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The Tragic Death of Mike Brown: No Indictment, No Peace The Tragic Death of Mike Brown: No Indictment, No Peace

12-11-2014 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
It's just a matter of time before someone gets a cop on video acting as a provocateur. The question is A) will the MSM run with the story (note the NBC story didn't even hint at the possibility) and B) will the populace care?
There have been dozens, if not hundreds of such videos over the past few years, directly showing the cops acting as the instigator and aggressor and then lying about it in their report later, ranging from petty incidents all the way to full blown likely police murder.

The mainstream media and the public hasn't given a damn in any of those cases. If they can't race bait they tend not to care about police abuse, which is rampant.
12-11-2014 , 10:33 PM
Really? I mean where we can clearly identify a particular cop.
12-12-2014 , 02:31 AM
cops did the exact same thing in Canada and eventually admitting having undercover police posing as protesters. They were identifed by the protesters as they were trying to incite violence in a peaceful protest. Orginally they denied it but after video evidence they admitted they were uncover police.

video is pretty solid as Union leader totally calls out the cops and they essentially panic and get "arrested" in an akward fashion. Including the police admission reported by CBC:

Last edited by GreenSmoke85; 12-12-2014 at 02:38 AM. Reason: too dumb to embed video. fail
12-12-2014 , 05:17 AM
would never happen in the UK. The moment protesters found a plain-clothes cop in their midst:

Then there's this charming story:
The Metropolitan Police has agreed to pay £425,000 to a woman who did not know the father of her child was an undercover policeman. The unprecedented settlement comes after a long battle by a group of women who say that the police used sex to infiltrate their protest groups. Here is Jacqui's story.
12-12-2014 , 03:56 PM
If I lived in Cleveland I wouldn't be too happy about this headline: Cleveland police's fatal shooting of Tamir Rice ruled a homicide.

A) Of course it's a homicide. No one was contending the kid died of anything other than a bullet.

B) How many people do you think don't understand that "coroner ruled it a homicide" does not = murder or manslaughter or w/e? Based on this thread and the others like it I'd say a lot - and we're definitely above the curve in terms of informed-ness.

The only reason for this headline is to grab attention, and it does that by semi-tricking a large chunk of the viewing the audience. IMO
12-12-2014 , 07:07 PM
Well things could change quickly it really just takes 1 DA to man up. Adrian Peterson ended up with tougher punishment as a result of it happening a week after the Ray Rice situation blew up in Goddell's face.

The US is pretty divided on corporal punishment but pretty together on being against shooting children

I think this cop has a very real chance at getting convicted it's a different situation
12-12-2014 , 08:09 PM
Ferguson protesters win injunction to stop cops using tear gas

Not actually a complete banning of chemical weapons, of course.
12-12-2014 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by bottomset

I think this cop has a very real chance at getting convicted it's a different situation
Convicted on what charge?
12-13-2014 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Ferguson protesters win injunction to stop cops using tear gas

Not actually a complete banning of chemical weapons, of course.
I think it's great that they won but what does this actually do? Moral victory?

From today:

St. Louis police say they'll discipline officer who wore 'Wilson' name tag at City Hall protest

“Now a police officer does nothing more than wear another officer’s name on his sleeve, an officer who has been exonerated of any wrongdoing, and is being told that his passive statement is constitutionally prohibited free speech. There is something wrong with this picture.”
Roorda's response. ****ing guy.
12-13-2014 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
I think it's great that they won but what does this actually do? Moral victory?...
Yeah, only a moral victory. One hand slaps the other, then it's on with business as usual.
12-13-2014 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Ferguson protesters win injunction to stop cops using tear gas

Not actually a complete banning of chemical weapons, of course.
Maybe those lawyers want them to hand out gas masks as well before they gas them.
12-13-2014 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by midas
Maybe those lawyers...
What lawyers?

The plaintiffs are Alexis Templeton, Brittany Ferrell (both protest organizers in their 20s), Maureen Costello (business owner whose shop was gassed), Steven Hoffman (legal observer), Nile McClain (20 yo bystander, who was gassed and tazed), and Kira Hudson Banks (protester and 35yo college professor).

Legal observers aren't protesters, and are often lawyers, paralegals, or law students. None of the other plaintiffs are lawyers. Only half were even protesting.

Sounds to me you are trying to imply that it was a buncha ambulance-chasers stirring up trouble for their own personal enrichment. Just like the racists like to carry on that it was the 'race hustlers' stirring up the protests themselves, also for their own personal enrichment.

Shame on you !!!1!

Text of the TRO.
12-13-2014 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
What lawyers?

Sounds to me you are trying to imply that it was a buncha ambulance-chasers stirring up trouble for their own personal enrichment. Just like the racists like to carry on that it was the 'race hustlers' stirring up the protests themselves, also for their own personal enrichment

Text of the TRO.
The article clearly states the plaintiffs had legal representation. I'm sure they will come out In front very soon.
12-13-2014 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by midas
The article clearly states the plaintiffs had legal representation...
So did the gub'mint police officers and agencies. And surely the judge, another part of the gub'mint, was a lawyer. Of course, both hands of the gub'mint have lawyers that are paid by taxpayers like me.

