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The stupidity and bigotry of "12 Years a Slave" The stupidity and bigotry of "12 Years a Slave"

11-10-2013 , 04:47 AM
Saw the movie.

Hands down the most hateful, racist piece of demonizing propaganda I've ever seen. This film is Birth of a Nation with the races flipped, and Steve McQueen is just Herman Goebbels with better production values.

But lol at anyone thinking this movie is about slavery. There's plenty of slavery in the world today, if someone wants to make a movie about it, that's where they should go.

When Hollywood makes movies about past events, it's always still about NOW.

Yes, it will get applause from around the world because people around the world hate white Americans, and this movies feeds off that. If you could make a movie demonizing Jews, and lots of people applauded it, would that make it a great movie? Really?

I hear it's about dealing with America's legacy of slavery. How? How does this movie do that? What does that idea even mean? It isn't creating any discussion. What's to discuss? Slavery, in all the many places it arose in the world, committed by all kinds of people upon all kinds of people (including by Africans upon Europeans), is bad. Yes. Brilliant observation. THERE'S NOTHING TO DISCUSS. Except that is still exists in Africa and Asia, but the filmmaker didn't want to deal with that because the bad guys might be brown.

The filmmaker takes no chances with this film. He picks on the weakest people in American media--southern Christian whites--and condemns (drum roll) ... slavery. Wow, he condemns slavery. Really going out on a limb with that one. I suppose he thinks there are people walking around thinking slavery is good, but they'll see this movie and change their mind? Again, LOL at anyone thinking this movie is about slavery.

America does have a legacy of slavery, from which white Americans still suffer (this film epitomizes that suffering). Slavery was the worst thing to ever happen to this country, no doubt. We all wish it had never happened, we all know we'd be so much better off it if hadn't. We have higher taxes and crime because of it, and always will.

Black Americans, otoh? They still benefit from the legacy of slavery. Their ancestors paid the price, and now African Americans live much longer, have a lot more money, more power, more education, much more of everything, because they're here instead of Africa. America is so great, Africans all want to move here. And those who do love it. But Hollywood won't make a movie about how America is the greatest place in the history of the world for blacks to live.

You know what you call black people who don't get to grow up around whites? Haitian.

You know what you call black people who DO get to grow up around whites? Mr. President.

The vast majority of white people in America are not even descended from slave owners. Most of us are descended from people who came here after the Civil War. Of those descended from pre-Civil War immigration, most are descended from Northerners (I am; I have multiple Civil War Northern veterans in my Pennsylvania ancestry). Of those descended from pre-Civil War southerners, most are descended from those too poor to own slaves.

So for what exactly are we supposed to feel guilty? Slavery developed in Africa, spread to Europe, which brought it to America and we've been suffering from it ever since. Awesome. And this movie is, what, dealing with that truth in some magical way?

Movies are visual mediums. This movie's visual emphasis is on people of one color being violent toward people of another color. That's it. That's all anyone will take out of it. Emotionalistic hate.

Why? Why make such a hateful, mean-spirited film? What could it accomplish? White guilt for crimes they didn't commit? Black anger for crimes they didn't suffer?

But self-hating whites will trip over themselves to applaud it (and the legions of bigots around the world who also hate white Americans will applaud it).

The reviews? Awesome. But a sign of fear: no one, NO ONE, is allowed to condemn this movie. Oppose this film and your career as a film critic is over. So, no opposition. Ask me in public what I think of it and I'll probably say, "Great. Best movie ever!!!!" What choice would I have? But what does it say about our society that we don't have freedom of speech on this issue? White people can have their careers destroyed for admitting to using the n-word 40 years ago. We're whipped and we know it. Never mind that there are ZERO blacks who don't say hillbilly, cracker, redneck, white boy, etc; never mind the hypocrisy of African Americans, who are by far the most bigoted Americans.

The reviews, the public commentary, are all positive. How can that be? How can a film like this generate no controversy? Because there's no freedom of speech about it. Because there's no diversity of opinion allowed about it. Hell, there won't even be any diversity of opinion allowed here. I'll be lynched, no doubt. Lucky for me the rope will be in the form of internet hate only.

