Originally Posted by mutigers5591
no way joe public would have anywhere near enough information to make an informed decision aboue this..foreign policy tough to accurately evaluate without access to tons of intelligence reports one would think
How much information does one need? I would think we could piece together just by news reports that responding to Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor may be required.
I suppose I'm just imagining situations where there are credible threats, as opposed to wars of choice.
Originally Posted by LirvA
I'm an ACist, not a libertarian, so that probably skews my response a bit. But what we have now is certainly not market based imo. Market based would see multiple firms competing to defend us militarily. As is, there's just one, and it has a full fledged monopoly.
Yes, there's just one, but it is not a draft. People have a choice of joining voluntarily, or if the money and benefits aren't high enough, not joining. That is what I mean when I say it is pretty much market-based.
As noted by 2/325Falcon, this is wrong.
Apologies, lousy iPad ate the header of these quote tags.
Has this info been posted here before already? (on the forums, I mean. I ask because I've seen a lot of people accepting assertions at face value lately that are proven wrong with little effort later)
As noted by seattlelou, people like wars--especially since very few of them (or their close relations) will be fighting anyway. This quote also comes to mind. The speaker is Herman Goering, his interlocutor Gustave Gilbert.
I'm not saying this sort of thing wouldn't be attempted, but with a free press the chances of it happening are diminished. (and I say that as someone who thought the media was failing in the run up to the Iraq war)