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The tea party not banks or the fed will destroy America. The tea party not banks or the fed will destroy America.

10-25-2010 , 08:27 PM
How to resolve this:

Originally Posted by steelhouse
The gop owns the supreme court now. If it ever gets there it will be law.

The thing is I like Ron Paul. He is almost the perfect candidate. Where did these other guys come from? Seems the worst conservative Bush loving crybabies of the GOP bred with Ron Paul creating this concoction.
and this?

Originally Posted by steelhouse
Rand Paul, Ron Paul, and Peter Schiff are all frauds. They all blame inflation on the federal reserve. Inflation is mainly caused by Fedderal reserve buying treasury bonds. The FR has to buy the bonds to keep interest rates from going to infinity from all the debt created by the federal deficit and debt. Even though we are in deficit, they support the tea party platform of cutting income and other taxes at all costs creating deficits. Rather than support the Bush tax cuts, they should be supporting increasing taxes to equal spending. Thus they are 100% responsible for the deficit and thus inflation and the ultimate demise of the dollar.
Only one way I can think of...

10-25-2010 , 09:45 PM
Just because they are frauds does not mean I would not vote for them if the other candidate is more scary. Voting is picking the less of 2 evils. Obama is turning out to look like the hero. If the party loses the senate and house, I sure hope he vetoes everything these guys want especially spending.
10-25-2010 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by steelhouse
Why don't we go back to the Keynesian system of the 1950s, back to a progressive tax code?
I think people on both sides of that issue use only their bias to see part of the full picture. They look at tax rates in such and such decade or period and say, "Look, the durh dur tax rates caused all that economic growth!"

As if in the U.S. it wasn't mostly a demographics inspired growth story through all the post WWII years. And just a different, much stronger economy all together back then. I think the tax rhetoric is mostly like spurious correlation.
10-25-2010 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by steelhouse
Just because they are frauds does not mean I would not vote for them if the other candidate is more scary. Voting is picking the less of 2 evils. Obama is turning out to look like the hero. If the party loses the senate and house, I sure hope he vetoes everything these guys want especially spending.
But you're wrong. There's literally hundreds of speeches out there in which Ron Paul would tell you exactly how he would cut spending. If you're calling him a fraud because the rest of congress doesn't go along....that's kind of silly.
10-26-2010 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by steelhouse
The gop owns the supreme court now. If it ever gets there it will be law.
lol the supreme court is going to pass a law ending abortion? Or sanction one passed by congress?

Or is the supreme court going to make a ruling that its a state issue?

Can you comprehend the difference and effect of same?

Originally Posted by Barretboy
What does this even mean?
hey he was on a roll
10-26-2010 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by TomVeil
Steelhouse, you'd be better if you switched to a "We're ****edist" like me. Spending isn't coming down. Taxes can't possibly pay for the deficit. Sit back, get drunk, and enjoy the ride.
Independently of this post, I've been thinking that I'm a member of the same party for some time now. I'd been debating whether it was worth making a formal forum announcement, but I'd like to officially change my forum alignment from "typical lefty mod" to "we're all ****ed."
10-26-2010 , 02:15 AM
YES. THE "We're ****ed" party is gaining steam, and more importantly, booze!
10-26-2010 , 02:16 AM
Minutes from last meeting:

9:00 Meeting called to order
9:00 Commence Drinking
2:00 Split a cab home
10-26-2010 , 02:26 AM

Move to NY, and then we'll beat out the "Rent is too damn high" party for a slot on the ballot for governor.
10-26-2010 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by TomVeil
YES. THE "We're ****ed" party is gaining steam, and more importantly, booze!
My bar is vast, but more importantly, I'm an innovator. I invented two delicious cocktails just last weekend.
10-26-2010 , 02:28 AM
I was always apathetic about politics - neither party really fit my needs. My outlook for the future was dim. But then I found the "we're all ****ed" party, and now I have hope!

