No idea why you would want to live in such a place, but...there's no accounting for tastes. However, many of the countries mentioned do NOT fit criteria #4 or 5. E.g. Mexico & Colombia are not safe by any world standards. "Fairly robust civil society" (competitive politics) leaves out virtually all of Africa & much of Asia. Guinea? Is that some kinda joke?
Is there a place like this this (a city, state, or especially country):
- Abortion is illegal CHECK (Divorce has only become legal last year)
- Marriage is between a man-and-a-woman CHECK
- Predominantly Christian (Catholic) CHECK (98%, Catholicism is the offical state religion)
- Safe is important, but wealth is not CHECK (subjective)
- Fairly robust civil society (competitive politics) CHECK
- I don't care about socialized medicine, and moral issues are more important than economic ones, but it should be a fairly pro-market place. CHECK (EU member)
- Sexual mores are conservative (no premarital sex, adultery, etc.) CHECK (although certainly changing among the younger population)
- Families are large and important (kids are valued). CHECK (subjective)
- (Weekly) Church attendance is a big part of life. CHECK (subjective)
Here are a few ideas, though I don't know if they are accurate: Ireland, United States, Poland, Peru, Mexico, any of those fit? Any other ideas?