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Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity

10-29-2010 , 11:49 AM
I thought the inteview was great. Obama came off as a really engaging and intelligent person. Really reminded me why I supported him oh way back when in early 2004. It was nice to see him acknowledge some of the sad realities of politics, he seemed quite honest and was able to spin his two years and as being successful. Which, from the democrat perspective, they were imo.
10-29-2010 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
There was nothing special about the interview.
Apparently you see a lot of intimate conversations with sitting presidents that I don't which makes this one commonplace to you. I'm not so blessed so it seemed special to me.

of course, between you and me, I would have known this was your answer before the interview even took place.

Steward's entire line of questioning was why did you not go further left.
Perhaps if seen through your fox blinders you could describe it that way. I doubt 99.5% of the people who saw it would describe it that way.

He did not bring up any of the concerns that most of the country has.
Really? The economy... healthcare... You're right. No one cares about that stuff. Do you laugh when you post this stuff?

Obama did not look presidential he looked weak and defeated.
again... I think it was a certainty that this would be how you see it regardless of how he appeared to anyone else. Its pretty meaningless since its a given this is how you'd feel no matter what.

At least during a debate you get to hear both sides
Both sides? Its an interview. Frankly, the presidential debates always suck because hardly anyone answers the question at hand and there's no give and take between moderator and candidates. This felt a little deeper then the shallow BS answers you tend to get during the big debates.
10-29-2010 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Stewart is not a liberal news pundit. However if he was he would be the best.

If you watched that Obama interview and thought it was a "yay Democrats" advertisement you werent even remotely paying attention.

As for the apolitical nature of the Rally to Restore Sanity, Glenn Beck's one was also claimed apolitical and it had right wing representation there.

Whilst there will be a bit of left leaning due to the fact the organisers are left leaning the rally does not appear to directly be the Democrat call to arms that the party wishes it would be with the election round the corner.
I think people are forgetting that it is primarily an entertainment event.

Also- it is funny that "let's be nice and listen to each other" and "we can work together" is political.
10-29-2010 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
Also- it is funny that "let's be nice and listen to each other" and "we can work together" is political.
Where is he or they listening or working with any republicans or any people on the right?
10-29-2010 , 12:56 PM
The right wingers got plenty of face time on the rally bus. Watch the clip above.
10-29-2010 , 12:58 PM
@Nick: For starters, take a look at this. I am sure you are able to find part 3 on your own.

Originally Posted by goofyballer
For those of you that don't watch the show regularly, they've had a hilarious segment this week about picking up 5 or 6 people of different backgrounds from around the South (including a token conservative who is also hot), putting them on a bus to DC for the rally, and documenting the trip. Part 2 is amazing.

Part 1
Part 2
After that you might want to take a look at the Eric Cantor interview:
Part 1
Part 2

If you don't consider that "listening to" I don't know what you expect. If he doesn't agree with someone, of course he is going to argue.
10-29-2010 , 01:31 PM
meh i think stewart basically threw obama a bunch of softballs for him to answer. yeah they were slightly critical but he didn't press him at all on the bush state secret stuff, wars, etc.

also the republican chick in the video was hot.
10-29-2010 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
I thought the inteview was great. Obama came off as a really engaging and intelligent person. Really reminded me why I supported him oh way back when in early 2004. It was nice to see him acknowledge some of the sad realities of politics, he seemed quite honest and was able to spin his two years and as being successful. Which, from the democrat perspective, they were imo.
I liked the interview as well. Stewart was definitely a sympathetic interviewer, but it was still very interesting to see. And agree or disagree, I think Obama was impressive.
10-29-2010 , 01:54 PM
If the rally fails, will it be known across the Foxiverse as Steward's Folly?
10-29-2010 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
Where is he or they listening or working with any republicans or any people on the right?
Working with?

