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The Tragic Death of the Republican Party The Tragic Death of the Republican Party

09-06-2016 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Eh, my generation gets it on guns. Like basically everything, we just have to wait for the baby boomers to die before it will improve.
The problem with you young people is that most of you have never even shot someone and, frankly, don't know what you are talking about. Wait until you get the taste of blood and tell me how you feel about gun control.
09-06-2016 , 11:35 AM
when president trump sets up the camps you'll all miss your guns
09-08-2016 , 07:16 AM
Last gasps

09-08-2016 , 07:55 AM
matt lauer is absolutely terrible
09-09-2016 , 02:12 PM

Is problem.
09-09-2016 , 03:56 PM
For the Republican base - every political opinion ultimately comes down to whether it will piss liberals off or not. Everything else is negotiable.
09-13-2016 , 03:01 PM
NCAA moves athletic events out of North Carolina

The N.C.A.A., responding to a contentious North Carolina law that curbed anti-discrimination protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, will relocate all championship tournament games scheduled to take place in the state over the coming academic year, the organization announced Monday night.

Among the events affected is the Division I men’s basketball tournament, the N.C.A.A.’s most prominent annual event, which had six first- and second-round games scheduled to be played in Greensboro in March.
The office of Governor McCrory, a Republican, did not immediately respond to a request for comment, and aides to the Republican leaders of the General Assembly were similarly quiet. But a spokeswoman for the North Carolina Republican Party, Kami Mueller, described the decision as “so absurd it’s almost comical.”
In b4 McCrory makes yet another statement about the evil liberal conspiracy to destabilize his state
09-13-2016 , 03:09 PM
Literally the first time in years I've felt positive about something the NCAA has done.
09-13-2016 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
NCAA moves athletic events out of North Carolina

In b4 McCrory makes yet another statement about the evil liberal conspiracy to destabilize his state
well the state GOP already put out a statement about how this is a vicious attack on female athletes, does that count?
09-14-2016 , 12:15 PM
Party of Lincoln! This is a Minnesota state rep race.

For example, to mark the 150th anniversary of Confederate President Jefferson Davis resigning from his post in the U.S. Senate, West posted a message attacking Lincoln as “the single worst president this country has ever seen.”

West even posted a message that read, “IT’S LYNCHING TIME!” on the eve of President Obama’s election in 2008.

The Star Tribune also notes that West “posted derogatory comments about women and gays,” which shouldn’t be surprising — after all, if you’re the kind of person who celebrates the existence of a slave state, you’re probably not all that sensitive to women’s and LGBT issues either.
09-15-2016 , 11:14 AM
As the kid who grew up on NPR and Prarie Home Companion (which I now loathe) it's so hard for me to think of Minnesota as anything other than super nice bland milquetoast liberal. Then you realize they're just ****ing wierd and can elect Paul Wellstone, Jesse Venture, and this clown. Get you **** together guys (and while you're at it make Atmosphere great again please).
10-08-2016 , 03:28 PM
10-08-2016 , 03:30 PM
It's Happening!
10-08-2016 , 05:37 PM
**** all these GOP pieces of **** who were all too happy to get behind Trump, but decided THIS is the last straw.

I mean, mocking POWs, disabled people and parents of dead soldiers didn't do it for you? His serial philandering and sleaziness? Now that you heard him say the word pussy it's a different ballgame?

**** the GOP so hard.
10-08-2016 , 06:03 PM
What's the line on the house turning blue?

Dems should be aggressive about tying every R to Trump and forcing them to either disavow him and lose the Trumpkins or refuse to and stand up for the pussygrabber.

As this thread shows, we've known the collapse was coming for some time. I for one did not expect it to go down like this.
10-08-2016 , 06:07 PM
GOP 4 LYFE! Seriously though how manny of these scum feeders would be pulling out if TRUP was +5 nationally? **** em in the ass.
10-08-2016 , 06:10 PM
10-08-2016 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
**** all these GOP pieces of **** who were all too happy to get behind Trump, but decided THIS is the last straw.

I mean, mocking POWs, disabled people and parents of dead soldiers didn't do it for you? His serial philandering and sleaziness? Now that you heard him say the word pussy it's a different ballgame?