Except for one little problem
we're all ****ed!
10-26-2010 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by AKSpartan
I was always apathetic about politics - neither party really fit my needs. My outlook for the future was dim. But then I found the "we're all ****ed" party, and now I have hope!

Except for one little problem
we're all ****ed!
I happen to have some footage from our last meeting as well:

10-26-2010 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
My bar is vast, but more importantly, I'm an innovator. I invented two delicious cocktails just last weekend.
That's change I can believe in!
10-26-2010 , 02:35 AM
And unlike SOME parties, we're gaining the Latino vote too!

10-26-2010 , 02:43 AM
We drunks....we're organazizing!

I nominate Wook for party bartender, and Tom for inebriated group spokesperson. And if INAR wants to join obviously house(d) stand up comic.
10-26-2010 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by steelhouse
Then I was flipping through Palins book in Borders. In the pictures, she has a thing on her husbands Salmon fishing. She says how her husbands made the greenhorns work real hard so they could profit. To me salmon is a national resource. I was in Alaska and I was only allowed to keep 1 salmon. That is fine, but why is Palin allowed to keep more. Seems so unfair and elite.
This is incredibly random.
10-26-2010 , 08:04 AM
But who is worse tea partiers, banks, or the fed?
The socialists. The tea party was born out of a Rick Santelli rant on the evils of the socialist leanings of the current administration. Tea party (check the historical reference of the name) is about one thing and one thing only. Economics! Do you want a fair playing field or do want to subsidize idiots and morons through ridiculous government spending and programs? For me that answer is easy.
10-26-2010 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by steelhouse
But who is worse tea partiers, banks, or the fed?
The worst form of capitalism is Crony Capitalism...
Where politicians transfer billions to an Elite Class...
Directly from the Middle Class...
Business as usual in Russia, Pakistan, and, now, USA.

This is the way Chicago thinks and works.

Americans no longer trust their government.

The way to roll this back is Limited Government...
As constitutionally mandated by the Founding Fathers...
Which is the #1 platform of the Tea Party.

People who *** muddy the Tea Party waters ***...
By dragging is various secondary social issues...
And try to misdirect the debate to "rape and incest"...
Are carrying water for the Dems and Crony Capitalism...
And following the Obama White House Playbook.
10-26-2010 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by Brian J
Exactly...I've never heard any tea party candidate espouse these alleged tea party positions. And I've attended several tea party meetings in my area.

Might as well delete the entire thread because the OP's assumptions are wrong. Besides the country has been going bankrupt for the last 100 years...and will be the tea party that destroys the country?

Don't post threads while you're drunk or high.
Posts like these could happen.
10-26-2010 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by steelhouse
The typical tea party platform is:

2. keep the war in Iraq and possibly go into Iran.
3. end abortion even in cases of rape and incest.
These two points are ridiculous.

Possibly go into Iran?
Seriously? Have you seen any evidence of this?
The Tea Party is not the neoconservatives from the early 2000s.
Your claims regarding the tea party's platform are completely absurd.
10-26-2010 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by Plancer
These two points are ridiculous.

Possibly go into Iran?
Seriously? Have you seen any evidence of this?
The Tea Party is not the neoconservatives from the early 2000s.
Your claims regarding the tea party's platform are completely absurd.
I agree a 100% with you.
And the fact the tea party has never achieve power and yet...the OP claims they'll will destroy the country? The powers in charge now are doing a great job of destroying the country w/o any help from the tea party.
10-26-2010 , 01:43 PM
THERE IS NO TEA PARTY. How many times do I have to say it?

(If there is, please link me to it)
10-26-2010 , 01:49 PM
There is a Tea Party movement and a Tea Party ideology but you are correct that there is no Tea Party Party.
10-26-2010 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by mrbaseball
There is a Tea Party movement and a Tea Party ideology but you are correct that there is no Tea Party Party.
Thank you!

(And thank you for giving me the inspiration for the title of my next short story: "What We Talk About When We Talk About the Tea Party Party").
10-26-2010 , 02:05 PM
There ain't no Tea party like my nanna's tea party.
