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And so it begins (Iran - US precursors to war) And so it begins (Iran - US precursors to war)

01-03-2012 , 03:19 PM
I suppose until Fox News covers it (which I am assuming you could not uncover) it can't be too super serious.. yet, anyways.
01-03-2012 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Something is missing.
01-03-2012 , 03:35 PM
This is a civil case, requiring only a "preponderance of evidence" as opposed to a criminal case, which would require evidence "beyond a reasonable doubt", a much higher bar.

As such, this finding does not establish a pretext for war with Iran.

And it also appears to be a default judgment, meaning no defense was offered, and I doubt any judgment will be paid by Iran.

The lawsuit appears to be mainly symbolic for the families of 9/11 victims.

Was Iran involved? Idk, I haven't followed this case or the evidence, but the judge seems to think possibly so. My guess is that Iran might have funded/supported Al Qaeda over the years to undermine first Russia's and then the USA's involvement in neighboring states of Afghanistan and Pakistan. That's not so hard to believe.
01-03-2012 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by ShttsWeak
Ok, so I read the first five pages. They sued everybody and anybody they possibly could with a shotgun lawsuit. They got a default judgement because none of the defendants showed up (ldo).

This is textbook ambulance chaser strategy, with predictable results.

Is there anything else to this or can I safely go back to not caring?

Last edited by zikzak; 01-03-2012 at 03:41 PM. Reason: hate my pony
01-03-2012 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Ok, so I read the first five pages. They sued everybody and anybody they possibly could with a shotgun lawsuit. They got a default judgement because none of the defendants showed up (ldo).

This is textbook ambulance chaser strategy, with predictable results.

Is there anything else to this or can I safely go back to not caring?
You can go back to not caring... Just realize that politicians/MSM voices can (and will) now say Iran was responsible for 9/11.
01-03-2012 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by ShttsWeak
You can go back to not caring... Just realize that politicians/MSM voices can (and will) now say Iran was responsible for 9/11.
You're probably right, but I will fight that battle when it comes.
01-03-2012 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Klinker
This is a civil case, requiring only a "preponderance of evidence" as opposed to a criminal case, which would require evidence "beyond a reasonable doubt", a much higher bar.

As such, this finding does not establish a pretext for war with Iran.

And it also appears to be a default judgment, meaning no defense was offered, and I doubt any judgment will be paid by Iran.
What about billions in already frozen iranian assets
01-03-2012 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by ShttsWeak
What about billions in already frozen iranian assets
True enough.

Lawyers are a clever and tricky breed.
01-03-2012 , 07:34 PM
US warns Iran not to close Hormuz Strait
01-04-2012 , 09:11 AM
Has anyone said this whole war is bull**** yet? Sorry tl;dr

Just seems so clear that Israel can defend itself and can take Iran off the map any time it wants to. Don't see any need for US involvement at all.
01-04-2012 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by sterlinguini
Has anyone said this whole war is bull**** yet? Sorry tl;dr

Just seems so clear that Israel can defend itself and can take Iran off the map any time it wants to. Don't see any need for US involvement at all.
I was watching a year-old Greenwald clip today from MSNBC and he makes a couple very good points that are still relevant.

1) Iran is not known to be suicidal, as they would have to be to nuke Israel and Israel has the power to wipe them off the planet in minutes.

2) The quote that is often touted from Ajcantspellitofthetopofmyhead about "wiping Israel off the face of the Earth" is most likely badly interpreted/taken out of context as meaning that he does not recognize their right to exist as a state, not that they want to nuke the living hell out of them ASAP.
01-04-2012 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by FourFins
I was watching a year-old Greenwald clip today from MSNBC and he makes a couple very good points that are still relevant.

1) Iran is not known to be suicidal, as they would have to be to nuke Israel and Israel has the power to wipe them off the planet in minutes.

2) The quote that is often touted from Ajcantspellitofthetopofmyhead about "wiping Israel off the face of the Earth" is most likely badly interpreted/taken out of context as meaning that he does not recognize their right to exist as a state, not that they want to nuke the living hell out of them ASAP.
Regarding the "wiped off the map" rumor.
The translation was a complete lie.

Persian doesn't have the idiom "wiped off the map."
Even more egregiously, Ahmadinejad didn't say "Israel" - he specifically said "the regime in Israel."
Here is proof - here is the offending quote:
دارد محاكمه مى شود و امام عزيز ما فرمودند كه اين رژيم اشغالگر قدس بايد از صفحه روزگار محو شود.
The bold word is "rezhim-e." (pronounced almost identical to the English word)
(Google translate the bold word if you need a confirmation.). It says the "occupying regime in Israel" - NOT Israel.

(source: transcript from Wayback Link (found in Wiki's citations) )

A more accurate translation is "the regime in Israel must vanish from the page of time." (some people debate whether it should be vanish or "wiped away" - I think the worst case scenario is still doesn't support the popular translation)

Claiming this has anything to do with a nuclear holocaust is despicable.
Yes, everyone knows the Iranian regime is very nasty - but the translation quoted by the mainstream media, the political elite, and the current Republican candidates is a total lie.
01-04-2012 , 08:50 PM
It's the same thing they did with Bin Laden tapes. Use the most liberal translation to get to the conclusion you want. It's the same story over and over and voer and people just continue to believe it lol. Tragic and hilarious kind of.

Only people who think authority > truth rather than truth > authority blindly believe this stuff. The government says its true? Oh well it must be and if you think for yourself, you're a traitor. Completely perverted, but that's what's going on.

