taxation without representation?
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 604
im not exactly sure how this works...LOL and im not trying to defend the dems. in anyway cause im sure they are guilty of it too..Also I believe most dems are just the good cop in an act were republicans play bad cop..That being said I think there are a handful good progressive dems in house and senate but thats besides the point...
But on the issue of health care all signs point to zero votes from republicans in house and senate.. I guess my question is how can then get away with this..You can't tell that there isn't one moderate republican district out there thats majority of constituents support a public plan...I mean if you gave the republicans the status quo right now a overwhelming majority would vote for it...And i know that most republican voters out there believe we need some sort of health care reform and im sure there are many that support a strong public option..So i guess i don't get it, i thought our representatives were supposed somewhat mirror their constituency? Shouldn't there be a few republican votes no matter what especially on an issue so closely divided as health care?
On a side note I think the first republican that jumps ship and bails on there crazy fringe base right now will prolly suffer politically in short term (in district or such) but would really prosper nationally in the long term..... Could a republican come out and support a robust public option? If one did and made it a moral issue VS these clown talking points I think he/she would do really well...especially on national stage with independents..Hell maybe this person could run as an independent...if alienated by republican party...
Join Date: Feb 2005
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Problems with democracy you say? Surely not!
Join Date: Oct 2007
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"No Taxation Without Representation" is just a slogan. 17 year olds pay taxes, felons pay taxes. Your taxes aren't buying you representation. If you really want some of this representation you can probably buy it somehow, but not from the IRS.