Originally Posted by chucky
The problem is that the "criminal offense" was speech. fraud, impersonating an officer, and other potentially similar crimes are action crimes with definable victims. His speech was not a threat to public safety, so there is not really a comparable class of crimes.
Yeah, like, I get that impersonating a police officer could be argued to be "free speech," but used improperly, it can clearly cause measurable harm. Claiming you have a medal when you don't, well, it's hard to identify a victim unless you defraud someone, in which case you'd probably be nailed by fraud laws on the books already. Are awarded medals a matter of public record? I guess I would hope that I can just look up and see if someone has actually received a medal.
On balance, comparing the negligible infringement on free speech vs. the negligible harm on anyone else, I'd side with free speech, esp. if medals are an easily verifiable public record.