Originally Posted by ikestoys
Its right there philliam jeezus.
Lets see shall we:
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib View Post
You are so stupid it's almost beyond words.
So far no mention of age disparity, lets search on
It is so cute that you don't understand the data there and think it supports you.
But yes, you're the one who said women tend to marry men who make more money than them
Nope, not there yet, must be later in the post
and that women tend to prefer men with power who can offer financial security.
Hmm, we are running out of post, must be here in the next line?
You're using code words to call women gold diggers. It's not hard to get your meaning. Because, as stated above, you are extremely idiotic.
Oh, right, nope, no mention of age disparity whatsoever.