In truth the film is slow, predictable, cliched, torture porn. Black people, after watching it, talk about how much it makes them hate whites. White people, after watching it, talk about how much they hate themselves.

That's what this film is about: generating hate. That makes the world a better place?

Oh, and about the "truth." Yes, slavery happened. Everywhere to everyone. We are all descended from slaves, and slave owners. All of us.

But why focus on this aspect of slavery?

Think of it this way: every year, more than a thousand whites will be murdered by blacks. About 50,000 white women will be raped (speaking of slavery's legacy). That's all true, yet we don't make movies about this violence, even though it's happening right now.

Why? Why the rule that no movies be made about black on white violence? Why isn't "it's true" a reason to make movies about black on white violence?

And suppose the only movies made about race were about black on white violence. After a while, people would think, "Wow, blacks are all racist, violent animals, and whites are innocent angels." Which would be a stupid view.

Yet we do this in reverse, with Hollywood films on race. We only talk about white on black violence, slavery, bigotry, etc.

In truth, it's very, very rare to find black people who think bigotry is wrong. Black people think it's wrong for whites to be bigoted--white people agree with them--but no one thinks it's wrong for blacks to be bigoted.

Instead, we all think it's great that black racist idiots like Steve McQueen make demonizing propaganda films. Awesome. The guy has made three films (I've seen them). All, ultimately, have the same theme: how evil, disgusting and pathetic white people are.

And no, I won't reappear in this thread. I know full well how narrow-minded liberals are when it comes to their hatred for Christian white Americans (I'm not one, btw; I'm not Christian, I'm not southern, I'm not conservative or Republican, I voted for Obama and still support him, and for the record, my children are brown, thank God.)

"12 Years a Slave" is the single greatest feat in troll history. It is the ultimate troll film. No one here will ever surpass it for trollness, but we may as well have a thread in which trolls can express their love for it.

Last edited by I_never_care; 11-10-2013 at 04:53 AM.
11-10-2013 , 04:52 AM
I know how you feel Iron Man 3 kind of sucked too.
11-10-2013 , 05:05 AM
sounds good, I guess I'll go see it. thx.
11-10-2013 , 05:26 AM
Its just a movie bro
11-10-2013 , 06:22 AM
Hey guys, I compiled a list of OP's Greatest Hits so that you don't have to actually read his ****ty post before he gets permabanned.

Originally Posted by I_never_care
This film is Birth of a Nation with the races flipped, and Steve McQueen is just Herman Goebbels with better production values.
Originally Posted by I_never_care
Yes, it will get applause from around the world because people around the world hate white Americans, and this movies feeds off that.
Originally Posted by I_never_care
Except that is [slavery] still exists in Africa and Asia, but the filmmaker didn't want to deal with that because the bad guys might be brown.
Originally Posted by I_never_care
The filmmaker takes no chances with this film. He picks on the weakest people in American media--southern Christian whites
Originally Posted by I_never_care
America does have a legacy of slavery, from which white Americans still suffer
Originally Posted by I_never_care
Black Americans, otoh? They still benefit from the legacy of slavery.
Originally Posted by I_never_care
The vast majority of white people in America are not even descended from slave owners.
So for what exactly are we supposed to feel guilty?
Originally Posted by I_never_care
But self-hating whites will trip over themselves to applaud it (and the legions of bigots around the world who also hate white Americans will applaud it).
Originally Posted by I_never_care
The reviews? Awesome. But a sign of fear: no one, NO ONE, is allowed to condemn this movie. Oppose this film and your career as a film critic is over.
Originally Posted by I_never_care
But what does it say about our society that we don't have freedom of speech on this issue? White people can have their careers destroyed for admitting to using the n-word 40 years ago. We're whipped and we know it.
Originally Posted by I_never_care
Think of it this way: every year, more than a thousand whites will be murdered by blacks.
Originally Posted by I_never_care
but no one thinks it's wrong for blacks to be bigoted.
Originally Posted by I_never_care
black racist idiots like Steve McQueen
Originally Posted by I_never_care
I know full well how narrow-minded liberals are when it comes to their hatred for Christian white Americans
Originally Posted by I_never_care
never mind the hypocrisy of African Americans, who are by far the most bigoted Americans.
Originally Posted by I_never_care
never mind the hypocrisy of African Americans, who are by far the most bigoted Americans.
Originally Posted by I_never_care
never mind the hypocrisy of African Americans, who are by far the most bigoted Americans.
Originally Posted by I_never_care
never mind the hypocrisy of African Americans, who are by far the most bigoted Americans.
Originally Posted by I_never_care
never mind the hypocrisy of African Americans, who are by far the most bigoted Americans.
Originally Posted by I_never_care
never mind the hypocrisy of African Americans, who are by far the most bigoted Americans.
Originally Posted by I_never_care
never mind the hypocrisy of African Americans, who are by far the most bigoted Americans.
Originally Posted by I_never_care
never mind the hypocrisy of African Americans, who are by far the most bigoted Americans.
11-10-2013 , 06:24 AM
I actually think the third one is my favorite: Steve McQueen is a racist bigot because in making a movie about American slave Solomon Northup, he didn't give equal treatment to slavery in Africa.