It makes sense actually. The people at the top already completely own the poor--they are on welfare/dependent on government/have to do whatever government says--and now they're putting the squeeze on the middle class--either you're with us/believe whatever we say, or you're against us/traitor.

Total domination. Who's left to dissent after that? If you're capable of putting the pieces together where can you go? You can only band together with other like-minded middle classers and then BOOM you get labeled a homegrown terrorist.

It's brilliant and unless you realize what's going on you'll either already be owned, or find yourself making ******ed excuses for acquiescing--denying the truth, fear of being ridiculed, not wanting to be hassled... It's called mind control as in if you don't control your own mind, the government will gladly do so for you... and profit from your deferral to their authority while treating you like a pawn in the process.
01-06-2012 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by zzzed
It's the same thing they did with Bin Laden tapes. Use the most liberal translation to get to the conclusion you want. It's the same story over and over and voer and people just continue to believe it lol. Tragic and hilarious kind of.

Only people who think authority > truth rather than truth > authority blindly believe this stuff. The government says its true? Oh well it must be and if you think for yourself, you're a traitor. Completely perverted, but that's what's going on.

It makes sense actually. The people at the top already completely own the poor--they are on welfare/dependent on government/have to do whatever government says--and now they're putting the squeeze on the middle class--either you're with us/believe whatever we say, or you're against us/traitor.

Total domination. Who's left to dissent after that? If you're capable of putting the pieces together where can you go? You can only band together with other like-minded middle classers and then BOOM you get labeled a homegrown terrorist.

It's brilliant and unless you realize what's going on you'll either already be owned, or find yourself making ******ed excuses for acquiescing--denying the truth, fear of being ridiculed, not wanting to be hassled... It's called mind control as in if you don't control your own mind, the government will gladly do so for you... and profit from your deferral to their authority while treating you like a pawn in the process.
I love you.

Exactly right.

How unconcious is our society? Why do we blindly believe everything we are told? Why do we believe a media that is owned by five individuals. Do you really think it's impossible for these people to be corrupt, or to have a sinister agenda?

Do you think Iran is a threat? Why?

Because the IAEA report said that Iran 'might' be trying to build a weapon?

The ex-head of this organisation said that the report was complete bull**** and that it was politically motivated, with most of its information coming from Israel.

People need to wake up. Russia and China have said that if you mess with Iran, you mess with them. Thus, a war on Iran is WW3.

Do you think that will make you more safe than a possible nuclear Iran?

I'm not anti-semitic, but i am anti-zionist, and people have to wake up. This country has been taken over by zionists.

The jewish population makes up 3% of America, and a very small % of them would be zionist, yet the political arena is made up of almost 30% of zionists...

Do you really think these people are putting our interests before Israel's?

Research these issues. You people seem to have the ability to research (see FullTilt scandal) so how about you put that ability to use on a issue that actually matters, rather than worrying about your $200 bankroll that is locked on FullTilt.
01-06-2012 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by Semtex

sadly people will buy it because it's in the media (and they're dumb).

01-06-2012 , 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by bchap
The ex-head of this organisation said that the report was complete bull**** and that it was politically motivated, with most of its information coming from Israel.

People need to wake up. Russia and China have said that if you mess with Iran, you mess with them. Thus, a war on Iran is WW3.

Do you think that will make you more safe than a possible nuclear Iran?

I'm not anti-semitic, but i am anti-zionist, and people have to wake up. This country has been taken over by zionists.

The jewish population makes up 3% of America, and a very small % of them would be zionist, yet the political arena is made up of almost 30% of zionists...

Do you really think these people are putting our interests before Israel's?

Research these issues. You people seem to have the ability to research (see FullTilt scandal) so how about you put that ability to use on a issue that actually matters, rather than worrying about your $200 bankroll that is locked on FullTilt.
So much fail in this post.

Try and look at issues without your conspiracy theory glasses on and understand that there are more nuanced and subtle issues involved.
01-06-2012 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon
so, like this Iranian ship was being held by pirates, during Iran's
saber-rattling navy excercise?
I concur, lolol. Bunch of f***ups.
01-06-2012 , 07:34 PM
Meh, now being reported as an Iranian fishing boat not Iranian navy.
01-06-2012 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon
Meh, now being reported as an Iranian fishing boat not Iranian navy.
still, in principle, they weren't protecting their fishing fleet?
01-06-2012 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by Semtex
In another thread there's lots of complaining that Democrat judicial nominees aren't getting approved. I guess they overlook the quality of the people that the Democrats are trying to push through.

Here's excerpts from the biography of the judge who made this decision.

In 1989, Judge Daniels was appointed a Judge of the Criminal Court of the City of New York by Mayor Edward Koch. In 1990, Judge Daniels stepped down from the bench to serve as Counsel to the Mayor o the City of New York, David Dinkins. In 1993, Judge Daniels was re-appointed a Judge of the Criminal Court of the City of New York by Mayor Dinkins. In 1995, Judge Daniels was elected a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York.

Daniels was nominated by President Bill Clinton on August 5, 1999
01-09-2012 , 03:05 PM
Interesting to see the contrast between that Washington Post article and the RT one.

Also has Iranian citizenship and has 20 days to appeal.

Also includes this quote:

Fars [news agency] then reported Hekmati repeated his confession in court on December 27, saying "I was deceived by the CIA. Although I was appointed to break into Iran's intelligence systems and act as a new source for the CIA, I had no intention of undermining the country."
01-09-2012 , 09:08 PM
Not propaganda, it's an unfortunate reality in both cases.
