.. what drives you, it had nothing to do in any shape form or fashion with the color of his skin (at least from the perspective of responding LEOs) right?
Wat? Who has said that it's all about the hoodie and not race?
05-17-2012 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
They are charging him with 2nd degree murder. They should not want a man like that out on the streets. Under normal circumstances they would want to provide evidence that he is more likely then not guilty.
No, under normal circumstances the purpose of a bail hearing is not to establish guilt. It is to show whether the accused is likely to flee or re-offend while out on bail, and if the answer to those questions is no, then bail is granted.

Yes I understand he could only cross examine what was brought up in testimony. That was not really my point. My point was that they did not spend any time providing evidence to keep him in jail. They were clearly unprepared to cross examine any of Omara's witnesses. And even said they were unprepared in so many words.
I agree they screwed up if they had evidence which decisively answers the question of whether to grant bail and didn't present it. I don't think that was the situation; I personally don't suppose he's likely to re-offend or flee the country, so as much as it would have pleased me to have him denied bail there wasn't justification for it.

Last edited by Poker Reference; 05-17-2012 at 09:58 AM.
05-17-2012 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by bernie
The goalpost is in the same position it's always been in that if Zim took the advice of 911 and never followed TM, TM would still be alive.

But that side will never be recognized by the gun wielding vigilante side. IF TM was to be considered engaging an unlawfull activity, then he should have been arrested and then tried in a court of law. That is the basis of the US Constitution. There is nothing in that document, nor the intent of the framers, to allow vigilante violence. That would be to enshrine the oppression they sought to specifically disallow.

Once GZ chose to stalk, how can he still be in accordance with the document he then chooses to wrap around his activities and intent? He was an overzealous thug type, all the spin in the world can't unring that bell.
05-17-2012 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Your Boss, I've hit my head on the ground a bunch of times in the past but I never got busted open the same way Zimmerman did. In any case you cant imply he got his head whacked into the ground a couple of times because the only possible evidence of that is Zimmerman's statement.
I'm confused.

From the time the police video came out you have maintained that the wound on the back of the head was completely insignificant and doesn't mean anything. But now you are saying that his head was "busted open" and that you've hit your head on the ground plenty of times without a wound that serious. Sounds like GZ hit the ground hard.

And as far as the only possible evidence being Zimmerman's statement; well, we also have a "busted open" head as you say, and the back of Zimmerman's clothes being wet and grass stained. Sounds reasonable to think those two things might be relevant.

Irregardless of the head being "busted open" my point with the head all along has been that the pain and disorientation you feel when you hit your head/have your head slammed into the ground, is absolutely real and wouldn't necessarily manifest itself into a physical wound. So if that's what happened, it gives a ton of credence to GZ legitimately fearing for his life.
05-17-2012 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
Pretty lengthy article in the NYT's about the case.
Good article, really summarizes everything well.

This was new to me:

The police conducted a lie-detection procedure, known as voice stress analysis, on Mr. Zimmerman that he passed,
05-17-2012 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Uh, yeah, that is exactly the point. That's what should've happened. Arrested, investigated, charged if appropriate.!
LOL that is exactly what did and is happening. How bad are you going to freak after the aquital?

Ps how did you get out of your ban this time?
05-17-2012 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Your Boss
Good article, really summarizes everything well.

This was new to me:
That's utterly ****ing meaningless. I'm not down with bernies "Forensics are meaningless" line all the time, but CVSA is bull****.
05-17-2012 , 03:29 PM
Heh, my wife got to play with a lie detector for a school project and beat it. She's cheating on me ldo.
05-17-2012 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Your Boss
I'm confused.

From the time the police video came out you have maintained that the wound on the back of the head was completely insignificant and doesn't mean anything. But now you are saying that his head was "busted open" and that you've hit your head on the ground plenty of times without a wound that serious. Sounds like GZ hit the ground hard.

And as far as the only possible evidence being Zimmerman's statement; well, we also have a "busted open" head as you say, and the back of Zimmerman's clothes being wet and grass stained. Sounds reasonable to think those two things might be relevant.

Irregardless of the head being "busted open" my point with the head all along has been that the pain and disorientation you feel when you hit your head/have your head slammed into the ground, is absolutely real and wouldn't necessarily manifest itself into a physical wound. So if that's what happened, it gives a ton of credence to GZ legitimately fearing for his life.
Busted open just means bleeding in some way. We know his bleeding stopped virtually straight away though and he needed no medical attention. The whole point is we dont know what happened in the fight as there are no independent witnesses so all we can do is see he had a minor laceration to the back of his head which he wouldnt have felt and he seems to have been punched in the face a couple of times.

What we can do is objectively look at the injuries he had and see he wasnt hurt to the level that a reasonable person would justify lethal force. Basically the only way he walks free is if the police botched the investigation as badly as it seems they did due to their racial bias to believe the white guy who shot dead the mystery black male teen who was carrying a cylindrical metal weapon and a makeshift blackjack cosh.