I can see why OP said in advance he wouldn't be back.
11-10-2013 , 06:26 AM
Op, considering the passionate pure disdain that are slinging at a recently released film, I don't think your user name is appropriate or accurate. Please come up with a better representation of who you truly are in a day or two after this one gets the permaban
11-10-2013 , 09:19 AM
11-10-2013 , 09:44 AM
You're a racist piece of ****.
11-10-2013 , 09:45 AM
What about Brad Pitt's character? He was put there to show the bigoted black man that not all white people are bad. I love you Brad Pitt for expunging my liberal douche guilt!
11-10-2013 , 10:13 AM
With the "slavery was good for blacks and bad for whites" gambit I would have thought obvious troll, but nobody but a real racist writes such a long OP.
11-10-2013 , 10:58 AM
11-10-2013 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
You're a racist piece of ****.
On behalf of Howard Beale and Nichles, I'd like to remind you that calling racists like this racist is totes unproductive.
11-10-2013 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
On behalf of Howard Beale and Nichles, I'd like to remind you that calling racists like this racist is totes unproductive.
That's a good point.

Maybe the mods could be talked into not perma-banning I_never_care and not locking this thread of AIDS... as an experimental thread. If so, and if the rest of us can refrain from calling a spade-caller a spade-caller, that would give team #whatever a chance to practice their alleged Nichelm-style #therapy of kindness on this racist.

Last edited by Shame Trolly !!!1!; 11-10-2013 at 12:20 PM.
11-10-2013 , 12:10 PM
Pretty good level
11-10-2013 , 12:35 PM
I thought Richard Cohen's response to this movie was the worst thing I'd seen in a while.
11-10-2013 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by I_never_care
Saw the movie.

"12 Years a Slave" is the single greatest feat in troll history. It is the ultimate troll film. No one here will ever surpass it for trollness, but we may as well have a thread in which trolls can express their love for it.

IMO Ben Afflecks "Argo" surpasses "12 Years a Slave" as what you view as a troll film, amongst others. That being said Of course slavery did happen not only in the USA but around the world. That doesn't mean we should forget about the plight of slaves here in the U.S
11-10-2013 , 01:01 PM
It's a movie about slavery, who do you think is gonna be cast as bad guys???? Maybe next year a movie about the holocaust will come out with the SS as the good guys.
11-10-2013 , 02:38 PM
I always thought the Ten Commandments was just a slur against Egyptians
11-10-2013 , 02:46 PM
Ya, and Jewish slavery in Egypt never even happened. Hollywood establishment has been pro judeo Christian though.
11-10-2013 , 02:51 PM
I wonder if OP is a Republican or a Democrat?
11-10-2013 , 03:33 PM
22 posts and counting? Mods slipping, lol
11-10-2013 , 03:37 PM
got some solid laughs from this thread. nh op.
11-10-2013 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Turn Prophet
22 posts and counting? Mods slipping, lol
It's so dumb that it's almost worth keeping open as the perfect example of "white christian males are the real hard done by minorities" type "thinking" TIWR*AB but yeah, lock time. Guy was snap banned obv.

