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Slavery reparations sought in first Black Lives Matter agenda Slavery reparations sought in first Black Lives Matter agenda

08-08-2016 , 11:40 PM
After reading this, the only way this would be done fairly is if whomever wants to volunteer donating more tax dollars into a fund should do this.
08-08-2016 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
big difference from fishing and being given fish. plus most of the rich people are the ones creating value in society.

some taxation is necessary for government, taxing the rich 40%+ just because you can is not, that is shameless stealing
Pretty sure some rich kids get fish given to them...
08-08-2016 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Pretty sure some rich kids get fish given to them...
You must have missed it, but BB is all over that ****. He was very clear that by the time of the rich kids' kids, the rich kids' kids aren't any better off than average, so really, the rich kids, who, thanks to the inheritance, were considerably richer than average, should have actually just rejected the inheritance and started off at average, where they would have been better off in the long run.
08-08-2016 , 11:50 PM
Yeah... If its better to fish then be given fish the right thing to do would to start everyone off on an equal playing field.
08-08-2016 , 11:59 PM
Some people get free furniture.
Some people get Bubonic Plague.
08-09-2016 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by businessdude
is your goal not to track down all wealth created due to unfair financial practices with slaves?
My point is that while sure, we can't track everything... some things, trillions and trillions of $$$$ worth of things, are very easily tracked. Also, those things that happen to be capital goods are still, to this very day, generating profits due to slavery.
08-09-2016 , 12:22 AM
Don't know why we shouldn't also ban people who aren't black and weren't around during slavery or Jim Crow etc from using things that were created or were subsequently built on slave and virtually slave labor, allow any houses to be sold that were built or sold during the red lining periods and invalidate any educational degrees from when minorities were shoved poor performing schools since all those people are unjustly using proceedes from stolen labor.

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 08-09-2016 at 12:28 AM.
08-09-2016 , 12:31 AM
If you want a race war and make it even more about black vs white, go ahead and do that.

Don't see how how you actually make your country move forward by trying to demonize one group of people to prop up another.
08-09-2016 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
If you want a race war and make it even more about black vs white, go ahead and do that.

Don't see how how you actually make your country move forward by trying to demonize one group of people to prop up another.
They're just trolling.
08-09-2016 , 02:33 AM
Yeah, I don't want my federal tax dollars used to support the red states operating on a deficit that I know these people are from.
08-09-2016 , 02:34 AM
You people are children.
08-09-2016 , 02:35 AM
The reason I am against reparations is because I think the vast majority who receive them would just blow the money and then be just as bad off as they are today after a couple of months, then demand more (this goes for everyone, it is not race-specific, the average white-person would be just as bad with the money).

Instead of reparations to individuals, I think that money needs to be focused on improving education, but only if we can figure out a way to do that effectively. The current education system is not working and improving it is the key to long-term progress.

Last edited by Shoe; 08-09-2016 at 02:43 AM.
08-09-2016 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
You can't make this shiz up.
Bitchibee is obv trolling though, right?

Unfortunately the same can't be said for these other all-stars.
08-09-2016 , 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by Shoe
The reason I am against reparations is because I think the vast majority who receive them would just blow the money and then be just as bad off as they are today after a couple of months, then demand more (this goes for everyone, it is not race-specific, the average poor, rural white-person would be just as bad with the money).

I think that money needs to be focused on education, but only if we can figure out a way to do that effectively. The current education system is not working.
I hope a black family makes you their slave.
08-09-2016 , 02:40 AM
08-09-2016 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by 5ive
That is what the average person (of any race) would do if given a bunch of money. Very few would actually spend it wisely. The average American (of any race) is not good with money.
08-09-2016 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by 5ive
I hope a black family makes you their slave.
Wow that is really racist.
08-09-2016 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by Shoe
That is what the average person (of any race) would do if given a bunch of money. Very few would actually spend it wisely. The average American (of any race) is not good with money.
Give me an example of wise spending.
08-09-2016 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by 5ive
Give me an example of wise spending.
I make sure I max out my Roth IRA every year ($5,500) each year into the stock market to provide for my retirement. If you are spending on clothes or vacations before that, I don't think you are spending wisely.

I have sacrificed a lot of food/clothes/vacations to make sure I will have money in the future. Less than 5% of people who receive a windfall spend it wisely.
08-09-2016 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by Shoe
Wow that is really racist.
By stereotyping the average black family as having a slaver mentality? I don't think EVERY black family would, I just hope one does enslave you. Maybe they'll take Tien and flop artist and Dowie too so you can have company.
08-09-2016 , 02:55 AM
Originally Posted by 5ive
By stereotyping the average black family as having a slaver mentality? I don't think EVERY black family would, I just hope one does enslave you. Maybe they'll take Tien and flop artist and Dowie too so you can have company.
I have no idea what this means, and I don't think I stereotyped anyone. But if you would like to explain further I am all ears. I thought everything I said was not race-specific but I could very well have been wrong about something, in which case, please educate me.
08-09-2016 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by Shoe
I make sure I max out my Roth IRA every year ($5,500) each year into the stock market to provide for my retirement. If you are spending on clothes or vacations before that, I don't think you are spending wisely.

I have sacrificed a lot of food/clothes/vacations to make sure I will have money in the future. Less than 5% of people who receive a windfall spend it wisely.
goddamned unicorn itt
08-09-2016 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by Shoe
I have no idea what this means, and I don't think I stereotyped anyone. But if you would like to explain further I am all ears. I thought everything I said was not race-specific but I could very well have been wrong about something, in which case, please educate me.
I meant you called me racist for saying I hope you're enslaved, and I was wondering what made that statement racist.
08-09-2016 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by Shoe
I make sure I max out my Roth IRA every year ($5,500) each year into the stock market to provide for my retirement. If you are spending on clothes or vacations before that, I don't think you are spending wisely.

I have sacrificed a lot of food/clothes/vacations to make sure I will have money in the future. Less than 5% of people who receive a windfall spend it wisely.
Originally Posted by 5ive
goddamned unicorn itt
Note I didn't mention vacations. How many suits do you own?
08-09-2016 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by 5ive
goddamned unicorn itt
Whatever that means. Say every black family in America is given $50,000 tomorrow. How many do you think will spend that money wisely? How many would be just as broke as today within a year from now and not any better off? It's probably pretty similar to lottery winners. I'd say over 90%, just like I'd say over 90% of white families would be as well.

I still think investing in education would be better as that is the only way to really bring people out of poverty long-term.

Last edited by Shoe; 08-09-2016 at 03:19 AM.