**** the GOP so hard.
Early in the campaign you may recall that him dropping a few f-bombs threatened to be a deal breaker. Not swearing may have been his only real pivot.
10-08-2016 , 08:54 PM
May Be A Bit Premature To Say That The GOP Is Finished

Trump is spewing defiance insisting that he will "never" get out of the race, but that may be posturing. There are ways pressure can be applied to even someone as obstinate as Trump. In the days ahead, I suspect we're going to see that pressure increase.

Don't be surprised if his various business interests start experiencing sudden and unexpected "problems" and he starts getting hit with all kinds of Government regulatory inquiries. When it becomes obvious to him (and his children) that this little adventure he has embarked upon could wind up costing him (literally) his entire net worth, I suspect he'll have a sudden change of heart.

Republicans are now coming to the realization that Trump is a threat not just to himself but to all of them. It may be too late for this election, but once this is over - and Trump has presumably lost - Job One in the Republican Party will be changing the rules to ensure that nothing like this ever happens to them again. I suppose the real question in the inevitable post mortem finger pointing and soul searching will be something along the lines of: "How much do we have to change in order to remain relevant?"

Will the party develop the courage to stand up to Rush Limbaugh and all the hard right talking heads who jumped on the Trump bandwagon early? On the next go-around in 2020, will they nominate another out-of-touch rich guy who doesn't pay taxes? Will they stay hard right or sober up and realize that while an extremist may win the nomination, there's no way a rabid ideologue can get elected President? Four years from now, if they nominate Ted Cruz, that will be an indication that they've learned nothing.

If the GOP suffers a crushing defeat up and down the ticket on election day, there will be changes in the party. Republicans have risen from the ashes before. Nixon, after having been written off politically in 1962, captured the White House four years after the 1964 Goldwater debacle. The GOP has been down this road before ...
10-08-2016 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
Not at all surprised. I blocked my dad's facebook feed long ago, but I check it from time to time to see what bull**** #NeverHillary memes he's sharing (because lol at ever having a thought of his own), and it's full of "But it's only words!", "What about Bill?!?", and "Gay pride parades with assless chaps=beautiful but a man loving pussy is lewd? I don't get it?!?!" memes.
10-09-2016 , 12:27 AM

The entire Trump family has absolutely ruined their brands and it couldn't have happened to a more deserving pack of jackals
10-09-2016 , 01:29 AM
It was a scary bullet to sweat, but long term Trump's run is going to end up doing so much good for the country. Him firebombing his brand and opening himself up to criminal and civil liability is just icing on the cake.

Love that all these shills signed NDAs keeping them from now distancing themselves. The legal challenge to that and the dems spiking the ball by pursuing every legal action vs Trump should make for entertaining viewing.
10-09-2016 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by Riverman
**** all these GOP pieces of **** who were all too happy to get behind Trump, but decided THIS is the last straw.

I mean, mocking POWs, disabled people and parents of dead soldiers didn't do it for you? His serial philandering and sleaziness? Now that you heard him say the word pussy it's a different ballgame?

**** the GOP so hard.
For me it's more basic than this. Trump is obviously a fraud and bull**** artist to anyone that spends 10 minutes listening to him. I sincerely doubt he has a middle school understanding of branches of fed govt and checks and balances each has over the others. I doubt he knows the process for overriding a veto. Even if his people have tried coaching him up Im sure it's been lost. His answer to every policy question was nonsense and complete and utter bull****. I know politics is a game about optics to the public at large, but anyone who thought this snake oil salesmen should be in charge of the federal government should be ashamed of themselves and mocked mercilessly for the rest of life.

Where was the press in questioning this too? Ask him if he knows how many members of congress there are. Ask him how a veto works. Wasnt W "gotcha-ed when he could name the leader of some random country? Maybe it's more an indictment on the public and the times we live in but how was this man's basic knowledge of the US government never vetted?
10-09-2016 , 05:04 AM
Originally Posted by Riverman
**** all these GOP pieces of **** who were all too happy to get behind Trump, but decided THIS is the last straw.

I mean, mocking POWs, disabled people and parents of dead soldiers didn't do it for you? His serial philandering and sleaziness? Now that you heard him say the word pussy it's a different ballgame?

**** the GOP so hard.
Yeah their support is 1-1 correlated to whether they think he's going to win or not. None of them abandoned Trump until they smelled blood in the water.
10-09-2016 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Yeah their support is 1-1 correlated to whether they think he's going to win or not. None of them abandoned Trump until they smelled blood in the water.
Kasich didn't attend the convention and hadn't endorsed Trump, so that's something.