If you watch the shows with any regularlity you'd know that republicans appear on the show on a regular basis whenever they're promoting books (which is usually when any politician comes on) Bill O'Reilly is also a repeat guest on both shows and they seem to have a good repoire.
10-29-2010 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Effen
If the rally fails, will it be known across the Foxiverse as Steward's Folly?
I dont know if you asked this only to make the joke, but how do you think the rally can fail?

It is going to have a "few thousand" people there live, probably a million viewers live on Comedy Central and with the central theme of not caring what the results are in the election its not like they can fail to drum up support for something.
10-29-2010 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
Working with?

If you watch the shows with any regularlity you'd know that republicans appear on the show on a regular basis whenever they're promoting books (which is usually when any politician comes on) Bill O'Reilly is also a repeat guest on both shows and they seem to have a good repoire.
He did invite Bill to rally.
10-29-2010 , 02:32 PM
Is anyone from this forum actually going to Steward's million hipster march?

In irony we trust

Last edited by nick_van_exel; 10-29-2010 at 02:37 PM.
10-29-2010 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
Is anyone from this forum actually going to Steward's million hipster march?
Who is Steward?
10-29-2010 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by MelchyBeau
Who is Steward?
I'd bet money that it's a funny joke with the freepers.
10-29-2010 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
Is anyone from this forum actually going to Steward's million hipster march?

In irony we trust
They're both selling t-shirts! It's like they're exactly the same rally!!!!!!

Also, I love how the author is trying to paint Stewart as the opiate of the masses, and this rally as more of a rally for the WAAF party instead of "I disagree with you, but you're probably not Hitler" type. Politeness is not the same thing as apathy.
10-29-2010 , 02:55 PM
The thing I dislike about this rally is it really seems to say "disagree with government and you are insane".

Obviously there is a good value in mocking ******s who protest stupidly with all the Hitler references (on both sides). Strange that when Bush was being called Hitler, there was no call to sanity, though. I would have enjoyed some consistency in that regard. There are plenty of idiotic protesters from all positions.
10-29-2010 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
I dont know if you asked this only to make the joke, but how do you think the rally can fail?
If the 250,000 from the internet that said they were coming don't show up, it's a failure.
10-29-2010 , 03:28 PM
Yeah 150k would just be a dismal failure for a comedy/fake news show to rally on the national mall.
10-29-2010 , 03:36 PM
I mean, ****, that's merely double what a srs biz commentator could pull.
10-29-2010 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Barcalounger
I'd bet money that it's a funny joke with the freepers.
huh? I kind of forgot about freepers. I take it that site is still going?
10-29-2010 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
The thing I dislike about this rally is it really seems to say "disagree with government and you are insane".
I don't agree that this is what it seems to say. Nor have I heard anyone else suggest anything remotely like that. The show itself is regularly critical of the government so its certainly not their message.


Obviously there is a good value in mocking ******s who protest stupidly with all the Hitler references (on both sides). Strange that when Bush was being called Hitler, there was no call to sanity, though.
Stewart has called out everyone for calling people hitler. I think there's a distinct difference in the political climate (and weirdness) then during the Bush years.
10-29-2010 , 03:55 PM
I originally thought the rally would be a big pro Obama left wing counter rally to the tea party groups.

However, after watching the Obama interview on the DS and the resulting coverage afterwards I'm not so sure. The interview was not helpful for Obama (hugely successful for Stewart though). When news outlets from MSNBC to FOX uniformly agree that the performance from Obama was a net negative its hard to argue.

There is a fine line between being part of the joke and being the punchline of the joke. It looked to me like Obama was very close to being laughed AT multiple times.
10-29-2010 , 03:58 PM
Stewart is pretty hard on democrats. But it's usually in the "why do you keep screwing up?" vein. Vs republicans who mostly get "what is wrong with you?".
10-29-2010 , 04:15 PM
You probably arent a TDS viewer, but if you were you would realise this:

The thing I dislike about this rally is it really seems to say "disagree with government and you are insane".
is pretty close to the opposite of what JS's show actually does. Let alone the fact that he grilled Obama pretty well for a guy who isnt a news pundit.