What's your point.

That the gub'mint should get taxpayer supported lawyers... but random citizens being tear gassed, etc. should not have any lawyers at all... even if they pay for those lawyers out of there own pockets ??

Last edited by Shame Trolly !!!1!; 12-13-2014 at 07:31 PM.
12-14-2014 , 08:55 PM

Witness 40's testimony supported Wilson's version of events. Yet prosecutors questioned whether she was even in Ferguson on the day Brown was killed -- and they asked her about a racist post online that would diminish her credibility as an impartial witness.
Video from that day shows no sign that her car was there, and the way she claims she drove home is physically impossible, authorities told her.
In later testimony, Witness 40 changed her story about some of what she saw and admitted to having gathered some details from news reports. She also gave a different reason for having allegedly been in Ferguson that day, and shared part of a journal that she claimed to have kept.
On the day of the killing, she posted a comment online saying, "They need to kill the f---ing n-----s. It is like an ape fest," the grand jury documents say. (CNN is redacting the "f" and "n" words, but she used them in full.) She also organized a small group helping raise money for officers, including Wilson -- a group she said was created as a result of this incident.
12-15-2014 , 07:58 PM
The Smoking Gun claims to have figured out who Witness 40 is:

Sandra McElroy was born in 1969 to a 17-year-old Tennessee girl. Her father was a 27-year-old truck driver married to another woman. McElroy was subsequently adopted by a Missouri couple, and she has mostly lived in St. Louis since she was a child. According to her grand jury testimony, she was diagnosed as bipolar when she was 16, but has not taken medication for the condition for about 25 years.

According to court records, McElroy was divorced in 2009 from Michael McElroy, a National Park Service employee with whom she had three daughters. She is also the mother of two sons, both in their early 20s.

In 2004, the couple filed for bankruptcy protection, ultimately listing debts in excess of $152,000, and assets totaling $16,575 (the pair valued the family’s guinea pigs at $20). The McElroys’s court petition reported that Brenda was disabled and received $564 monthly from the Social Security Administration.

The McElroy liabilities included two dozen unpaid medical bills dating to 2002, the year the couple filed a personal injury lawsuit in connection with a February 2001 auto accident in St. Louis. “Witness 40” told grand jurors that she was seriously injured in a car crash on Valentine’s Day in 2001. The witness, who said she was catapulted through the windshield, testified that she has struggled with a faulty memory since the accident.
The McElroy bankruptcy filings were standard Chapter 13 fare, until the filing of a remarkable 2005 motion by the couple’s attorney.

The lawyer, Tracy Brown, sought court permission to withdraw from the bankruptcy case due to Sandra McElroy’s behavior. Brown advised the court that McElroy had frequently called her office and berated a secretary. McElroy, Brown wrote, “repeatedly used profanity when speaking with Counsel’s secretary,” adding that the diatribes “escalated to the use of racial slurs.”

Brown’s withdrawal motion was immediately approved by the federal judge handling the McElroy bankruptcy.

An examination of McElroy’s YouTube page, which she apparently shares with one of her daughters, reveals other evidence of racial animus. Next to a clip about the disappearance of a white woman who had a baby with a black man is the comment, “see what happens when you bed down with a monkey have ape babies and party with them.” A clip about the sentencing of two black women for murder is captioned, “put them monkeys in a cage.”
12-16-2014 , 06:57 AM
Fund your own oppression tm
12-16-2014 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by LVpokerPRO
Wasn't it the prosecutors themselves who shot holes in her story?
12-16-2014 , 01:50 PM
Yeah, she was basically destroyed in pre-GJ testimony which was submitted to the GJ in writen form.

Basically they told the GJ she wasn't credible but also that they should listen to her words as they are truth, sending a very mixed message. If this was a trial the defence wouldn't even call her she would have been so easy to destroy on cross. It'd plausible she wasn't even a true witness let alone she was potentially lying.
12-16-2014 , 01:51 PM
prosecutors? lol
12-16-2014 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]

Basically they told the GJ she wasn't credible but also that they should listen to her words as they are truth, sending a very mixed message.
1. I think the DA didn't want any "You didn't present this evidence/testimony" complaints -- from either side

2. By presenting obvious lies/inconsistencies from witnesses on both side, I think he is telling the GJ that "everybody has an agenda; everybody lies" so that any eyewitness is suspect. If you doubt all the eyewitnesses, how do you indict?
12-16-2014 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Yeah, she was basically destroyed in pre-GJ testimony which was submitted to the GJ in writen form.

Basically they told the GJ she wasn't credible but also that they should listen to her words as they are truth, sending a very mixed message. If this was a trial the defence wouldn't even call her she would have been so easy to destroy on cross. It'd plausible she wasn't even a true witness let alone she was potentially lying.

I kinda have a feeling this is like when you credited Republican Senate gains to gerrymandering the United States Senate
12-16-2014 , 02:14 PM
Lol JAAAAASH thinking his gotcha lets him sound smart asking for obvious answers.
