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Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity

09-18-2010 , 12:32 AM
I sorta agree with much of what Jonaspublius wrote, though would phrase it less emphatically and seriously, if that makes any sense.

But could you explain the bit where you say, "so I logged off already and started my speech for the event?"

What speech? Who are you and do you have a prearranged role in the Stewart/Colbert rally?
09-18-2010 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by Autocratic
I'll put $50 on Stars OR FTP that it's 7k+.

How you like me now, iron?!?
I put $50 on 10k if this goes down. I'm far from a liberal myself, but if I was in the area I would probably check this stuff out myself. For a popular TV-personality like Stewart (or some Jewish name ), getting mote than 10k for an event in DC should be a breeze. He could probably get 5k+ in any middle sized collegetown in the MidWest.
09-18-2010 , 01:15 AM
KING: I think you're a Democrat, Jon.

STEWART: I think that's probably correct. I think I would say I'm more of a socialist or an independent but, yes, I mean, no one would ever I think watching our show think that, boy, that guy is just leaning so far right.
09-18-2010 , 01:17 AM
09-18-2010 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
KING: I think you're a Democrat, Jon.

STEWART: I think that's probably correct. I think I would say I'm more of a socialist or an independent but, yes, I mean, no one would ever I think watching our show think that, boy, that guy is just leaning so far right.
Nick, thank you for bolding the word socialist.

It negates all of the other statements, positions, and attitudes he's expressed over the years that strongly suggest he's a moderate, mixed-bag, sorta left-leaning on some issues, sorta libertarian on others, maybe conservative on a few type of independent, non-partisan fellow.

And I used to think that his own political self-identification was not really that important in itself, compared to the tremendous work and salutary cultural impact on media complacency and partisan hackery he and his colleagues have achieved through TDS for the last decade.

But now that you've bolded the word socialist like that?

I have seen the light, Nick.

Well played, you deeply thoughtful individual, you.
09-18-2010 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by Wynton

It's a real event, and while obviously meant to be funny, there's a real point: the discourse in this country is dominated by the small minority of vocal wingnuts who have more time than the rest of us.

This may not belong in this discussion but who exactly are the wingnuts? On the right is it tea party people, Newt, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck??

On the left who is it Nancy Pelosi, Alan Grayson, Maddow, Obama?

I do not think any of these people are wingnuts fwiw.
09-18-2010 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
This may not belong in this discussion but who exactly are the wingnuts? On the right is it tea party people, Newt, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck??

On the left who is it Nancy Pelosi, Alan Grayson, Maddow, Obama?

I do not think any of these people are wingnuts fwiw.
All the people you just listed are power hungry fame whores. They're not wingnnuts.

The wings nuts are a good chunk of the Tea Party, the far lefties, the truthers, the hard core social conservatives, etc
09-18-2010 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by Wynton
I think this might be interesting enough to warrant its own thread.

Last night, Jon Stewart announced his Rally to Restore Sanity
Should call it what it is, Rally to Sit Down and Shut Up.
09-18-2010 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
Funny how drawing the President up like Hitler became such a horribly offensive, extremist thing to do about Jan 2009.

Dumb thing to do before and after.
09-18-2010 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by CharlieDontSurf
All the people you just listed are power hungry fame whores. They're not wingnnuts.

The wings nuts are a good chunk of the Tea Party, the far lefties, the truthers, the hard core social conservatives, etc
Maddow and Beck do not come across as nut cases to you?
09-18-2010 , 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by JohnWilkes
Maddow and Beck do not come across as nut cases to you?
they don't even believe in half the crap they are selling...well Maddow tends to at least attempt a rational argument even if her side is maybe she believes more. But Glen Beck is like 90% bull****.
09-18-2010 , 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
KING: I think you're a Democrat, Jon.

STEWART: I think that's probably correct. I think I would say I'm more of a socialist or an independent but, yes, I mean, no one would ever I think watching our show think that, boy, that guy is just leaning so far right.
incomprehensible fail

via Occam's razor:

incredible gimmick

wp sir
09-18-2010 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by pokerbobo
lol.... maybe 45 years ago

Its very lol to think that the main stream of both parties is anything other than centrist imo.

Neither party is radically at the left or right ainec.
09-18-2010 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
KING: I think you're a Democrat, Jon.

STEWART: I think that's probably correct. I think I would say I'm more of a socialist or an independent but, yes, I mean, no one would ever I think watching our show think that, boy, that guy is just leaning so far right.
Do you have any older quotes you want to include for no reason whatsoever?
09-18-2010 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Do you have any older quotes you want to include for no reason whatsoever?
Didn't you read it? He said he's something of a socialist!!!! Rarrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!!!!
09-18-2010 , 02:27 PM
09-18-2010 , 03:12 PM

Keep our highways FREE! As Adam Smith intended.
09-18-2010 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by STA654

Keep our highways FREE! As Adam Smith intended.
I wonder when the private market is going to enter the highway building business.
09-18-2010 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by roueful
I wonder when the private market is going to enter the highway building business.
You mean take it back?
09-19-2010 , 01:45 PM
So much fail ITT about Stewart. Does he have opinions, yes. But what is his main reason for his show and his life in make people laugh. He really doesn't care where the inspiration for the joke comes from, as long as it doesn't stink. Politics has been a windfall for his style, plenty of material on both sides, the bonus has been the over the top pundits, again on both sides. Even when his interview is not focussed on humor, its either a gesture or subtle comment that brings the comedy aspect back.
09-19-2010 , 02:18 PM
But what is his main reason for his show and his life in make people laugh.
09-19-2010 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by lagdonk
I sorta agree with much of what Jonaspublius wrote, though would phrase it less emphatically and seriously, if that makes any sense.

But could you explain the bit where you say, "so I logged off already and started my speech for the event?"

What speech? Who are you and do you have a prearranged role in the Stewart/Colbert rally?
No I just like to write things, and I needed tiltvent, so I wrote the speech I would give if I got to give one there.
09-20-2010 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Oh god please let them pull in more people than Glenn Beck.
I don't think this will happen...
I can see spending a $1000 for a trip to DC for a political rally our country's loss of liberty to an out-of-control govt that is spending us to bankruptcy...

But I can't see forking out $1000 to indulge a comedian's PR stunt...
But this is a strange world so everything is possible.
09-20-2010 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Losing all
Yes he was brutal to Obama, that one time a few months ago. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure they cut to 90 or so seconds of "look what racist crazy idiots Beck/Fox are" before the first break. He tore Obama a new one to be sure but couldn't even end the segment on that note.

Anyways, I like the show the way it is even though his politics bug me. My original point was that I was suprised he lumped all the crazies together.
I don't think mocking Glenn Beck and Fox is particularly partisan. The show has always mocked the media. The show is a mockery of news and media. so naturally its going to mock Fox and the likes of Glenn Beck more often... the network is a joke creating fodder for comics.
09-20-2010 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Felix_Nietzsche
I don't think this will happen...
I can see spending a $1000 for a trip to DC for a political rally our country's loss of liberty to an out-of-control govt that is spending us to bankruptcy...

But I can't see forking out $1000 to indulge a comedian's PR stunt...
But this is a strange world so everything is possible.
Of the 6 million people who live in the DC metro area, FAR more of them will identify with JS than Beck or Palin. Then you have the multiple millions within an hours drive, and even more who may use this as the impetus to visit DC for the weekend.

I'm not 100% sure how this will turn out, but I can see it getting kind of big since I feel plenty of people will go just to hear Stewart and Colbert speak and do their comedic bit.
