The Supreme Court gave corporations a major win Wednesday, ruling in a 5-4 decision that companies can block their disgruntled customers from joining together in a class-action lawsuit. The ruling arose from a California lawsuit involving cellphones, but it will have a nationwide impact.
You all know that I don't know much about anything, but this seems pretty bad to me.
In the past, I've probably said, "Class action lawsuits are great!.........for law firms." But I've gotten between a half dozen to a dozen class action inclusions in the mail over the last few years, and all of them were because I'd (allegedly) been screwed over in small ways for small amounts over (in some cases) long periods of time.
Who's going to challenge a company over $1.99/month in court, or even arbitration? Will that company even give a ****? The better option would be to switch companies. But where am I gonna go? To that other company that also screwed their customers out of $1.99/month in a different way? No. How many cellular companies are there? How many cable providers?
Few individuals are going to get mad enough about small problems such as these to take action, and yet companies can wring millions per month out of their customers with little fear of reprisal. Now the customers can't band together and get loud enough to make a difference?
I'll look for a link from here about this case from several months ago if I can find it. I want to say that it was made clear that arbitration was rigged in many cases, as the companies were able to get sympathetic arbitrators more often than the law of averages should allow for.